POSITION = 1 CASE ID:2014CP1007655 DATE FILED:12/16/2014 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:06/06/2020 Eugene H Walpole VS Charleston County School District , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Use 370 or 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Barnes, William Franklin (803) 943-4529 AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Davidson, William H. (803) 806-8222 AT FOR DF Jefferson, Meliah Bowers (864) 242-8233 AT FOR DF Lightsey, Wallace K. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (864) 242-8207 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Clayton, Kevin NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 2 CASE ID:2015CP1002389 DATE FILED:04/27/2015 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/10/2019 A E P III , plaintiff, et al VS Charleston County School District , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Use 370 or 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Davidson, William H. (803) 806-8222 AT FOR DF Mauldin, Brian Craig AT FOR DF Pro Se Axxis Consulting Company, (404) 431-9996 AT FOR DF Pro Se Clayton, Kevin AT FOR DF Pro Se Clayton, Kevin NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 3 CASE ID:2016CP1005440 DATE FILED:10/13/2016 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/20/2024 Darius Nwokike VS Charleston County School District , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Davidson, William H. (803) 806-8222 AT FOR DF Mauldin, Brian Craig NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 4 CASE ID:2017CP1004820 DATE FILED:09/21/2017 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2025 Sarah Sharper , plaintiff, et al VS South Carolina State of The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL McCarty, Ivon Keith (843) 793-1272 AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Adams, Hunter Weston (803) 771-4400 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan J. (843) 576-2070 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Boguski, Christopher Lee (803) 255-8027 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Condon, E. Elliot 04/11/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-4496 AT FOR DF Ferderigos, Phillip S. (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Knicely, Jonathan Mark (803) 255-9593 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Martin, Curtis Brent (843) 696-5225 AT FOR DF McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR DF Norton, Erik Tison 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 298-2103 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Walsh, Courtney E. 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 227-1126 AT FOR DF White, Megan C (843) 377-4090 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 5 CASE ID:2018CP1004377 DATE FILED:09/06/2018 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2025 Christine Nelson VS Medical University Hospital Authority CAUSE OF ACTION:Use Empl 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Gist, Donald (803) 771-8007 AT FOR PL McCrea, Erica Katherine AT FOR DF Conley, Bob J. (843) 577-9626 NOTES:03/31/2025 BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 6 CASE ID:2019CP1002268 DATE FILED:05/03/2019 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/01/2025 Holly Horton VS South Carolina Department of Transportation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Tedder, Deon Terrell (843) 727-6500 AT FOR DF Burns, Allison Marie (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Ferderigos, Phillip S. AT FOR DF Stoney, Randell Croft NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 7 CASE ID:2019CP1004668 DATE FILED:09/10/2019 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/03/2025 Jose De La Cruz , plaintiff, et al VS Jamie Villalpando , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Murdaugh, Steven Dean (843) 782-6070 AT FOR PL Murdaugh, Steven Matthew 02/17/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Belger, C. Brandon (843) 974-3962 AT FOR DF Huge, Theodore Harry (843) 805-8031 AT FOR DF Koontz, William Mark (843) 225-4252 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 8 CASE ID:2019CP1004807 DATE FILED:09/18/2019 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/15/2024 Susan Rhoden , plaintiff, et al VS Lennar Carolinas LLC , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Blundy, Amanda Morgan 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 867-6050 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/09/2025 - 05/13/2025 06/19/2025 - 07/02/2025 07/19/2025 - 07/26/2025 AT FOR PL Hills, James Lamb 04/02/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 449-4800 AT FOR PL Maull, English Hanahan (843) 867-6050 AT FOR PL Mullen, George E. (843) 785-6969 AT FOR PL Wylie, Robert L. 05/07/2025 - 05/12/2025 (843) 449-4800 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Aiken, Jefferson Boone 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 720-4475 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Castell, Rachel Maria (803) 420-7216 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Collins, William Ansel (803) 227-2206 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Daniel, Jackson H. (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Dean, Erin DuBose 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 524-1116 AT FOR DF Dennis, William Albert (843) 724-6625 AT FOR DF Dunlap, Kevin A. (864) 577-6370 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Flippin, Todd Russell 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (864) 594-5300 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Flowers, Jacob A (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF Giblin, Scott William 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (803) 782-4100 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Gunst, Robert Curtis (704) 827-3774 AT FOR DF Haldrup, Neil S. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Hammes, Roman Vincent 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 261-7026 AT FOR DF Helmly, Ransome Hayward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 884-0184 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Hendricks, Sonaly Kirkley (843) 722-7733 AT FOR DF Hughes, Stephen P. (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Lowndes, Arden Y. (843) 714-2507 AT FOR DF M Lusk, George Mckittrick (803) 960-4052 AT FOR DF Majkowski, Jessica Theo (920) 655-0703 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF McIntosh, Caroline Coward (843) 410-4719 AT FOR DF McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moon, Steven T. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 771-7900 AT FOR DF Norris, John Patrick Turner 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 714-2518 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF O'Neal, John Blanton (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF O'Neil, William Marshall (843) 577-1222 AT FOR DF Prevost, Claude Townsend 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Saunders, Abigail Edwards (843) 491-9770 AT FOR DF Shelley, Thomas McRoy (803) 771-7900 AT FOR DF Smith, Marcedes Kay (843) 615-3768 AT FOR DF Smith, Shana Sue (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Stair, Taylor Harrison (843) 727-2650 AT FOR DF Starr, Dominic Allen 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 848-6000 AT FOR DF Stubbs, Sidney Markey (803) 799-9091 AT FOR DF Umbarger, Joshua Hugh 03/26/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 727-2686 04/01/2025 - 04/02/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Varnado, Christine Companion 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 722-6777 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Wall, Christian Tyler (843) 367-8743 AT FOR DF White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Zeigler, Ty McMillan (803) 256-2660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 9 CASE ID:2020CP1002361 DATE FILED:05/28/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dana Gruszczinski , plaintiff, et al VS Michael W Prystowsky , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Cantwell, Joshua P. (843) 801-4104 AT FOR PL Hodge, James Camden (864) 585-3873 AT FOR PL Kazmierski, Janek Christopher (803) 790-2800 AT FOR PL Poulin, Eric Marc (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Arndt, Jonathan S. (843) 469-8777 AT FOR DF Batten, David H. (919) 247-0345 AT FOR DF Craig, Mary Agnes Hood 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-4435 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Epley, Erin H (919) 439-2221 AT FOR DF Gresh, Jack G 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 881-1022 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Gresh, Lauren Spears (843) 720-3478 AT FOR DF Magee, Lydia Lewis 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 443-3582 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Nutter, Jennifer Foulk (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Scalise, Marian Williams (843) 443-3581 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 10 CASE ID:2020CP1002481 DATE FILED:06/05/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/13/2022 Stefani Eddins VS Tall Sam I Am Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Liska, Michael E (859) 338-1863 AT FOR PL Maines, Justin D. (912) 200-5230 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Neinast, William Alexander (864) 751-7600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 11 CASE ID:2020CP1002909 DATE FILED:07/10/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/15/2025 Ursa Major Minor Llc VS Partick C Ilderton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Build Code Vio 460 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Smith, Steven L. (843) 760-0220 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 12 CASE ID:2020CP1003576 DATE FILED:08/17/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/27/2025 Robin Lehr VS Southern Spine Institute Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Bell, J. Edward (843) 546-2408 AT FOR PL Blake, Shaun C. (803) 256-1268 AT FOR PL Jackson, Philip Wesley (803) 978-2829 AT FOR PL Mann, Jenkins McMillan (803) 978-2831 AT FOR DF Hood, James Bernard (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Kern, Brian James (843) 577-1204 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 13 CASE ID:2020CP1003931 DATE FILED:09/02/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Royal Palms Property Owners Association Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Alpha Prime Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Blundy, Amanda Morgan 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 867-6050 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/09/2025 - 05/13/2025 06/19/2025 - 07/02/2025 07/19/2025 - 07/26/2025 AT FOR PL Hills, James Lamb 04/02/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 449-4800 AT FOR PL Maull, English Hanahan (843) 867-6050 AT FOR PL McCabe, Donald Ryan (803) 724-5005 AT FOR PL Thompson, Alicia E. (843) 444-1107 AT FOR PL Wylie, Robert L. 05/07/2025 - 05/12/2025 (843) 449-4800 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Aiken, Jefferson Boone 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 720-4475 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Butler, Sarah E. (843) 530-1100 AT FOR DF Castell, Rachel Maria (803) 420-7216 AT FOR DF Castles, Charles Guy (843) 576-2924 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Cox, William Hewitt (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Daniel, Jackson H. (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Davis, Jordan Chelsae (803) 898-3353 AT FOR DF Dawson, Katon Edwards (803) 253-6854 AT FOR DF Dean, Erin DuBose 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 524-1116 AT FOR DF DesChamps, William Green 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 727-2669 AT FOR DF Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Dunlap, Kevin A. (864) 577-6370 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Flippin, Todd Russell 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (864) 594-5300 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Flowers, Jacob A (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF Giblin, Scott William 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (803) 782-4100 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Gunst, Robert Curtis (704) 827-3774 AT FOR DF Haldrup, Neil S. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Hammes, Roman Vincent 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 261-7026 AT FOR DF Helmly, Ransome Hayward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 884-0184 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Hendricks, Sonaly Kirkley (843) 722-7733 AT FOR DF Hughes, Stephen P. (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Lowndes, Arden Y. (843) 714-2507 AT FOR DF Majkowski, Jessica Theo (920) 655-0703 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF McIntosh, Caroline Coward (843) 410-4719 AT FOR DF McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moon, Steven T. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 771-7900 AT FOR DF Norris, John Patrick Turner 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 714-2518 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF O'Neal, John Blanton (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF O'Neil, William Marshall (843) 577-1222 AT FOR DF Ornduff, M. Paige Chamberlain04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 414-8114 AT FOR DF Prevost, Claude Townsend 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Ribock, John Adam (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Rivera, Nicholas James 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-4000 05/29/2025 - 05/30/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Shelley, Thomas McRoy (803) 771-7900 AT FOR DF Smith, Shana Sue (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Stair, Taylor Harrison (843) 727-2650 AT FOR DF Stephens, Shanna Milcetich 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Stubbs, Sidney Markey (803) 799-9091 AT FOR DF Sweeny, William Oglesby (803) 553-2520 AT FOR DF Tanner, Kathryn Nicole (843) 577-1210 AT FOR DF Traynum, Kerry Link (704) 376-3030 AT FOR DF Treece, Connor Wayne (843) 442-8758 AT FOR DF Umbarger, Joshua Hugh 03/26/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 727-2686 04/01/2025 - 04/02/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Varnado, Christine Companion 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 722-6777 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Wegener, Danielle Beck 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 804-9800 AT FOR DF Werner, James Lynn (803) 255-8000 AT FOR DF White, Kirkley Gibson (843) 714-0517 AT FOR DF White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Zeigler, Ty McMillan (803) 256-2660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 14 CASE ID:2020CP1004076 DATE FILED:09/15/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/01/2023 Atlantic International Inc , plaintiff, et al VS 1537 Ben Sawyer Blvd Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 15 CASE ID:2020CP1004258 DATE FILED:09/25/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/12/2025 Michelle Alston VS Stanley Steemer International Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Marshall, Cameron Lee (843) 795-2298 AT FOR PL Zarif, Alec Nohad AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Grantland, John Martin 02/26/2025 - 04/27/2025 (803) 782-4100 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Hart, Catherine Ortmann (803) 212-6658 AT FOR DF Lyles, Jody Clinton (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 16 CASE ID:2020CP1004260 DATE FILED:09/28/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/15/2024 Merrill Benfield , plaintiff, et al VS Christopher S Pertgen , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Rosbrugh, Matthew B. (803) 753-1432 AT FOR DF Pro Se Jankowski, Terry AT FOR DF Pro Se Pertgen, Christopher S NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 17 CASE ID:2020CP1004342 DATE FILED:10/01/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2025 Marion Champaign , plaintiff, et al VS Taiwan Champaign Sr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Pro Se Champaign, Taiwan (254) 291-3100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 18 CASE ID:2020CP1004421 DATE FILED:10/08/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/17/2025 Kevin Mckittrick , plaintiff, et al VS Tennyson At Park West Association Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL O'Kelley, George Hamlin (843) 856-4488 AT FOR DF Barfield, Kenneth Michael (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Endemann, Michelle N (843) 936-5043 AT FOR DF Fishburne, John Barnwell (843) 908-1653 AT FOR DF Goffer, Taylor Kathleen (570) 780-3833 AT FOR DF Lindemann, Andrew F. (803) 881-8920 AT FOR DF Linton, Mary Kathleen (843) 400-0550 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Stratta, Jessica Wilds 03/01/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 19 CASE ID:2020CP1004992 DATE FILED:11/13/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/10/2025 Rene Dolder , plaintiff, et al VS Ford Motor Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Fudenberg, Brooks Roberts (843) 696-8911 AT FOR PL Moskos, C. Steven 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 763-5297 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Sammataro, Carmelo Barone (803) 227-4253 AT FOR DF Windham, Hunter Lawrence (843) 720-2044 AT FOR DF Wooten, Patrick Coleman NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 20 CASE ID:2020CP1005203 DATE FILED:11/24/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/14/2025 Colleen Mcnamara VS Food Lion Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Applegate, William E. (843) 972-0150 AT FOR PL Blankenship, Reynolds H. AT FOR PL Buckner, Perry McPherson AT FOR PL Dodds, John Joseph AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Coleman, Heather Koval 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 614-0007 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Joyner, James Alexander 03/26/2025 - 03/30/2025 (843) 737-6229 06/03/2025 - 06/10/2025 AT FOR DF Moffitt, Justin Matthew AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Wieters, Elizabeth 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Wieters, Elizabeth 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Wilkes, Michael B.T. (864) 591-2355 AT FOR DF Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 NOTES:04/14/2025 BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 21 CASE ID:2021CP1000094 DATE FILED:01/08/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Kenneth A Vann VS Robert Blackwell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Knowles, Brian Morris (843) 810-7596 AT FOR PL McCarty, Ivon Keith (843) 793-1272 AT FOR PL Turkewitz, Robert Marc (843) 628-7868 AT FOR DF Gresh, Jack G 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 881-1022 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 22 CASE ID:2021CP1000209 DATE FILED:01/19/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/13/2025 Margaret K Godfrey VS Tyler Casey Greene , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Moore, S. Jahue (803) 796-9160 AT FOR DF Lydon, Thomas E. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 227-2292 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 23 CASE ID:2021CP1000290 DATE FILED:01/22/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Dorothea Candelaria VS Virginia Von Dohlen CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Candelaria, Dorothea NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 24 CASE ID:2021CP1001244 DATE FILED:03/15/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/03/2025 Tiffany N Provence , plaintiff, et al VS Bmj Management Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Barnwell, Brian Montgomery (803) 978-6111 AT FOR PL Hayes, John Calvin (843) 805-7003 AT FOR PL Meola, Nina Elizabeth (603) 209-5588 AT FOR PL Protopapas, Peter Demos 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 978-6111 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Kelley, Ashley Kutz (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF McGann, Kyle David (803) 724-1751 AT FOR DF Shelbourne, Peter Brandt 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 871-2210 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Tillman, Matthew (843) 720-4629 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 25 CASE ID:2021CP1001665 DATE FILED:04/12/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2025 Rohri Cano VS Platinum Automotive Center Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Cano, Rohri AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 26 CASE ID:2021CP1001845 DATE FILED:04/21/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/21/2025 Saretha Lavarnway VS Pivotal Fitness Charleston West Ashley Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Bostic, Curtis E (843) 571-2525 AT FOR PL Drescher, D. Scott 04/11/2025 - 04/22/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Baum, Sarah D. (843) 937-8000 AT FOR DF Rode, Thomas J. AT FOR DF Timbes, Michael A. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 27 CASE ID:2021CP1002221 DATE FILED:05/14/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Carlene Green Myers VS Dooley Towing Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Brehmer, Karl Stephen 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-6600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 28 CASE ID:2021CP1002299 DATE FILED:05/18/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nelson Funding Group Llc VS Carolina Dream Builders Of Charleston Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Jung, William B. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 576-4200 06/02/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Milling, Jonathan McKey 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (803) 451-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 29 CASE ID:2021CP1002418 DATE FILED:05/25/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/24/2025 Harry Brown , plaintiff, et al VS Alexis Helene Pratt CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 30 CASE ID:2021CP1002430 DATE FILED:05/26/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/01/2025 David W Hilburn , plaintiff, et al VS Gadsden And Bennett Street Residential Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Moore, S. Jahue (803) 796-9160 AT FOR DF Barrow, Thomas Augustine Dausey (843) 720-3490 AT FOR DF Fisher, Rebecca Elizabeth (919) 608-5296 AT FOR DF Gowder, W. Andrew 04/23/2025 - 04/28/2025 (843) 727-2229 05/12/2025 - 05/15/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Senn, Sandra J. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 556-4045 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 31 CASE ID:2021CP1002728 DATE FILED:06/10/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2025 Cecil Idus Corder , plaintiff, et al VS Great Lakes Dredge And Dock Co , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Carrigg, John W. (803) 785-5511 AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Baiad, Todd M (912) 232-7000 AT FOR DF Gilsenan, Ryan Daniel (843) 847-8003 AT FOR DF Hines, Julius Holman (843) 972-3948 AT FOR DF Northup, John David (912) 644-5756 AT FOR DF Smith, Edward (203) 536-2083 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 32 CASE ID:2021CP1002794 DATE FILED:06/15/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/30/2025 Art Kaltsounis VS Michael Hollingsworth , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR PL Manos, Theodore Luke 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Everything Energy Efficient Llc, AT FOR DF Pro Se H&G Heating And Air Llc, AT FOR DF Pro Se Hollingsworth, Michael NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 33 CASE ID:2021CP1003026 DATE FILED:06/30/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 David Shank , plaintiff, et al VS Mfi Properties Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Kelly, Matthew Z (843) 804-6538 AT FOR DF Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 34 CASE ID:2021CP1003090 DATE FILED:07/08/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/01/2023 Jared S O'Connell , plaintiff, et al VS Amanda F Dempsey , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Blundy, Amanda Morgan 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 867-6050 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/09/2025 - 05/13/2025 06/19/2025 - 07/02/2025 07/19/2025 - 07/26/2025 AT FOR PL Maull, English Hanahan AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Austin, Casey Lee (843) 819-2482 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Berthelsen, Cameron D 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 805-6550 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Floyd, James L. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 361-4812 AT FOR DF Green, Sha'Mya LaTaye (202) 508-3460 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Hollingsworth, Dunn Denson (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Inabinet, George Lawrence (843) 727-0001 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Near, Kelly Lynn (843) 727-0001 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Ornduff, M. Paige Chamberlain04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 414-8114 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 AT FOR DF Sheets, Emily Christine 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 266-8207 AT FOR DF Stair, Taylor Harrison (843) 727-2650 AT FOR DF Turner, Franklin H. (803) 771-7900 AT FOR DF Umbarger, Joshua Hugh 03/26/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 727-2686 04/01/2025 - 04/02/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Varnado, Christine Companion 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 722-6777 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Watkins, William Wharton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF White, Kirkley Gibson (843) 714-0517 AT FOR DF Wilson, Jenkins Heyward (843) 793-4744 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 35 CASE ID:2021CP1003379 DATE FILED:07/22/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Carolina Neurosurgery & Orthopedics Inc VS Michael A Maucher , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pendarvis, Thomas A. (843) 524-9500 AT FOR DF MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Wilson, Skyler Cole (843) 266-8221 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 36 CASE ID:2021CP1003431 DATE FILED:07/26/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2025 Margie A Garnett VS Breast Place Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Heiskell, Jeffrey Ryan (843) 546-2408 AT FOR PL Hopkins, Joseph Clay (843) 314-4202 AT FOR DF Craig, Mary Agnes Hood 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-4435 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Johnson, Brian Edward NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 37 CASE ID:2021CP1003499 DATE FILED:07/29/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/15/2025 Marc Backal , plaintiff, et al VS Brown Glaws General Contractors Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR PL Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Varnado, Robert Bratton (843) 737-7301 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 38 CASE ID:2021CP1003819 DATE FILED:08/19/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/15/2025 King At Market Limited Partnership VS Dusky Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Barker, Jacob Shuler (843) 408-4063 AT FOR DF Bowers, Carlton Daniel (864) 630-1866 AT FOR DF Pritchard, Thomas Bacot (843) 242-7805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 39 CASE ID:2021CP1004104 DATE FILED:09/02/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John R Jack Hibbits , plaintiff, et al VS Kenneth C Clay Thornton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Haller, David K. (843) 224-7860 AT FOR DF Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR DF Kelly, Matthew Z (843) 804-6538 AT FOR DF Paton, Chris 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 936-3777 AT FOR DF Paton, Chris 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Paton, Chris 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Theos, Jerry Nicholas 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 40 CASE ID:2021CP1004250 DATE FILED:09/14/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Daquan Deveaux VS Jasmine Cason CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Klingener, Dana Maurizio 01/13/2025 - 05/13/2025 (843) 284-1096 AT FOR DF Monastra, Michael Andrew (843) 722-8048 AT FOR DF Starr, Dominic Allen 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 848-6000 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 41 CASE ID:2021CP1004313 DATE FILED:09/17/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karla Caja VS Jeff Cook Real Estate , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Caja, Karla (843) 952-5636 AT FOR DF Belger, C. Brandon (843) 974-3962 AT FOR DF Mazurek, Max John (843) 720-1755 AT FOR DF Ricard, Rhett Douglas (843) 720-1707 AT FOR DF Shoun, Cheryl D. (843) 720-1762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 42 CASE ID:2021CP1004360 DATE FILED:09/21/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:06/30/2023 Melissa Nicholson , plaintiff, et al VS Ashton Charleston Residential Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Igdal, Rachel 05/21/2025 - 05/27/2025 (843) 720-2800 AT FOR PL Quinn, Frederick Elliotte 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Gnapp, Matthew C (843) 531-5774 AT FOR DF Lang, Dana Woodrum (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF McDermid, Molly McKenna (843) 720-4650 AT FOR DF Tonnsen, Eric R. (864) 236-5013 AT FOR DF Weatherholtz, James Earnest (843) 722-3400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 43 CASE ID:2021CP1004385 DATE FILED:09/23/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/01/2025 Jeremy Gordon Prince VS 587 King Street Restaurant Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Huber, Mark Richard Hap (843) 216-9797 AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. AT FOR DF Feidler, Stefan Bjorn (843) 790-9015 AT FOR DF Fober, Christian Edwin Wayne (864) 872-8561 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 AT FOR DF Velasquez, Samuel Robert (843) 720-3474 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 44 CASE ID:2021CP1004474 DATE FILED:09/28/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2025 Peninsula On James Island Owners Association Inc VS AAPCO Southeast Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Rodgers, Stanley Clarence (843) 958-9881 AT FOR DF CRISTALDI, PHILIP Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Goffer, Taylor Kathleen (570) 780-3833 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis E. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 364-8629 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Johnson, James Matthew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 577-5410 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Lang, Dana Woodrum (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Matte, Olivia A. 01/13/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 278-5900 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Murphy, Christopher L. (843) 494-5454 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 AT FOR DF Southern, Wesley A (843) 764-7060 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 45 CASE ID:2021CP1004475 DATE FILED:09/28/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shantell Shourpaje , plaintiff, et al VS Department Of Juvenile Justice South Carolina CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR PL Cooper, Michael Thomas (843) 729-6663 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 46 CASE ID:2021CP1004560 DATE FILED:10/01/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/14/2025 Jason Noble VS Edelman Financial Engines Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Rozelsky, Kurt Matthew (864) 695-5200 AT FOR DF Davis, Timothy J (816) 374-3241 AT FOR DF Holdmeyer, Sarah R (816) 374-3250 AT FOR DF Shoun, Cheryl D. (843) 720-1762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 47 CASE ID:2021CP1004617 DATE FILED:10/06/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/28/2025 P&M Plumbing , plaintiff, et al VS Fogel Services Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Creech, Magalie A (843) 724-3730 AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR PL Stewart, Johnny J. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (854) 222-6087 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Pelzer, Arthur Cole 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 789-4511 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 48 CASE ID:2021CP1004772 DATE FILED:10/15/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/03/2025 Mark Waller , plaintiff, et al VS Roper Hospital Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Newton, John Clarke 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 779-7599 AT FOR PL Sullivan, Allison Paige AT FOR PL Truluck, Christopher Stephen (803) 556-7285 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Morgan, Hunter Adam (854) 223-6212 AT FOR DF Smyth, Todd W. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 606-5635 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 49 CASE ID:2021CP1004825 DATE FILED:10/20/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Louis Christopher Arce VS Mary Elizabeth Murphy CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR PL Smith, Victoria Nichole 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 800-0365 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR AT Anthony, Stephanie (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 50 CASE ID:2021CP1004842 DATE FILED:10/20/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kristen Beck Hunsucker VS Frank C Moore CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCumber, Andrew Joseph (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 51 CASE ID:2021CP1004992 DATE FILED:10/29/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bertha A Gamble , plaintiff, et al VS Charlie Brown Estate , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Heyward, Willie Bruce (843) 225-8754 AT FOR DF Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Pro Se Bailey, Willie (843) 822-7307 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 52 CASE ID:2021CP1005222 DATE FILED:11/17/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:08/28/2023 Suzanne Kitwin Morss , plaintiff, et al VS Aclh Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Capell, Glynn Lindsey (843) 689-4280 AT FOR PL Pelzer, Arthur Cole 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 789-4511 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Thomson, Charles Whaley (843) 501-0423 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Carter, Evan Abell (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Cranshaw, Bradford William (803) 731-0030 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Flowers, Jacob A (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF Matte, Olivia A. 01/13/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 278-5900 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 AT FOR DF Sheets, Emily Christine 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Stover, Michael Paul (843) 861-2789 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 53 CASE ID:2021CP1005291 DATE FILED:11/22/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Herman , plaintiff, et al VS C B Murray Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 974-3962 AT FOR PL Floyd, James L. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 361-4812 AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Belger, C. Brandon (843) 974-3962 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Earhart, Ryan A. (843) 972-9403 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 803-6550 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF James, George C. (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Kernodle, Sam T. (843) 795-7800 AT FOR DF Kernodle, Trent M. AT FOR DF Koontz, William Mark (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Manos, Theodore Luke 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Murphy, Christopher L. (843) 494-5454 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Southern, Wesley A (843) 764-7060 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 54 CASE ID:2021CP1005315 DATE FILED:11/23/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Candance R Smalls VS Allison Butler Jackson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ball, Mark David (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Klingener, Dana Maurizio 01/13/2025 - 05/13/2025 (843) 284-1096 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 55 CASE ID:2021CP1005316 DATE FILED:11/23/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael H Smalls VS Allison Butler Jackson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ball, Mark David (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Klingener, Dana Maurizio 01/13/2025 - 05/13/2025 (843) 284-1096 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 56 CASE ID:2021CP1005451 DATE FILED:12/02/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Denaira Taylor VS Heather Holmes , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR PL Cooper, Michael Thomas (843) 729-6663 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 57 CASE ID:2021CP1005548 DATE FILED:12/09/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charlene L Hodges VS Joseph Justo Haya , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Matthews, Margie Bright (843) 549-6028 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Tran, Truc Thi Thanh (854) 529-0595 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 58 CASE ID:2021CP1005600 DATE FILED:12/14/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/30/2025 Timothy Wilson VS John Adams , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 59 CASE ID:2021CP1005693 DATE FILED:12/21/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/21/2024 Jane Doe VS Veronica Hobbs , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Gulley, Lauren Elizabeth (843) 518-0494 AT FOR PL McCool, Christopher Joseph (843) 805-4943 AT FOR PL O'Shea, Brooklyn Ansley AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Josey, Chelsea Nicole (843) 633-2478 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 60 CASE ID:2021CP1005800 DATE FILED:12/30/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:06/12/2023 John Fili VS Gaston Acker , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCool, Christopher Joseph (843) 805-4943 AT FOR PL O'Shea, Brooklyn Ansley AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, Mary Alden (843) 576-3790 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 61 CASE ID:2022CP1000138 DATE FILED:01/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David Oleen VS John Paul Hancock Jr CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCool, Christopher Joseph (843) 805-4943 AT FOR PL O'Shea, Brooklyn Ansley NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 62 CASE ID:2022CP1000330 DATE FILED:01/24/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Clinard Rybolt VS Avis Budget Group Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Sample, David B. (843) 697-1929 AT FOR DF Bluestein, Samuel Scott (843) 577-3092 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 63 CASE ID:2022CP1000399 DATE FILED:01/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paul Errico , plaintiff, et al VS Dustin Evans , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Kelly, Matthew Z (843) 804-6538 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 64 CASE ID:2022CP1000404 DATE FILED:01/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dana L Rasmussen , plaintiff, et al VS Stephanie White , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Rasmussen, Dana L (843) 224-9871 AT FOR PL Pro Se Rasmussen, Dana AT FOR DF Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 65 CASE ID:2022CP1000697 DATE FILED:02/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daquil Robinson VS Carlos Jenkins , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Assault/Battery 370 PROT: AT FOR PL Doughty, Thaddeus James (843) 576-1400 AT FOR DF Hershon, Lawrence Michael 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 829-2022 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Jenkins, Carlos AT FOR DF Pro Se S C Security Agency Llc, AT FOR DF Pro Se SC Security Services Llc, NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 66 CASE ID:2022CP1000822 DATE FILED:02/18/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Onsite Shine Charleston Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Robert W Gray , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Onsite Shine Charleston Llc, AT FOR PL Pro Se Thomas, Jim AT FOR DF Brewer, Barrett Ray 05/07/2025 - 05/12/2025 (843) 779-7454 05/23/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/05/2025 - 06/09/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Davis, Amanda Fair NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 67 CASE ID:2022CP1001124 DATE FILED:03/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ricardo Rosado , plaintiff, et al VS Santee Industrial Products Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Arant, Brent Hamilton (803) 576-3100 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 68 CASE ID:2022CP1001229 DATE FILED:03/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Ezekiel Murphy Abbott VS Matthew G Pride CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 69 CASE ID:2022CP1001288 DATE FILED:03/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Bennardi VS Miguel A Rodriguez , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Brees, Maria Kiehling (843) 804-9998 AT FOR PL Huffer, Stefanie Lynn (843) 779-2111 AT FOR DF Jung, William B. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 576-4200 06/02/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 70 CASE ID:2022CP1001306 DATE FILED:03/18/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:08/01/2024 Betty Japiske , plaintiff, et al VS Cabading Homes Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Heiskell, Jeffrey Ryan (843) 546-2408 AT FOR PL Hopkins, Joseph Clay (843) 314-4202 AT FOR PL Sapp, Dorie L (704) 640-3919 AT FOR DF Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 71 CASE ID:2022CP1001404 DATE FILED:03/25/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Quentis Dennis , plaintiff, et al VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 72 CASE ID:2022CP1001432 DATE FILED:03/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2025 Shandon Fowler , plaintiff, et al VS Sellew Investments Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Hawk, Robert Buchanan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-7234 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Wilson, Skyler Cole (843) 266-8221 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 73 CASE ID:2022CP1001595 DATE FILED:04/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kathy Saunier VS Alexus Odom , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Briggs, Breyton Jeffrey (303) 250-0086 AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR PL Pierce, Carl Everette AT FOR PL Sloan, Allan Poe AT FOR DF Crawford, Kendall Patricia (803) 724-1717 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Joyner, Lindsay Anne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 414-8107 AT FOR DF Montgomery, John Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 231-7833 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Saffles, Kenny L (615) 726-5619 AT FOR DF Stringfellow, La'Jessica M. (803) 231-7842 AT FOR DF Watson, J. Calhoun 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (803) 231-7839 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 74 CASE ID:2022CP1001612 DATE FILED:04/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Yazmin Moreno Mendoza VS Jason Hogg CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Mendoza, Yazmin Moreno (843) 388-7099 AT FOR DF Pro Se Hogg, Jason NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 75 CASE ID:2022CP1001646 DATE FILED:04/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Benjamin Brown VS Morgan Griffin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hibri, Salah Hani (843) 884-1444 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 76 CASE ID:2022CP1001650 DATE FILED:04/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Hezekiah , plaintiff, et al VS Walmart Stores Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Young, Kevin (843) 693-9191 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 77 CASE ID:2022CP1001659 DATE FILED:04/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shakara Dobson VS Randy Legette , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Relief 820 PROT: AT FOR PL Pendarvis, Marvin Rashad (843) 330-2540 AT FOR PL Pro Se Dobson, Shakara (854) 207-6151 AT FOR DF Bowers, Carlton Daniel (864) 630-1866 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 78 CASE ID:2022CP1001666 DATE FILED:04/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Builders Firstsource Southeast Group Llc VS Carter Construction Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Steven L. (843) 607-0254 AT FOR DF Brush, Thomas H. (843) 766-5576 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Flynn, W. James 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (704) 313-6645 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Hawk, Robert Buchanan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-7234 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Kozick, Stephen Michael (843) 576-2910 AT FOR DF Lanning, J. Christopher (843) 766-5576 AT FOR DF Lowery, Cynthia Jordan (843) 579-7000 AT FOR DF Malone, Allison Evans (843) 414-8116 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 79 CASE ID:2022CP1001670 DATE FILED:04/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Historic Charleston Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Bl Harbert International Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Deters, Christopher Paul (843) 806-4906 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 937-8000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Boger, Thomas B 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 329-9500 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Bowers, Carlton Daniel (864) 630-1866 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Cushman, Blinn Lawrence (704) 247-8522 AT FOR DF Dean, Erin DuBose 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 524-1116 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Ficken, Brittany Jane (843) 724-6691 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 803-6550 AT FOR DF Marcus, Geoffrey Alexander (980) 208-6378 AT FOR DF Martineau, Elizabeth Ann (704) 247-8524 AT FOR DF Matte, Olivia A. 01/13/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 278-5900 AT FOR DF Parker, Theodore (702) 868-8008 AT FOR DF Paton, Laura Elizabeth Paris 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 714-2508 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Rivera, Nicholas James 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-4000 05/29/2025 - 05/30/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Still, William Randall (864) 266-8220 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wall, Mark H. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF West, Allen L. (704) 344-1117 AT FOR DF White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Wieters, Elizabeth 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Wieters, Elizabeth 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 80 CASE ID:2022CP1001698 DATE FILED:04/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/05/2024 Stephan Morton VS Palmetto Adult And Childrens Urulogy P A , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Flumian, Julia M. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4681 AT FOR PL Luginbill, Daniel W. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4623 AT FOR DF Arndt, Jonathan S. (843) 469-8777 AT FOR DF Goldstein, Kelli E.M. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 437-9682 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Gresh, Lauren Spears (843) 720-3478 AT FOR DF Lovell, Dennis Gary 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8213 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 81 CASE ID:2022CP1001730 DATE FILED:04/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Doe VS Simply Your Spa , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Flumian, Julia M. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4681 AT FOR PL Luginbill, Daniel W. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4623 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 82 CASE ID:2022CP1001740 DATE FILED:04/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James Shoemaker , plaintiff, et al VS Travis Tardiff , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL McGrath, Peter Gerard (843) 606-2755 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 83 CASE ID:2022CP1001791 DATE FILED:04/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert L Hicks Jr VS Denise Grant Hicks CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Huger, Kelvin Maurice (843) 573-0143 AT FOR DF Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Lista, Jaime Caroline 03/25/2025 - 04/03/2025 05/23/2025 - 06/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 84 CASE ID:2022CP1001811 DATE FILED:04/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Frazier VS Patrick Curtain , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Peper, Stephen Brice (843) 225-2520 AT FOR DF Nistad, Peter Gunnar (843) 722-6777 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 85 CASE ID:2022CP1001852 DATE FILED:04/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: A2+B2 Llc VS Larry Ott CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Rannik, Jaan Gunnar 04/11/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 377-1871 AT FOR DF Swope, William Koatesworth (843) 852-4925 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 86 CASE ID:2022CP1001859 DATE FILED:04/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/30/2023 Greystone Homeowners Association Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Contract Exteriors Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Blundy, Amanda Morgan 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 867-6050 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/09/2025 - 05/13/2025 06/19/2025 - 07/02/2025 07/19/2025 - 07/26/2025 AT FOR PL Maull, English Hanahan AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Flowers, Jacob A (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF James, George C. (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 87 CASE ID:2022CP1001863 DATE FILED:04/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Zantonio Aiken VS Quality Inn & Suites , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 88 CASE ID:2022CP1001879 DATE FILED:04/25/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kimberly Nicole Gorski VS Stephen E Riggs CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR PL McCumber, Andrew Joseph (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 89 CASE ID:2022CP1001943 DATE FILED:04/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Thomas Hook , plaintiff, et al VS Robert Holmes CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Grantland, John Martin 02/26/2025 - 04/27/2025 (803) 782-4100 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 90 CASE ID:2022CP1001968 DATE FILED:04/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kalulo Development Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Mv Commercial Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL D'Andrea, Jordyn Nicole (843) 720-4623 AT FOR PL Gibson, C. Allen (843) 720-4613 AT FOR PL Weatherholtz, James Earnest (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Barfield, Kenneth Michael (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Ervin, Francis Marion 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 737-8611 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, Hannah E. (843) 266-8233 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 91 CASE ID:2022CP1001986 DATE FILED:04/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kayla Marie Beaulieu Vickers , plaintiff, et al VS Medical University Of South Carolina The CAUSE OF ACTION:Other/Malpract 299 PROT: AT FOR PL Furr, O. Fayrell (843) 626-7621 AT FOR PL Henshaw, Charles L. (803) 237-9998 AT FOR PL Pro Se Beaulieu Vickers, Kayla Marie AT FOR PL Pro Se V, Harper AT FOR PL Pro Se Vickers, Josh AT FOR DF Grevey, Kara Shea 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5445 AT FOR DF Scott, James Edward (843) 720-6660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 92 CASE ID:2022CP1001987 DATE FILED:04/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Doe VS Bishop England High School , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Haller, David K. (843) 224-7860 AT FOR PL Richter, Lawrence E. (843) 442-6000 AT FOR DF Dukes, Richard S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2810 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Sammataro, Carmelo Barone (803) 227-4253 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 93 CASE ID:2022CP1001998 DATE FILED:04/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:12/02/2024 Kimberly Mitchell , plaintiff, et al VS Lemuel Xavier Rodriguez , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL O'Reilly, Peter T (843) 790-8771 AT FOR DF Elliott, John Douglas 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Harpster, Allison Leigh 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (845) 558-2598 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 94 CASE ID:2022CP1002053 DATE FILED:05/04/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Yuriy Bekker , plaintiff, et al VS Cresent Homes Sc Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Warnock, William R. (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Brown, Parker Wayne Lee 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Graff, Stefan Smoot (843) 793-4744 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Hughes, Stephen P. (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF McDermid, Molly McKenna (843) 720-4650 AT FOR DF Soucy, Kristen Aurora (803) 744-1286 AT FOR DF Stephens, Shanna Milcetich 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Turner, Franklin H. (803) 771-7900 AT FOR DF Wegener, Danielle Beck 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 804-9800 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 95 CASE ID:2022CP1002096 DATE FILED:05/05/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mount Pleasant Town Of VS American Star Spe 2 Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL Dillard, William Clayton 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 929-0096 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Gaskins, E. Brandon (843) 579-7038 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 96 CASE ID:2022CP1002098 DATE FILED:05/05/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mount Pleasant Town Of VS Kkmc Investments Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL Dillard, William Clayton 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 929-0096 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Gaskins, E. Brandon (843) 579-7038 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 97 CASE ID:2022CP1002131 DATE FILED:05/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/20/2023 William E Rollins , plaintiff, et al VS Cadence Education Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL McAngus, William Hugh (803) 881-1110 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Daniel, Jackson H. (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Smith, Shana Sue NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 98 CASE ID:2022CP1002186 DATE FILED:05/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jake Evans VS Sawyers Landing Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Stidham, Reese McGregor (843) 817-8098 AT FOR PL Sweeny, William Oglesby (803) 553-2520 AT FOR DF Coates, Weldon Lucas (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Lucey, Justin O'Toole (843) 849-8400 AT FOR DF Townes, Sohayla Roudsari NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 99 CASE ID:2022CP1002196 DATE FILED:05/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bennett Wayne Altman , plaintiff, et al VS Joseph Michael Novak CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stanton, Hayes Kirkland 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 448-2400 AT FOR DF King, Robert Thomas 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 407-5525 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Novak, Joseph Michael NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 100 CASE ID:2022CP1002204 DATE FILED:05/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:08/19/2024 Charlestowne Hotels Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Endurance American Specialty Insurance Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Ivey, Jennifer Sue 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 727-2216 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR PL Linton, John Phillips 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 727-2252 AT FOR PL Walker, George Trenholm (843) 727-2208 AT FOR DF Barlow, Luke T (973) 210-6700 AT FOR DF Haas, Kevin M AT FOR DF Holmes, Janice (402) 305-3767 AT FOR DF Lay, John Thomas (803) 724-1800 AT FOR DF Montague, Shelley Sunderman (803) 779-1833 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 101 CASE ID:2022CP1002245 DATE FILED:05/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/21/2024 Stephanie Dresp VS John H Ogden , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Rossington, Julio A. (843) 261-1114 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Harpster, Allison Leigh 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (845) 558-2598 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 102 CASE ID:2022CP1002262 DATE FILED:05/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: B&C Land Development Inc VS Lowcountry Sitework Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Bernstein, Robert Alan (843) 529-1111 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 103 CASE ID:2022CP1002272 DATE FILED:05/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Luis Rivadeneira VS La Hacienda Of West Ashley Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Rowh, Chandler David (843) 714-2510 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 104 CASE ID:2022CP1002294 DATE FILED:05/18/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carrie Stewart VS Department Of Transportation South Carolina , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 278-0068 AT FOR PL Johnson, Jennifer Suzanne (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 105 CASE ID:2022CP1002305 DATE FILED:05/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Travis Lee Odell VS Andrew Melton Demetre , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Burgess, Matthew Joseph (803) 222-2222 AT FOR PL Thoensen, Joseph E. (803) 200-2000 AT FOR PL Willey, Roy T. (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Bowers, Jeremy E. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Hinnant, Christopher Michael AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 106 CASE ID:2022CP1002334 DATE FILED:05/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Clawson VS Dennis Arnold , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Robinson, John Edward (843) 723-5152 AT FOR DF Brees, Maria Kiehling (843) 804-9998 AT FOR DF Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR DF Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 107 CASE ID:2022CP1002372 DATE FILED:05/25/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dylan Harbit VS Dennis Rosenbeck CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 108 CASE ID:2022CP1002433 DATE FILED:05/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/06/2023 Frederick J Wilson VS Reynald Azucena , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Horton, Brandt R. (843) 764-9307 AT FOR DF Josey, Chelsea Nicole (843) 633-2478 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 109 CASE ID:2022CP1002470 DATE FILED:06/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Raymond Santiago VS Kampgrounds Of America Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Gatch, Gil (843) 800-2020 AT FOR DF Condon, E. Elliot 04/11/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-4496 AT FOR DF Mauney, Charles Stuart (864) 271-5356 AT FOR DF Sanford, Matthew Richard (843) 414-8107 AT FOR DF Smith, A. Grayson (843) 414-8110 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 110 CASE ID:2022CP1002482 DATE FILED:06/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Murrays Mortuary Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Dream Team Construction Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 AT FOR DF Lizzi, Christopher David 06/05/2025 - 06/09/2025 (843) 797-0222 06/27/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 111 CASE ID:2022CP1002491 DATE FILED:06/02/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Doe VS Charleston Atlantic Presbytery Of The Presbyterian Church , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Flumian, Julia M. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4681 AT FOR PL Magann, Anna Scott (843) 833-8082 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Cuttino, John Edward (803) 724-1714 AT FOR DF Farr, Peter E. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (803) 782-4100 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Fletcher, John William (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 112 CASE ID:2022CP1002524 DATE FILED:06/03/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James G Harley VS Frederick H Brown , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Ford, Ian Scott 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 608-1234 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF James, Hunter H 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 277-2011 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 113 CASE ID:2022CP1002531 DATE FILED:06/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Erin Leigh Smith VS Equus Development Partners , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Ambrosius, Taylor Barbara 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8120 AT FOR PL Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR PL Nicholson, Elizabeth Foy (843) 266-8140 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Ferrara, Paul B. (843) 569-5511 AT FOR DF Mason, Mark A. (843) 884-1444 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moe, Daniel Foster (843) 224-1707 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 114 CASE ID:2022CP1002569 DATE FILED:06/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:05/31/2024 Kathleen Brunson , plaintiff, et al VS Mount Pleasant Woodworks Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Guerry, John Horton (843) 577-7046 AT FOR PL Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR PL Seekings, Michael S. (843) 853-5353 AT FOR PL Theos, Jerry Nicholas 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Bihun, Brittany Tanya 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 408-2816 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Blount, William James (843) 714-2503 AT FOR DF Boyd, Brent Morris 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Brehmer, Andrew Carson (803) 771-6600 AT FOR DF Brehmer, Karl Stephen 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 AT FOR DF Haller, David K. (843) 224-7860 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Perrin, Whidbee Sale 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 377-4615 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Templeton, Morgan S. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Thrift, Ford Hamby 04/09/2025 - 05/12/2025 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 115 CASE ID:2022CP1002576 DATE FILED:06/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Eva Green , plaintiff, et al VS Edwin A Smith , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Arbaugh, Eugene (443) 848-3030 AT FOR PL Daniel, Charles Wilson (843) 720-2044 AT FOR PL Moore, Julie Lauren 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Buyck, Hugh W. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 377-1400 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Holland, Catherine Hunter (843) 443-3580 AT FOR DF Lappin, Jeffrey Herman (914) 960-3815 AT FOR DF Magee, Lydia Lewis 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 443-3582 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Scalise, Marian Williams (843) 443-3581 AT FOR DF Smyth, Todd W. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 606-5635 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Smythe, George B (843) 557-9171 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 116 CASE ID:2022CP1002591 DATE FILED:06/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Courtney Owens , plaintiff, et al VS Mackenzie Bailey Cone CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 943-2111 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 117 CASE ID:2022CP1002595 DATE FILED:06/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bernice Ancrum Mitchell VS Lawrence Wayne Burks CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL McFarland, Arthur C. (843) 763-3900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 118 CASE ID:2022CP1002603 DATE FILED:06/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sarah Altman , plaintiff, et al VS Mackenzie Bailey Cone CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 943-2111 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 119 CASE ID:2022CP1002643 DATE FILED:06/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Awendaw Town Of VS Elliott Summey , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cox, James Edward (864) 242-8212 AT FOR PL Moylan, John Carroll (803) 254-6542 AT FOR PL Richardson, Matthew Terry AT FOR DF Parrish, David J. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 720-1771 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 120 CASE ID:2022CP1002655 DATE FILED:06/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/15/2024 Sami Mccann VS Jason Parker Hiott CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Goode, Kenneth George (843) 606-1910 AT FOR PL Howe, Donald Higgins (843) 225-2523 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 121 CASE ID:2022CP1002665 DATE FILED:06/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joe Doe VS Mount Pleasant Town Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 AT FOR PL Slotchiver, Daniel Scott 05/01/2025 - 05/08/2025 (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward AT FOR DF Lindemann, Andrew F. (803) 881-8920 AT FOR DF Thompson, Charles Franklin (803) 254-3300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 122 CASE ID:2022CP1002673 DATE FILED:06/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/15/2025 Lindsey Benton VS Trident Medical Center Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Dean, Clyde C. (803) 534-5091 AT FOR PL Fairey, Marion Clyde (803) 943-6444 AT FOR PL Peeples, Grainne Mitchell AT FOR DF Batten, David H. (919) 247-0345 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Foppiano, Charles Houston (919) 439-2221 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 AT FOR DF Smith, Jennie Marie 05/23/2025 - 06/03/2025 (843) 810-2675 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 123 CASE ID:2022CP1002674 DATE FILED:06/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alexine Way VS Carol S Westbrook , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Grooms, Joseph Hayden (843) 405-0403 AT FOR DF McNair, William Chase 03/30/2025 - 04/09/2025 (843) 266-9780 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 124 CASE ID:2022CP1002676 DATE FILED:06/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wilmont A Fraser VS Harvey L Buckner , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Chisum, Patrick Aulton (843) 577-0027 AT FOR PL Krause, Joseph Matthew 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 469-3331 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Moore, Charles Fawcett (803) 233-6265 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 125 CASE ID:2022CP1002687 DATE FILED:06/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lisa Righter Sloan , plaintiff, et al VS Charleston County , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Ellard, Ryan Douglas (843) 722-3400 AT FOR PL Orvin, Daniel Quigley AT FOR PL Tillman, Matthew (843) 720-4629 AT FOR DF Belle, Marc Graylynn (843) 958-4010 AT FOR DF Creech, Magalie A (843) 724-3730 AT FOR DF Darnell, Brittney Marie 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 958-4045 AT FOR DF Ferrara, Bernard E. (843) 958-4010 AT FOR DF Robinson, John Edward (843) 723-5152 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 126 CASE ID:2022CP1002708 DATE FILED:06/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2024 Gwendolyn Waring , plaintiff, et al VS Johns Island Post Acute Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Hughey, Daniel Nathan (843) 881-8644 AT FOR DF Crites, Jerome Bennett (843) 996-1900 AT FOR DF Stewart, Nicholas Clarence Chapman03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 996-1928 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 127 CASE ID:2022CP1002717 DATE FILED:06/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Teague VS Noe Ferreira De Araujo Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Jacobson, Carl H. AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 128 CASE ID:2022CP1002738 DATE FILED:06/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: All In Builders Llc VS I&J Builders Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 129 CASE ID:2022CP1002743 DATE FILED:06/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/17/2025 M Edward Wilson Jr VS Paul Brown , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Allison, Wes Baker (843) 577-2128 AT FOR PL Kahn, Ellis I. NOTES:03/17/2025 BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 130 CASE ID:2022CP1002745 DATE FILED:06/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brian Tranchida , plaintiff, et al VS Catalyst Builders Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Hayes, John Calvin (843) 805-7003 AT FOR PL Meola, Nina Elizabeth (603) 209-5588 AT FOR DF Berthelsen, Cameron D 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 805-6550 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Daniel, Jackson H. (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Deters, Christopher Paul (843) 806-4906 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Ford, F. Cordes (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Garraux, Jared Hudson (803) 253-8717 AT FOR DF James, George C. (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Johnson, Connor Evan (843) 720-3487 AT FOR DF McDermid, Molly McKenna (843) 720-4650 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Nicholson, Benjamin Edward (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Oravic, Jonathan Tyler (843) 720-3489 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 AT FOR DF Smith, Hannah E. (843) 266-8233 AT FOR DF Smith, Shana Sue (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Wieters, Elizabeth 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Wieters, Elizabeth 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 131 CASE ID:2022CP1002753 DATE FILED:06/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ryan Springer VS Jake Joseph Cummings , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Murphy, Christopher L. (843) 494-5454 AT FOR DF Perry, Amanda L (843) 277-8035 AT FOR DF Plocica, Caitlin Marie (843) 213-6043 AT FOR DF Pro Se Sweetgrass Home Services Llc, (883) 419-5240 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 132 CASE ID:2022CP1002765 DATE FILED:06/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:06/01/2024 Anngelea Chisholm , plaintiff, et al VS Timothy Osbon , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Cartee, Gary Lane (843) 767-1800 AT FOR DF Joseph-McCollum, Cameo 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (864) 240-3200 AT FOR DF Luers Connor, Ayla G. AT FOR DF Purnell, Sarah McMillan 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (864) 240-3279 AT FOR DF Todd, Monteith Powell 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (803) 231-7837 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 133 CASE ID:2022CP1002780 DATE FILED:06/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Latoya Goodwin Doctor VS Christopher Eric Womick CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 134 CASE ID:2022CP1002791 DATE FILED:06/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lorenzo Brown VS Joe Ann Johnson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Huber, Mark Richard Hap (843) 216-9797 AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 135 CASE ID:2022CP1002802 DATE FILED:06/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michelle Adams VS Sadjo Seidi , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Deaton, Rad Stuart (843) 225-5723 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 136 CASE ID:2022CP1002817 DATE FILED:06/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/15/2024 Robert Rho , plaintiff, et al VS Carmen Hansen CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR PL Sloan, Allan Poe AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 137 CASE ID:2022CP1002834 DATE FILED:06/24/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/15/2024 Keiko Aikawa VS Carmen Hansen CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR PL Sloan, Allan Poe AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 138 CASE ID:2022CP1002858 DATE FILED:06/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sarah Owens VS Gnc Holdings Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Conway, David Patrick (843) 764-3334 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 139 CASE ID:2022CP1002885 DATE FILED:06/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chung Yeung VS King Buffet Of Charleston Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Troy, Tiffany (718) 762-1324 AT FOR DF Sanders, Lucy Clark 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 972-0313 05/21/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 140 CASE ID:2022CP1002906 DATE FILED:06/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Elizabeth A Martinez Gibson VS Lindsey Nelson Murdock , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sanders, Thomas O. 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 573-8828 AT FOR DF Goude, Charles Reuben (843) 527-2505 AT FOR DF Hood, James Bernard (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Tanner, Kathryn Nicole (843) 577-1210 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 141 CASE ID:2022CP1002923 DATE FILED:06/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/28/2025 Erica Calabro VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Slavin, Joshua E 04/09/2025 - 04/14/2025 (843) 619-7338 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Compton, Sarah Kathleen (864) 236-5013 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Kern, Zachary Meade 03/19/2025 - 03/31/2025 (704) 906-9162 AT FOR DF Kovach, Christopher Mark (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Millender, Elizabeth Salley (803) 799-2300 AT FOR DF Quisenberry, Brian Lee 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 724-6641 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Sandifer, Stephanie Ramia (843) 724-6627 AT FOR DF Tonnsen, Eric R. (864) 236-5013 AT FOR DF Trask, Michael McCrea (803) 227-4910 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 142 CASE ID:2022CP1002975 DATE FILED:06/30/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/19/2024 Sonja Wright VS Monir Elgondy CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 143 CASE ID:2022CP1002992 DATE FILED:07/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Adam Berry VS Isis Thompson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 144 CASE ID:2022CP1003005 DATE FILED:07/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brandon Greene VS Sc Security Services Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL McKenzie, Jacob C (843) 732-8128 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 145 CASE ID:2022CP1003009 DATE FILED:07/05/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Philip Woschenko VS Sonya Kurien , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Slavin, Joshua E 04/09/2025 - 04/14/2025 (843) 619-7338 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF DeAntonio, Stephen F 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-8080 AT FOR DF Hale, Joseph Alexander (803) 253-1280 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 146 CASE ID:2022CP1003027 DATE FILED:07/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Danielle Dean VS Brooke Houston CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Carnwath, Samuel Wallace (843) 303-9549 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 147 CASE ID:2022CP1003037 DATE FILED:07/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Lence VS Luana Denotto , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Krell, Barry 03/28/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 697-5221 AT FOR PL Krell, Barry 04/11/2025 - 04/30/2025 AT FOR DF Cangelosi, Trevor A. (843) 345-3471 AT FOR DF Clifton, Kenneth Dalton (843) 509-3160 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Robinson, Laura W. (877) 833-5297 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 148 CASE ID:2022CP1003092 DATE FILED:07/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/12/2024 Derek Disotelle VS Richard Lujan CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Asche, William Craig (843) 725-4259 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 149 CASE ID:2022CP1003105 DATE FILED:07/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tyrone Dash , plaintiff, et al VS Tabitha Coulter Carter , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis-Branch, Belinda Montio (803) 533-1006 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 150 CASE ID:2022CP1003142 DATE FILED:07/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Levaniel L Nesbitt , plaintiff, et al VS White Oak Manor Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Washington, Ayesha Tonette (843) 410-5434 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (859) 497-1341 AT FOR DF White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Whitley, Joshua Steven (843) 606-5635 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 151 CASE ID:2022CP1003149 DATE FILED:07/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2024 Ruthie Heyward VS Juventino Zuniga , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Cartee, Gary Lane (843) 767-1800 AT FOR DF Daniels, Angel Isla (843) 906-6987 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 152 CASE ID:2022CP1003161 DATE FILED:07/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David Reynolds VS Stephanie Grace Howard CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Saleeby, James M. (843) 669-8787 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 153 CASE ID:2022CP1003168 DATE FILED:07/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/15/2023 Holly Mood VS Ethan Postemski , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hartman, James F. (843) 300-7600 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Windham, Hunter Lawrence (843) 503-8781 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 154 CASE ID:2022CP1003181 DATE FILED:07/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/03/2025 High Ground Property Llc VS Mashburn Construction Company Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Bundy, Walter Henry 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 212-0525 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR PL McDonald, Michael Brent 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 492-0221 AT FOR DF Hollingsworth, Dunn Denson (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Morris, Tara Haylee (843) 266-8223 AT FOR DF Riser, Caleb Martin (803) 771-4400 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 155 CASE ID:2022CP1003196 DATE FILED:07/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Latrea Heyward VS Manning And Sons Property Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Baig, Nadia (843) 580-6557 AT FOR PL Jefferies, Lane Douglas (803) 222-2222 AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Wiseman, Jeffrey J. (843) 574-6825 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 156 CASE ID:2022CP1003217 DATE FILED:07/18/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:12/02/2024 Jerraldine Rillo , plaintiff, et al VS White Oak Manor Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Annie Elizabeth (843) 572-0700 AT FOR PL Goldberg, Steven Eric 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 871-6522 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (859) 497-1341 AT FOR DF Whitley, Joshua Steven (843) 606-5635 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 157 CASE ID:2022CP1003253 DATE FILED:07/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lauren Lockhart VS Outback Steakhouse Of Florida Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 158 CASE ID:2022CP1003286 DATE FILED:07/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paul Jarvis , plaintiff, et al VS Kpm Chassis Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Mason, Mark A. (843) 884-1444 AT FOR DF Ford, Emily Caroline (843) 386-4886 AT FOR DF Khaladj-Ghom, Bijan (843) 414-5080 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 159 CASE ID:2022CP1003301 DATE FILED:07/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jerome Singleton VS William B Fokes Jr CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 160 CASE ID:2022CP1003309 DATE FILED:07/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2025 Warren L Parker Jr VS Jennifer Blanche , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Huffer, Stefanie Lynn (843) 779-2111 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Dotterer, Gaillard Townsend (843) 881-1623 AT FOR DF Land, Carissa Steichen (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Massalon, John A. AT FOR DF Riddle, Matthew Oliver 05/28/2025 - 06/10/2025 (843) 720-5422 06/26/2025 - 07/08/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 161 CASE ID:2022CP1003315 DATE FILED:07/22/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Loretta Williams VS Regina Poteat CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Jefferies, Lane Douglas (843) 614-8888 AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 162 CASE ID:2022CP1003349 DATE FILED:07/26/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/17/2024 Toddraya Kelly VS Michael Johnson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Albert, Kathryn Blair (843) 936-6680 AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 163 CASE ID:2022CP1003377 DATE FILED:07/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 D R Horton Inc , plaintiff, et al VS 84 Lumber Lp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Crawford, John T. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (864) 242-4899 AT FOR PL Imhoff, Jason Michael AT FOR DF Berthelsen, Cameron D 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 805-6550 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. AT FOR DF Garraux, Jared Hudson (803) 253-8717 AT FOR DF Hughes, Stephen P. (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Nicholson, Benjamin Edward (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Stephens, Shanna Milcetich 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wegener, Danielle Beck 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 164 CASE ID:2022CP1003394 DATE FILED:07/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Catherine Casey VS Andreea Toader Meier CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 165 CASE ID:2022CP1003398 DATE FILED:07/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Decatur W Wilson II VS Lynette Wilson Phillips , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Gaskins, E. Brandon (843) 579-7038 AT FOR PL Robertson, Trudy Hartzog (843) 579-7061 AT FOR DF Bedenbaugh, Jody Alan (803) 255-9820 AT FOR DF Ellison, Morris Arthur (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Zamadics, Thomas Joseph (610) 529-1138 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 166 CASE ID:2022CP1003416 DATE FILED:07/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/11/2024 Heath Slane VS Ilderton Contracting Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Buckley, Edward D (843) 577-4000 AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan J. (843) 576-2070 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Manos, Theodore Luke 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, Steven L. (843) 607-0254 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 167 CASE ID:2022CP1003419 DATE FILED:07/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Teresa Stoeppler VS Phillip E Boris CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Sgobbo, Michael Christopher (843) 402-0300 AT FOR DF Pro Se Boris, Phillip E (843) 303-4150 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 168 CASE ID:2022CP1003422 DATE FILED:07/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Durham VS Roman Banda CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 169 CASE ID:2022CP1003430 DATE FILED:08/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Debbie M Brothers VS Jacquita A Smith CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Grantland, John Martin 02/26/2025 - 04/27/2025 (803) 782-4100 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR PL Keitt, Lawrence (803) 531-2379 AT FOR DF Crantford, William Carey 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 170 CASE ID:2022CP1003471 DATE FILED:08/03/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Glenn Hiott , plaintiff, et al VS Aviv Service Today Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Cantwell, Eliza Hutto (843) 801-4104 AT FOR DF Walsh, James P. 04/16/2025 - 04/21/2025 (864) 232-4400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 171 CASE ID:2022CP1003507 DATE FILED:08/04/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kayrine Linen VS Flannery Walker CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 172 CASE ID:2022CP1003523 DATE FILED:08/04/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jerome Vanderhorst VS Patricia Graham , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Duffy, Jessica Lynne 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 212-7042 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Capers, Ida Mae NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 173 CASE ID:2022CP1003524 DATE FILED:08/04/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/15/2024 Jennifer Hodges VS Jarrett Paunice Craven , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 174 CASE ID:2022CP1003572 DATE FILED:08/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chelsea Summa VS Loreto Ventura CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Anastopoulo, Gus A. (843) 310-5555 AT FOR PL Bilbrey, Albert Glen (843) 883-9099 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 175 CASE ID:2022CP1003573 DATE FILED:08/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mark Blake VS Wal Mart Stores East Lp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Blain, Robert Canna (843) 478-7420 AT FOR DF Gardner, Taylor Ashleen (864) 561-6599 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 176 CASE ID:2022CP1003577 DATE FILED:08/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Raymond J Allen Jr VS M U S C Hospital CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Allen, Raymond J (843) 217-7254 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Fletcher, John William NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 177 CASE ID:2022CP1003648 DATE FILED:08/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Solicitor Ninth Judicial Circuit VS Fentanyl 2.85 Grams , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Forfeit-Petit (840) PROT: AT FOR PL Ruemelin, Steven R. (843) 720-3787 AT FOR DF Good, Joseph Cole 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 412-1401 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 178 CASE ID:2022CP1003655 DATE FILED:08/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Qyntashia Washington VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Craig, Julie A 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 179 CASE ID:2022CP1003668 DATE FILED:08/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karen Washington VS Missy Feiser CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Pinkston, Shawn Travis 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 814-5472 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 180 CASE ID:2022CP1003708 DATE FILED:08/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ervin Steven Taylor VS Nicholas James Michi , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hill, Teresa Zachry (843) 889-2262 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 181 CASE ID:2022CP1003733 DATE FILED:08/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dump It Services Llc VS Judith Dent , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferrara, Paul B. (843) 569-5511 AT FOR DF Carter, Evan Abell (270) 402-7709 AT FOR DF Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 182 CASE ID:2022CP1003734 DATE FILED:08/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/01/2024 Pamela Devito , plaintiff, et al VS Quinten Carter CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Krell, Barry 03/28/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 697-5221 AT FOR PL Krell, Barry 04/11/2025 - 04/30/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Tran, Truc Thi Thanh (854) 529-0595 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 183 CASE ID:2022CP1003738 DATE FILED:08/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Parker Riccio VS Lila Sadler CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Berlinsky, Philip Alan (843) 884-0000 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 184 CASE ID:2022CP1003755 DATE FILED:08/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Vadarrin Ramone Washington VS Kaleb Bryant CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 185 CASE ID:2022CP1003761 DATE FILED:08/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pierre Smalls VS Ports Authority South Carolina State CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Leard, Allison Stover (843) 408-4495 AT FOR DF Crites, Jerome Bennett (843) 996-1900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 186 CASE ID:2022CP1003802 DATE FILED:08/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Gilbert Udoto , plaintiff, et al VS Clayton Simmons , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Ficken, Brittany Jane (843) 724-6691 AT FOR PL Rivera, Nicholas James 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-4000 05/29/2025 - 05/30/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Frazier, Trimeia Nicole (843) 894-7360 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 187 CASE ID:2022CP1003817 DATE FILED:08/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Pennoyer VS Harold Lenn Jewel Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR PL Lista, Jaime Caroline 03/25/2025 - 04/03/2025 05/23/2025 - 06/04/2025 AT FOR DF Land, Carissa Steichen (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Massalon, John A. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 188 CASE ID:2022CP1003877 DATE FILED:08/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Erica Prioleau Taylor VS School District Charleston County CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Bloodgood, Nancy (843) 972-0313 AT FOR DF Palmer, Elizabeth Janelle 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 277-8034 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Paylor, Alice F 04/09/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 709-4348 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/09/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 189 CASE ID:2022CP1003880 DATE FILED:08/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bmw Of North Charleston Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Quality Exteriors Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Austin, William K 03/04/2025 - 04/30/2025 (843) 822-3877 AT FOR PL Chakeris, John T. (843) 853-5678 AT FOR PL Farmer, Edward Merritt (843) 306-4144 AT FOR PL Pullano, Alicia Denise (843) 853-5678 AT FOR PL Segui, Phillip Ward 03/28/2025 - 04/07/2025 (843) 884-1865 06/05/2025 - 06/17/2025 AT FOR DF Boyd, Brent Morris 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Duffy, Brian C 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 720-2044 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF King, Rockforde D (865) 546-0500 AT FOR DF Kozick, Stephen Michael (843) 576-2910 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Mahon, Christy Elizabeth 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF McIntosh, Caroline Coward (843) 410-4719 AT FOR DF McKie, Blake Abernethy (843) 720-2044 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Montgomery, John Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 231-7833 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Traywick, Vordman Carlisle (803) 231-7810 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 190 CASE ID:2022CP1003882 DATE FILED:08/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carolina Diversified Builders Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Krista King , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR PL Parrish, David J. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 720-1771 AT FOR DF Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Hansbarger, Emily Nicole AT FOR DF Kneece, Robert Edward (843) 576-2829 AT FOR DF Nichols, Kristen Nicole (843) 800-6052 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 191 CASE ID:2022CP1003922 DATE FILED:08/24/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stefanie Stennett VS James Culton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Berlinsky, Philip Alan (843) 884-0000 AT FOR PL Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 192 CASE ID:2022CP1003939 DATE FILED:08/24/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Regina Plunkett , plaintiff, et al VS Kelly Tours Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Jackson, Perry Garnett (205) 961-4588 AT FOR PL Jones, Christopher L. (864) 625-2523 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Wiseman, Jeffrey J. (843) 574-6825 AT FOR DF Woods, John Adam (854) 214-5927 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 193 CASE ID:2022CP1003945 DATE FILED:08/25/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Judy Peterson , plaintiff, et al VS Craig Morgan CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Gillespie, Phillip Hunter (704) 364-3361 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 194 CASE ID:2022CP1003959 DATE FILED:08/26/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Walter Patrick Humphrey VS Beachcruiser Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 357-8000 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Flynn, W. James 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (704) 313-6645 AT FOR DF Smith, Hannah E. (843) 266-8233 AT FOR DF Tillman, Matthew (843) 720-4629 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 195 CASE ID:2022CP1003969 DATE FILED:08/26/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karyn Cavanaugh VS Peter Whitsun Huthwaite , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 196 CASE ID:2022CP1003990 DATE FILED:08/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/05/2025 Mounifa Odeimeh VS Nicolaus Fiutem , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR PL Sloan, Allan Poe AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 197 CASE ID:2022CP1004008 DATE FILED:08/30/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/01/2024 Sadie D Wright VS Jarrod L Swanger CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 198 CASE ID:2022CP1004009 DATE FILED:08/30/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Amh Development Llc VS Brdl Maple Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Parrish, David J. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 720-1771 AT FOR DF Joyce, Benjamin Houston (843) 724-5155 AT FOR DF Lesemann, Ellis Reed-Hill NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 199 CASE ID:2022CP1004030 DATE FILED:08/30/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2024 Rwdt Foods Inc VS Dennys Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, Clarence (803) 606-6309 AT FOR PL Walker, James L (404) 566-2320 AT FOR DF Haynes, Sonny S (336) 721-3632 AT FOR DF Wyman, Jason David 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (864) 255-5421 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 200 CASE ID:2022CP1004031 DATE FILED:08/30/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Doe 305 , plaintiff, et al VS Lawrence E Richter Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Legal Malpract 210 PROT: AT FOR PL Meyers, Gregg E. (843) 324-1589 AT FOR DF Bruner, Benjamin C. (803) 252-7693 AT FOR DF Clark, Chelsea Jaqueline AT FOR DF Cuttino, John Edward (803) 724-1714 AT FOR DF Dukes, Richard S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2810 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Sammataro, Carmelo Barone (803) 227-4253 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 201 CASE ID:2022CP1004065 DATE FILED:09/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Javonna Alexander VS Fadol Brown , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Price, Bentley D 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 513-6253 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 202 CASE ID:2022CP1004075 DATE FILED:09/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Judith Cabarrus VS Max Auto Sales Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Unfair Trade Pra 640 PROT: AT FOR PL Connor, Andrew Marvin (843) 606-1578 AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew AT FOR DF Swope, William Koatesworth (843) 852-4925 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 203 CASE ID:2022CP1004076 DATE FILED:09/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Courtney Smith VS Matthew Ryan Hucks CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Sample, David B. (843) 697-1929 AT FOR DF Owen, Robert Heath (803) 956-0409 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 204 CASE ID:2022CP1004083 DATE FILED:09/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Asia Sumter , plaintiff, et al VS First Student Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Gailliard, Robert Lee (843) 329-4015 AT FOR DF Pugh, Steven James (803) 771-4400 AT FOR DF Stallworth, Chandra Austin (803) 253-8707 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 205 CASE ID:2022CP1004117 DATE FILED:09/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shawnte Henderson , plaintiff, et al VS Leroy Green , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR PL Cooper, Michael Thomas (843) 729-6663 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 206 CASE ID:2022CP1004134 DATE FILED:09/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Barry Singletary , plaintiff, et al VS Trident Medical Center Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Flumian, Julia M. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4681 AT FOR PL Luginbill, Daniel W. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4623 AT FOR DF Batten, David H. (919) 247-0345 AT FOR DF Foppiano, Charles Houston (919) 439-2221 AT FOR DF Hedley, Rachel Atkin (803) 255-5565 AT FOR DF Holland, Catherine Hunter (843) 443-3580 AT FOR DF Joseph-McCollum, Cameo 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (864) 240-3200 AT FOR DF Knapp, Scott Douglas (954) 745-5219 AT FOR DF Magee, Lydia Lewis 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 443-3582 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Mason, Elizabeth Ballentine (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF McKeown, Christopher Roberts (803) 576-3735 AT FOR DF Purnell, Sarah McMillan 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (864) 240-3279 AT FOR DF Shaw, Kenneth Norman (864) 240-3200 AT FOR DF Simmons, Chilton Grace (843) 524-0393 AT FOR DF Thompson, Morgan Blake (803) 255-9203 AT FOR DF Todd, Monteith Powell 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (803) 231-7837 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Warner, Caroline Aline (706) 329-4888 AT FOR DF Williams, Blake Terence (803) 255-9597 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 207 CASE ID:2022CP1004152 DATE FILED:09/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chris Pappas , plaintiff, et al VS Corin Windheim CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 208 CASE ID:2022CP1004177 DATE FILED:09/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anthony Wilson VS Atlantic Fall Protection Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 209 CASE ID:2022CP1004199 DATE FILED:09/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paul Benjamin Karns , plaintiff, et al VS Brock Built Homes Of South Carolina Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 937-8000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR PL O'Neal, John Blanton (843) 577-4435 AT FOR PL O'Neil, William Marshall (843) 577-1222 AT FOR PL Scurry, Thomas Happel (843) 300-3833 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Bolick, Leslie Sherrill (704) 247-8525 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Cannon, Kelley S. (803) 758-6000 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF CRISTALDI, PHILIP Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Haselden, Andrew Elliott 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 216-6940 AT FOR DF Hollingsworth, Dunn Denson (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF James, George C. (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Matte, Olivia A. 01/13/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 278-5900 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 AT FOR DF Stephens, Shanna Milcetich 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 723-0185 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wegener, Danielle Beck 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 210 CASE ID:2022CP1004202 DATE FILED:09/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Timothy Allen Large , plaintiff, et al VS Sinkler Bail Bonds Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Slavin, Joshua E 04/09/2025 - 04/14/2025 (843) 619-7338 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 211 CASE ID:2022CP1004216 DATE FILED:09/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/01/2024 Darrold Tyrone Heyward Jr VS Blue Note Bistro Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR PL Wilson, Sean Michael (843) 242-7622 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 212 CASE ID:2022CP1004255 DATE FILED:09/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jammie Guynes VS Colin Hendrickson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Fowler, George Andrew (843) 212-3188 AT FOR DF Mlynarczyk, Adam 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 974-3962 AT FOR DF Mlynarczyk, Adam 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 213 CASE ID:2022CP1004258 DATE FILED:09/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/01/2024 David Nasrollahi VS Carolina One Real Estate , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Ford, Emily Caroline (843) 386-4886 AT FOR PL Khaladj-Ghom, Bijan (843) 414-5080 AT FOR PL Palmer, Elizabeth Janelle 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 277-8034 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR PL Paylor, Alice F 04/09/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 709-4348 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/09/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/30/2025 AT FOR DF Moody, Megan Caroline (843) 607-3671 AT FOR DF Varnado, Robert Bratton (843) 737-7301 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 214 CASE ID:2022CP1004299 DATE FILED:09/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joey Williams , plaintiff, et al VS D & D Builders Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF White, Brooklynn Hunter NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 215 CASE ID:2022CP1004300 DATE FILED:09/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brian Smyth VS Fishermen Woodworks Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Johnston, John Clifford (843) 535-9560 AT FOR PL Kurtz, Victoria Watson (843) 270-8678 AT FOR DF AT FOR DF O'Malley, Harriet Condon (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Warnock, William R. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 216 CASE ID:2022CP1004323 DATE FILED:09/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2024 Anna C Robertson VS Ashley Sue Dudley CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Akins, Dale Ernest (843) 757-7574 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 217 CASE ID:2022CP1004326 DATE FILED:09/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marcuise Stanfield VS Olajuwon Childs Wolfe , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Franklin, Ivey Blaire (803) 200-2000 AT FOR PL Hodge, James Camden (864) 585-3873 AT FOR PL Stadler, Anthony David (864) 574-8801 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Rabb, Michael Woodson 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (803) 727-5267 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 218 CASE ID:2022CP1004337 DATE FILED:09/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paisanos 2 Llc VS Brahma Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Balthazor, Peter M 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (803) 799-9993 AT FOR DF Tierney, Nicholas Paul (540) 748-0990 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 219 CASE ID:2022CP1004346 DATE FILED:09/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alberta Willis VS Fred Palmer , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Donald Higgins (843) 225-2523 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 220 CASE ID:2022CP1004356 DATE FILED:09/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jake Cohen VS Sams Club CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Gailliard, Robert Lee (843) 329-4015 AT FOR DF Blain, Robert Canna (843) 478-7420 AT FOR DF Gardner, Taylor Ashleen (864) 561-6599 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 221 CASE ID:2022CP1004387 DATE FILED:09/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nicole Bustamante , plaintiff, et al VS Ravenel Legare Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Lachenman, Eli Emet (843) 414-5080 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Flowers, Jacob A (864) 383-5264 AT FOR DF Hicks, Caroline Kathryn (843) 266-9782 AT FOR DF Laquiere, Eric B. (843) 556-2958 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Plocica, Caitlin Marie (843) 213-6043 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 222 CASE ID:2022CP1004404 DATE FILED:09/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/01/2024 Barbara Sumter VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Julian Kane 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 882-5005 AT FOR DF Clements, Peter G. (401) 688-0306 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Martineau, Elizabeth Ann (704) 247-8524 AT FOR DF Southern, Wesley A (843) 764-7060 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 223 CASE ID:2022CP1004496 DATE FILED:09/26/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/28/2024 Julia Garcia VS Beau Henry Stone CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howell, Robert Perry (301) 820-8665 AT FOR PL Joye, Mark Christopher (843) 554-3100 AT FOR PL Mosier, Melissa Garcia 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (803) 771-3100 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Jones, Eleanor Lasseigne (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Jessica Waller (803) 724-1722 AT FOR DF Lay, John Thomas (803) 724-1800 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 224 CASE ID:2022CP1004507 DATE FILED:09/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Julio Mojica VS Eric Smith CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Abshire, Phillip Noble (843) 380-9582 AT FOR PL Harrison, Matthew K. (843) 714-2506 AT FOR PL McLaren, Amy Elizabeth (843) 284-7780 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 225 CASE ID:2022CP1004509 DATE FILED:09/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Midtown Townhomes Hpr Owners Association Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Lennar Carolinas Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Fuller, Collin Heath 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 277-0013 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR PL Funai, Amanda Nicole (843) 849-5460 AT FOR PL Lucey, Justin O'Toole (843) 849-8400 AT FOR PL Werner, James Lynn (803) 255-8000 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan J. (843) 576-2070 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Barfield, Kenneth Michael (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Barrow, Thomas Augustine Dausey (843) 720-3490 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Burton, Stephanie Holmes 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 327-5000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Dean, Erin DuBose 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 524-1116 AT FOR DF Dunlap, Kevin A. (864) 577-6370 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Hicks, Caroline Kathryn (843) 266-9782 AT FOR DF James, George C. (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Perrin, Whidbee Sale 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 377-4615 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Stair, Taylor Harrison (843) 727-2650 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Stratta, Jessica Wilds 03/01/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Thompson, Allison Burke (843) 720-3471 AT FOR DF Umbarger, Joshua Hugh 03/26/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 727-2686 04/01/2025 - 04/02/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Werner, James Lynn (803) 255-8000 AT FOR DF White, Kirkley Gibson (843) 714-0517 AT FOR DF Wilson, Jenkins Heyward (843) 793-4744 AT FOR DF Winton, Tyler Paul (843) 266-8237 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 226 CASE ID:2022CP1004512 DATE FILED:09/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/15/2025 Bella Vista Iop Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Horizon Forest Products Lp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Segui, Phillip Ward 03/28/2025 - 04/07/2025 (843) 884-1865 06/05/2025 - 06/17/2025 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Hopewell, Michael S. (843) 669-0089 AT FOR DF Hughes, Stephen P. (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Manos, Theodore Luke 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Meckler, Steven A. (704) 375-0057 AT FOR DF Price, Brandy Gillette (803) 446-4303 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Staples, Christian Hart 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (704) 945-2183 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 227 CASE ID:2022CP1004520 DATE FILED:09/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wadmalaw River House Llc The , plaintiff, et al VS Hewlett M King III , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Neville, Irish Ryan (843) 968-0635 AT FOR PL Shelbourne, Peter Brandt 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 871-2210 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Goldsmith, Mason A. (864) 255-9500 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Jessica Waller (803) 724-1722 AT FOR DF Losack, Megan Moody (843) 607-3671 AT FOR DF Montague, Shelley Sunderman (803) 779-1833 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 228 CASE ID:2022CP1004529 DATE FILED:09/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shirley Jones , plaintiff, et al VS Barbara Richardson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 229 CASE ID:2022CP1004541 DATE FILED:09/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Allstate Crane Rental Inc VS L&S Charleston Property Owner Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Funai, Amanda Nicole (843) 849-5460 AT FOR PL Lucey, Justin O'Toole (843) 849-8400 AT FOR DF Gibson, C. Allen (843) 720-4613 AT FOR DF Long, Jeffrey A. (704) 523-7777 AT FOR DF McDonald, Andrea L. (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Warnock, William R. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 230 CASE ID:2022CP1004550 DATE FILED:09/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Belinda Grant VS Fisher House Foundation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Smiley, Ralph J. (803) 603-3088 AT FOR DF Pro Se Fisher House Foundation, (301) 294-8560 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 231 CASE ID:2022CP1004560 DATE FILED:09/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Henriquez Richards VS Carolina Processing & Recycling Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Washington, Ayesha Tonette (843) 410-5434 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 232 CASE ID:2022CP1004564 DATE FILED:09/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Grace Mogul VS Andrew Wray , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Savage, David L. (843) 371-1645 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 233 CASE ID:2022CP1004579 DATE FILED:10/03/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Holy City Hospitality Llc VS Freese Johnson Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Rodgers, Stanley Clarence (843) 958-9881 AT FOR DF Arnold, Brannon Jones (404) 876-2700 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 234 CASE ID:2022CP1004592 DATE FILED:10/03/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nicholas Sacco , plaintiff, et al VS Brock Built Homes Of South Carolina Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 937-8000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR PL Scurry, Thomas Happel (843) 300-3833 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Cannon, Kelley Shull (803) 758-6000 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF CRISTALDI, PHILIP Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Haselden, Andrew Elliott 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 216-6940 AT FOR DF Hollingsworth, Dunn Denson (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF James, George C. (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF O'Neal, John Blanton (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF O'Neil, William Marshall (843) 577-1222 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Stephens, Shanna Milcetich 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wegener, Danielle Beck 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 235 CASE ID:2022CP1004623 DATE FILED:10/04/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:07/01/2024 Pamela J Nix , plaintiff, et al VS Wiltons Heating And Ac CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 236 CASE ID:2022CP1004656 DATE FILED:10/05/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/15/2024 Francis Reagan , plaintiff, et al VS Eastwood Construction Partners Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Igdal, Rachel 05/21/2025 - 05/27/2025 (843) 720-2800 AT FOR PL Quinn, Frederick Elliotte 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dennis, Robert Scott (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Hanna, George Verner (803) 758-6000 AT FOR DF James, George C. (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Jones, Eleanor Lasseigne (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laney, Matthew B (803) 354-2277 AT FOR DF Leatherwood, Catherine Ava 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (803) 744-1534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Montague, Shelley Sunderman (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Soucy, Kristen Aurora (803) 744-1286 AT FOR DF Southern, Wesley A (843) 764-7060 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wilson, Danielle Cheyenne (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Wilson, Jenkins Heyward (843) 793-4744 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 237 CASE ID:2022CP1004657 DATE FILED:10/05/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/01/2024 Thomas A Beckett , plaintiff, et al VS Eastwood Construction Partners Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Igdal, Rachel 05/21/2025 - 05/27/2025 (843) 720-2800 AT FOR PL Quinn, Frederick Elliotte 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Brown, Parker Wayne Lee 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dennis, Robert Scott (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Ervin, Francis Marion 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 737-8611 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Goffer, Taylor Kathleen (570) 780-3833 AT FOR DF Hanna, George Verner (803) 758-6000 AT FOR DF Laney, Matthew B (803) 354-2277 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF Matte, Olivia A. 01/13/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 278-5900 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wilson, Danielle Cheyenne (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Wilson, Jenkins Heyward (843) 793-4744 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 238 CASE ID:2022CP1004667 DATE FILED:10/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Big Bear Roofing Llc VS Low Country Contractors Sc Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Steven L. (843) 760-0220 AT FOR DF Henderson, Wesley E (843) 212-3188 AT FOR DF Pro Se Low Country Contractors Sc Llc, NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 239 CASE ID:2022CP1004672 DATE FILED:10/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nextone Inc VS Dataspring Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Edwards, Aaron Eric (843) 867-3027 AT FOR DF Horton, Lewis Gregory Cook (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Lee, Beth Manning (864) 376-8824 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 240 CASE ID:2022CP1004674 DATE FILED:10/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Loree Ann Chase , plaintiff, et al VS Kenric Elwin Mccoy , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Wyndham, Mary Grace Brown (843) 279-5312 AT FOR PL Wyndham, Robert J. AT FOR DF Burgess, Jason William (704) 543-2321 AT FOR DF Livoti, Anthony W. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (803) 454-1209 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Watson, Lewis Andrew (704) 543-2321 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 241 CASE ID:2022CP1004695 DATE FILED:10/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2024 Ashley Suggs VS Blue Note Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Kidd, E. Culver (843) 612-0555 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 AT FOR DF Marvel, David B. (843) 853-4877 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 242 CASE ID:2022CP1004696 DATE FILED:10/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sandra Wright VS Housing Authority Of The City Of Charleston CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sanyal, Ravi (843) 641-0347 AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Ferguson, Aris Hanchard (843) 720-3683 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 243 CASE ID:2022CP1004708 DATE FILED:10/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christopher Gallagher VS Staci Dearing , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Masciale, Michael Christopher04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 790-8771 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR PL O'Reilly, Peter T AT FOR DF Scruggs, Michael Paul (206) 624-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 244 CASE ID:2022CP1004711 DATE FILED:10/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Megronigle VS Folly Beach City Of CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 245 CASE ID:2022CP1004715 DATE FILED:10/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Fernando Valverde , plaintiff, et al VS Mark J Bastian CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Breen, Matthew Mitchell (843) 283-2495 AT FOR DF Guerry, John Horton (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 246 CASE ID:2022CP1004740 DATE FILED:10/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rebecca Ann Gasque VS Jason Christopher Gater CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stratos, Milton Demetrios (843) 725-4269 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 247 CASE ID:2022CP1004742 DATE FILED:10/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/20/2025 South Park Ventures Llc VS Medical University Of South Carolina CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Bundy, Walter Henry 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 212-0525 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR PL McDonald, Michael Brent 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 492-0221 AT FOR DF McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR DF Treece, Connor Wayne (843) 442-8758 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 248 CASE ID:2022CP1004753 DATE FILED:10/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Manuel Cohen VS Cooper Barrons Properties Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR PL Lista, Jaime Caroline 03/25/2025 - 04/03/2025 05/23/2025 - 06/04/2025 AT FOR DF Abney, Merritt Gordon (843) 534-4844 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 249 CASE ID:2022CP1004770 DATE FILED:10/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2024 Lashawn Dickson VS Blue Note Bistro Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Kidd, E. Culver (843) 612-0555 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 AT FOR DF Marvel, David B. (843) 853-4877 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 250 CASE ID:2022CP1004777 DATE FILED:10/13/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marion Bernard Jackson , plaintiff, et al VS Norma Jackson Mckeever CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Condon, Charles Molony (843) 884-8146 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 251 CASE ID:2022CP1004809 DATE FILED:10/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/30/2024 Benjamin Garber VS Synter Resource Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 AT FOR DF Crolley, Axton Dylan (803) 255-9433 AT FOR DF Hegler, Adam Jesse (803) 255-9479 AT FOR DF Manning, Cory E. (803) 799-2000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 252 CASE ID:2022CP1004826 DATE FILED:10/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Meghan Finneran VS Mai Cha , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stohr, Zachary F 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 790-8999 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 253 CASE ID:2022CP1004830 DATE FILED:10/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Emily Lynn Crosby VS Charleston Southern University CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Murdaugh, Steven Dean (843) 782-6070 AT FOR DF Barrow, Thomas Augustine Dausey (843) 720-3490 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 254 CASE ID:2022CP1004856 DATE FILED:10/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Housing Authority Charleston City Of The , plaintiff, et al VS Lindbergh & Associates Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Bowers, Carlton Daniel (864) 630-1866 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 937-8000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL Parker, Theodore (702) 868-8008 AT FOR PL Scurry, Thomas Happel (843) 300-3833 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Boyd, Brent Morris 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Canaday, Stacey Patterson (843) 524-1116 AT FOR DF Cox, William Hewitt (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Earhart, Ryan A. (843) 972-9403 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Lowndes, Arden Y. (843) 714-2507 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moe, Daniel Foster (843) 224-1707 AT FOR DF Paton, Laura Elizabeth Paris 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 714-2508 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Scott, Belle Faith (803) 671-0490 AT FOR DF Stephenson, Richard Cameron (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Tillman, Matthew (843) 720-4629 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Warnock, William R. (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF West, Allen L. (704) 344-1117 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 255 CASE ID:2022CP1004857 DATE FILED:10/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jill Holstein VS Harris Teeter Supermarkets Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR PL Stewart, Johnny J. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 439-0131 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Santaniello, Andrew James 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (704) 374-1600 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 256 CASE ID:2022CP1004861 DATE FILED:10/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Darius Hill VS Dig In The Park Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Walker, Breon C. M. (803) 799-4700 AT FOR DF Burns, Allison Marie (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Linton, Mary Kathleen (843) 720-2044 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 257 CASE ID:2022CP1004863 DATE FILED:10/19/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Corey L Singleton VS Chase M Marshall CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 258 CASE ID:2022CP1004869 DATE FILED:10/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daphney Fykes VS Monro Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Unfair Trade Pra 640 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Coates, Weldon Lucas (843) 669-8787 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 259 CASE ID:2022CP1004884 DATE FILED:10/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Asha R Uppal VS Matthew H Horne , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 260 CASE ID:2022CP1004886 DATE FILED:10/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Lewis , plaintiff, et al VS Seaquest Development Company Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Lybrand, James B. (803) 223-6156 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Daigle, Jason Alan (843) 823-6504 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 261 CASE ID:2022CP1004889 DATE FILED:10/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Doneise Michelle Gosier VS Jason Mackenzie Kaye , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Dayson, Curtis Jerrod (803) 973-0304 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 AT FOR DF Rand-McDaniel, Sarah (854) 529-0595 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 262 CASE ID:2022CP1004890 DATE FILED:10/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ambre Boroughs VS Patricia M Johnson CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 263 CASE ID:2022CP1004895 DATE FILED:10/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Melinda Lawhorn , plaintiff, et al VS Hobie Meekins CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Simkovich, John Paul (843) 535-8000 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 264 CASE ID:2022CP1004943 DATE FILED:10/26/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/01/2025 Brooke Ranly , plaintiff, et al VS Medcare Express North Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Other/Malpract 299 PROT: AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR DF Addison, Richard Daniel (843) 720-3485 AT FOR DF Belcher, Alan Ross (843) 973-5975 AT FOR DF Gill, Kathleen Spencer Craig (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Harper, Lindsay Amber (854) 444-5790 AT FOR DF Hood, James Bernard (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Kern, Brian James (843) 577-1204 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 265 CASE ID:2022CP1004948 DATE FILED:10/26/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Eddie Harrison VS Connor Aidan Mcgillicuddy CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Ranaldo, Daniel Paul (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 266 CASE ID:2022CP1004953 DATE FILED:10/26/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lisa Marie Mueller VS David Smith , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Pre-Suit Discov 670 PROT: AT FOR PL Ridgeway, Edward Wayne (803) 451-4000 AT FOR DF Moseley, Robert Daniel (864) 248-6026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 267 CASE ID:2022CP1004961 DATE FILED:10/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Angela Limehouse VS Trident Medical Center Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Cartee, Gary Lane (843) 767-1800 AT FOR DF Harper, Lindsay Amber (854) 444-5790 AT FOR DF Smith, Jennie Marie 05/23/2025 - 06/03/2025 (843) 810-2675 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 268 CASE ID:2022CP1004963 DATE FILED:10/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Irene Legare VS Mau Leasing Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hartman, James F. (843) 300-7600 AT FOR DF McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR DF Treece, Connor Wayne (843) 442-8758 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 269 CASE ID:2022CP1004964 DATE FILED:10/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daniel Mckay VS Csx Transportation Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Arata, Blake G (504) 522-9980 AT FOR PL Barnes, M Ali AT FOR PL Murdaugh, Randolph (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Stelly, William Chad (504) 522-9980 AT FOR DF Hogg, Dorothy Holley (706) 828-2638 AT FOR DF Loebl, Michael Nicholas (706) 724-0171 AT FOR DF Tate, Sonja Renee NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 270 CASE ID:2022CP1004965 DATE FILED:10/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sanjaykumar Brahmbhatt , plaintiff, et al VS Michael Erle Watson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Evans, Andrew Clifton 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (864) 574-8801 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 271 CASE ID:2022CP1004969 DATE FILED:10/27/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marvin H Smalley VS Jon Bruce CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL DeAntonio, Stephen F 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-8080 AT FOR DF Hale, Joseph Alexander (803) 253-1280 AT FOR DF Miles, Temus C. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 272 CASE ID:2022CP1004992 DATE FILED:10/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Eric Mcdonald , plaintiff, et al VS Donald E Rogers , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Ramsey, Christopher Michael (843) 571-2525 AT FOR DF Pro Se Franklin, David E (843) 870-9496 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 273 CASE ID:2022CP1005020 DATE FILED:10/31/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rebekah Simmons VS Delores King CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR DF Massey, Anthony Shane (803) 637-6200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 274 CASE ID:2022CP1005021 DATE FILED:10/31/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mary Roe , plaintiff, et al VS Jessica Maria CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 275 CASE ID:2022CP1005023 DATE FILED:10/31/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:12/10/2024 Molly Jaume , plaintiff, et al VS Roper St Francis Healthcare , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Richter, Ronald L. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 573-9900 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Horton, Brandt R. (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 AT FOR DF Sweeny, William Oglesby (843) 535-8000 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 276 CASE ID:2022CP1005038 DATE FILED:11/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Meredith Rawles VS Elm Contractors Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR PL Koontz, William Mark NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 277 CASE ID:2022CP1005074 DATE FILED:11/02/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Beers Millwork Llc VS Chuck Slaven , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Barfield, Kenneth Michael (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Patterson, Matthew Douglas (803) 255-9577 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 278 CASE ID:2022CP1005077 DATE FILED:11/02/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sheriffs Office Charleston County VS Three Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Seven Dollars , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Forfeit-Petit (840) PROT: AT FOR PL Knisley, Edward L. (843) 958-4010 AT FOR DF Taylor, Donna K. (843) 723-4020 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 279 CASE ID:2022CP1005092 DATE FILED:11/03/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Samantha Isgar VS James Edward Moore CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stratos, Milton Demetrios (843) 725-4269 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 280 CASE ID:2022CP1005093 DATE FILED:11/03/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Crystal O'Donald VS Charles Truman Spell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Minor Settlement 730 PROT: AT FOR PL Runey, Joseph Francis (843) 722-2904 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 281 CASE ID:2022CP1005114 DATE FILED:11/04/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert L Green VS El Jefe Chas Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Holmes, Grahame Ellison (843) 549-9544 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 282 CASE ID:2022CP1005121 DATE FILED:11/04/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Maureen Richardson , plaintiff, et al VS John Wesley Doty CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Chisum, Patrick Aulton (843) 577-0027 AT FOR PL Gruenloh, William M AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 283 CASE ID:2022CP1005126 DATE FILED:11/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stephen Nettles VS Om Sailing Charters Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferrara, Paul B. (843) 569-5511 AT FOR DF Masciale, Michael Christopher04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 790-8771 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF O'Reilly, Peter T NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 284 CASE ID:2022CP1005135 DATE FILED:11/07/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:07/22/2024 Joe Flewellyn , plaintiff, et al VS Troy Ah Yo , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Endemann, Michelle N (843) 936-5043 AT FOR PL Johnson, Oana Dobrescu (843) 203-4195 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dean, Erin DuBose 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 524-1116 AT FOR DF Matte, Olivia A. 01/13/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 278-5900 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Ornduff, M. Paige Chamberlain04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 414-8114 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Turner, Caitlin Burrell (843) 735-7600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 285 CASE ID:2022CP1005146 DATE FILED:11/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Crystal O'Donald VS Ashanti Alicia Attipoe , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Runey, Joseph Francis (843) 722-2904 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 286 CASE ID:2022CP1005151 DATE FILED:03/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nathan Barr Jr VS W Mason Rees , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Delaney, John Andrew 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (803) 534-5218 AT FOR PL Keith, Gregory Daulton (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL Williams, David Reynolds (803) 534-5218 AT FOR DF Morrison, Elizabeth Fulton (843) 277-1151 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 287 CASE ID:2022CP1005158 DATE FILED:11/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Debora Peretsman VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Haselden, David Altman (843) 377-1700 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 723-0185 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 288 CASE ID:2022CP1005169 DATE FILED:11/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/29/2024 Ryan Brett Delman , plaintiff, et al VS Harper Construction Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Blundy, Amanda Morgan 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 867-6050 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/09/2025 - 05/13/2025 06/19/2025 - 07/02/2025 07/19/2025 - 07/26/2025 AT FOR PL Maull, English Hanahan AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Teague, Carl Reed 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 591-2340 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 289 CASE ID:2022CP1005187 DATE FILED:11/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Steven Compean VS Kailee N Losinger CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Grooms, Taylor Lawrence (843) 614-5320 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 290 CASE ID:2022CP1005216 DATE FILED:11/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/08/2024 Mark E Lewis , plaintiff, et al VS Alpha Omega Construction Group Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Blundy, Amanda Morgan 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 867-6050 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/09/2025 - 05/13/2025 06/19/2025 - 07/02/2025 07/19/2025 - 07/26/2025 AT FOR PL Maull, English Hanahan AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Castell, Rachel Maria (803) 420-7216 AT FOR DF Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Kernodle, Sam T. (843) 795-7800 AT FOR DF Kernodle, Trent M. AT FOR DF Laney, Matthew B (803) 354-2277 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF White, Brooklynn Hunter (843) 577-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 291 CASE ID:2022CP1005220 DATE FILED:11/10/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Corey J Stewart , plaintiff, et al VS School District Charleston County , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Spann-Wilder, Tiffany R. (843) 266-7792 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 292 CASE ID:2022CP1005222 DATE FILED:11/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karlinda Myers VS Fred Palmer , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Keith, Gregory Daulton (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Story, Matthew Joseph (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 293 CASE ID:2022CP1005228 DATE FILED:11/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jessica Bass , plaintiff, et al VS School District Charleston County CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Palmer, Elizabeth Janelle 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 277-8034 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Paylor, Alice F 04/09/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 709-4348 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/09/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 294 CASE ID:2022CP1005237 DATE FILED:11/11/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Gerald L Fagins VS William D Rivers CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Harrell, Robert William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 636-8739 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 295 CASE ID:2022CP1005239 DATE FILED:11/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/01/2024 Eric T Mccanick , plaintiff, et al VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hill, Teresa Zachry (843) 889-2262 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 296 CASE ID:2022CP1005265 DATE FILED:11/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Archi Draft Corporation , plaintiff, et al VS Nail So Dep Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Steven L. (843) 760-0220 AT FOR DF Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 297 CASE ID:2022CP1005286 DATE FILED:11/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Delores Love VS Dolgencorp Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Condon, E. Elliot 04/11/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-4496 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 298 CASE ID:2022CP1005291 DATE FILED:11/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kirstyn Martino , plaintiff, et al VS Aaron Scott Ingalls , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, David Fletcher (843) 744-4444 AT FOR PL Huntley, Ryan Edward (843) 310-4949 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 299 CASE ID:2022CP1005293 DATE FILED:11/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charles Thomas Rini Jr , plaintiff, et al VS Diament Building Corp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 300 CASE ID:2022CP1005295 DATE FILED:11/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cieara Plowdeniz VS Brandon J Rose CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Gibbs, Christopher Fredrick (843) 379-2330 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 301 CASE ID:2022CP1005313 DATE FILED:11/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Aubrey Gladstone , plaintiff, et al VS Jeffrey D Suiter , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Gladstone, Aubrey (561) 634-1500 AT FOR DF Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR DF Rahn, Paul Robert 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 723-6470 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 302 CASE ID:2022CP1005324 DATE FILED:11/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Elizabeth O'Leary , plaintiff, et al VS North Charleston Assisted Living Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Hughey, Daniel Nathan (843) 881-8644 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 303 CASE ID:2022CP1005327 DATE FILED:11/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alison Jeselnik VS Matthew Robert Kauffman CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Rivers, R. Thayer (843) 726-8136 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 304 CASE ID:2022CP1005357 DATE FILED:11/18/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Aynsley Barnett , plaintiff, et al VS Erik Gustav Kirby , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ashley, David D. (843) 906-2503 AT FOR PL Le Clercq, Benjamin Scott Whaley (843) 722-3523 AT FOR DF Ambrosini, Santino Umberto (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Carey, Christian Edwin (859) 588-0487 AT FOR DF Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR DF Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Land, James Ceth (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Malone, Allison Evans (843) 414-8116 AT FOR DF Mazurek, Max John (843) 720-1755 AT FOR DF Moore, Edward Raymond (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Petkoff, Carl Henry (843) 720-1773 AT FOR DF Query, O. Grady (843) 795-9500 AT FOR DF Ricard, Rhett Douglas (843) 720-1707 AT FOR DF Shoun, Cheryl D. (843) 720-1762 AT FOR DF Thrift, Ford Hamby 04/09/2025 - 05/12/2025 (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Watkins, William Wharton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 305 CASE ID:2022CP1005377 DATE FILED:11/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:08/01/2024 Brandon Collins VS Alexander Peter Shevling CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Victoria Nichole 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 800-0365 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR PL Wilson, Harry Cooper (843) 725-0918 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 306 CASE ID:2022CP1005381 DATE FILED:11/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Katherine Mcclain Ali , plaintiff, et al VS Edward Terry , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, James R. (843) 642-8333 AT FOR DF Ambrosius, Taylor Barbara 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (920) 371-2027 AT FOR DF Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR DF Turner, Franklin H. (803) 771-7900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 307 CASE ID:2022CP1005387 DATE FILED:11/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/21/2024 John Geng , plaintiff, et al VS Roper St Francis Healthcare , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, James R. (843) 642-8333 AT FOR PL Watters, Mary H. (843) 822-3688 AT FOR DF Keough, Meredith Anne (843) 531-6102 AT FOR DF Sweeny, William Oglesby (843) 535-8000 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 308 CASE ID:2022CP1005417 DATE FILED:11/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Donna Boyd VS Centerpoint Learning Center , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Farr, Peter E. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (803) 782-4100 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 309 CASE ID:2022CP1005425 DATE FILED:11/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jonathan Buncher VS Joker Supper Club Restaurant And Lounge Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 310 CASE ID:2022CP1005429 DATE FILED:11/23/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rs Tic Llc VS Bulls Bay Overlook Community Association Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 AT FOR DF Cary, Taylor Leigh (843) 266-8214 AT FOR DF Haselden, Andrew Elliott 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 216-6940 AT FOR DF MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 311 CASE ID:2022CP1005473 DATE FILED:11/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:08/30/2024 Daniel Imholz , plaintiff, et al VS Hunter Brooks , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Greene, Rebecca Suzanne (910) 690-7834 AT FOR PL Huber, Mark Richard Hap (843) 216-9797 AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 312 CASE ID:2022CP1005476 DATE FILED:11/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Demesia Osorio Torres VS Marquis Lesston , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Harrison, Matthew K. (843) 714-2506 AT FOR PL McLaren, Amy Elizabeth (843) 284-7780 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 313 CASE ID:2022CP1005487 DATE FILED:07/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Drayton Hastie Jr , plaintiff, et al VS Taylor D Nelson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Blake, Austin Michael (843) 524-3109 AT FOR PL Dukes, Kevin Earl AT FOR PL Frierson, Sarah Cameron (803) 231-7829 AT FOR PL Gooding, Benjamin Rogers (803) 231-7821 AT FOR DF Daniel, Charles Wilson (843) 720-2044 AT FOR DF Hastie, J. Drayton (803) 319-2157 AT FOR DF Richardson, Matthew Terry (803) 254-6542 AT FOR DF Wooten, Patrick Coleman (843) 720-2044 AT FOR DF Young, J. Rutledge NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 314 CASE ID:2022CP1005494 DATE FILED:11/29/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Virginia Pirronelli , plaintiff, et al VS South Bay At Mt Pleasant Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Hudson, John Dwight (803) 451-6057 AT FOR PL Wilson, Harry Cooper (843) 725-0918 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Smyth, Todd W. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 606-5635 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 315 CASE ID:2022CP1005507 DATE FILED:11/30/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Lickfeld , plaintiff, et al VS Zachary Mcmurrer CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Pittman, Allyson Rice 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 248-7486 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 316 CASE ID:2022CP1005531 DATE FILED:12/01/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Latasha Maple , plaintiff, et al VS Mary Elizabeth Canaday CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Nowroozzadeh, Amir Abrahim (404) 992-4115 AT FOR DF Craig, Julie A 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 317 CASE ID:2022CP1005558 DATE FILED:12/02/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kaleb Kurzawa VS Corey Jonathan Tolppa , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gentry, John Thomas (843) 806-2633 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 318 CASE ID:2022CP1005565 DATE FILED:12/02/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Herbert Alonzo Robinson VS Co Restaurant CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Robinson, Herbert Alonzo AT FOR DF Pro Se Co Restaurant, (843) 345-2843 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 319 CASE ID:2022CP1005585 DATE FILED:12/05/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sarah Rock VS Dog Daze Of Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR PL Quinn, Frederick Elliotte 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 871-6522 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Wills, Warren W. (843) 805-6300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 320 CASE ID:2022CP1005589 DATE FILED:12/05/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christopher Murray VS Lucas Velazquez Martine CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Keith, Gregory Daulton (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 (704) 808-0104 AT FOR DF Bayne, Brett Harris 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 227-2281 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Diethrich, Davis Jaren Andrew (412) 897-1096 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 321 CASE ID:2022CP1005616 DATE FILED:12/06/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Terry Peterson VS Global Quality Brands , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Products Liab 340 PROT: AT FOR PL Gentry, John Thomas (843) 806-2633 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 322 CASE ID:2022CP1005635 DATE FILED:12/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ernest Greene , plaintiff, et al VS Southeast Cinema Entertainment Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 323 CASE ID:2022CP1005653 DATE FILED:12/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Danny V Esquibel , plaintiff, et al VS Malcolm E Clark , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Varnado, Robert Bratton (843) 737-7301 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 324 CASE ID:2022CP1005667 DATE FILED:12/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carolina Quality Buyers Llc VS Marisha Statham , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Krahe, Thomas P (804) 433-7058 AT FOR DF Dippold, Jacob Henry (315) 558-3138 AT FOR DF Killen, Patrick McFadden (803) 774-5026 AT FOR DF Williamson, Matthew A (843) 372-1216 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 325 CASE ID:2022CP1005668 DATE FILED:12/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/11/2024 Jennifer Dennis VS Warren Henry Anderson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bohren, John Christian (619) 433-2803 AT FOR PL Coble, Chase Harrison (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 326 CASE ID:2022CP1005677 DATE FILED:12/09/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Holy City Heating & Air Llc VS Robert B Bouronich , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR PL Morris, Taylor McCutcheon (843) 212-1920 AT FOR DF Daigle, Jason Alan (843) 823-6504 AT FOR DF Grant, Siobhan (305) 428-5118 AT FOR DF Sneed, Robert M. (864) 282-2100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 327 CASE ID:2022CP1005688 DATE FILED:12/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marcia Engelhardt VS Ian Kane , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL DeAntonio, Stephen F 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-8080 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Burns, Allison Marie (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Southern, Wesley A (843) 764-7060 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 328 CASE ID:2022CP1005693 DATE FILED:12/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kele Leidiene Ribeiro VS Flavio Lineu De Sovza CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Ribeino, Kele Leidiene (843) 291-6608 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 329 CASE ID:2022CP1005695 DATE FILED:12/12/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mary True VS Smart Auto Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Connor, Andrew Marvin (843) 606-1578 AT FOR DF Petkoff, Carl Henry (843) 720-1773 AT FOR DF Ricard, Rhett Douglas (843) 720-1707 AT FOR DF Shoun, Cheryl D. (843) 720-1762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 330 CASE ID:2022CP1005736 DATE FILED:12/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David Balcer , plaintiff, et al VS Crosstown Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Endemann, Michelle N (843) 936-5043 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Hendricks, Sonaly Kirkley (843) 722-7733 AT FOR DF Lynch, Daniel Francis 04/25/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 725-7704 05/28/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/20/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF MacManus, Austin Curtis (636) 541-1677 AT FOR DF Wagner, Barbara J. (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 331 CASE ID:2022CP1005757 DATE FILED:12/15/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Scott Shaw VS Home Warranty of America Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Shaw, Scott (949) 330-0202 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 332 CASE ID:2022CP1005778 DATE FILED:12/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tonie M Cattles , plaintiff, et al VS Lakes Of Summerville Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Igdal, Rachel 05/21/2025 - 05/27/2025 (843) 720-2800 AT FOR PL Quinn, Frederick Elliotte 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 871-6522 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Malone, Allison Evans (843) 414-8116 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, Shana Sue (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Winton, Tyler Paul (843) 266-8237 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 333 CASE ID:2022CP1005784 DATE FILED:12/16/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Harleston Gates Property Owner Association Inc, plaintiff, et al VS Bennett Hofford Construction Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Barnes, Robert Bryan (803) 744-1273 AT FOR DF Boger, Thomas B 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 329-9500 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Endemann, Michelle N (843) 936-5043 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Goffer, Taylor Kathleen (570) 780-3833 AT FOR DF Hicks, Caroline Kathryn (843) 266-9782 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Perrin, Whidbee Sale 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 377-4615 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Stevens, Benjamin Scott (843) 576-2922 AT FOR DF Teague, Carl Reed 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 591-2340 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 334 CASE ID:2022CP1005821 DATE FILED:12/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daniella Allen VS Laboratory Company Of America , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Pinkston, Shawn Travis 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 814-5472 AT FOR DF Hoy, Connor Jeffrey (843) 727-2674 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 335 CASE ID:2022CP1005831 DATE FILED:12/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wanda Melcher VS Centerpoint Learning Center , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Farr, Peter E. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (803) 782-4100 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 336 CASE ID:2022CP1005836 DATE FILED:12/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mark Rimedio VS Patrick Weber Williams CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 337 CASE ID:2022CP1005837 DATE FILED:12/20/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Grace E Akers VS Lowery Brands Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Lokey, Warren Richard (843) 202-0675 AT FOR PL Rodriguez, Arianna Victoria AT FOR PL White, Jason Randall (843) 860-8270 AT FOR DF Burgess, Jason William (704) 543-2321 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Santilli, Susan Elizabeth (843) 216-0009 AT FOR DF Watson, Lewis Andrew (704) 543-2321 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 338 CASE ID:2022CP1005843 DATE FILED:12/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kevin Myers , plaintiff, et al VS Rodney Alphonso Edwards , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Pizarro, Margie Anita (843) 563-0100 AT FOR PL Quinn, Frederick Elliotte 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-2800 AT FOR PL singletary, reagan (803) 552-6957 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Endemann, Michelle N (843) 936-5043 AT FOR DF Pro Se Edwards, Rodney Alphonso NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 339 CASE ID:2022CP1005845 DATE FILED:12/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hollywood Town Of VS Bellsouth Telecommunications Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fail Del/Warr 160 PROT: AT FOR PL Austen, Jon Lawrence (843) 727-2210 AT FOR PL Huffer, Stefanie Lynn (843) 779-2111 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Elliott, John Douglas 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 340 CASE ID:2022CP1005846 DATE FILED:12/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/22/2024 Kathleen Murphy , plaintiff, et al VS Elm Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Linton, Mary Kathleen (843) 720-2044 AT FOR PL Wehrman, Robert Lewis AT FOR PL Young, J. Rutledge AT FOR DF Khan, Jamie A. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 937-0400 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Lesemann, Ellis Reed-Hill (843) 724-5155 AT FOR DF Lewis, Forrest William (443) 472-7520 AT FOR DF McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF Walker, George Trenholm (843) 727-2208 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 341 CASE ID:2022CP1005852 DATE FILED:12/21/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Wynn , plaintiff, et al VS Joseph E Thompson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR PL Nicholson, Elizabeth Foy (843) 266-8140 AT FOR DF Hawk, Robert Buchanan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-7234 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Kropski, Steven Raymond (843) 972-9404 AT FOR DF Seferian, Maxwell James (843) 628-3783 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 342 CASE ID:2022CP1005923 DATE FILED:12/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Harold Rouse VS Kyle Sorkin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 343 CASE ID:2022CP1005925 DATE FILED:12/28/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Phillip Cook VS Frank Johnson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 AT FOR DF Whipper, Jackson Seth (843) 740-7777 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 344 CASE ID:2022CP1005938 DATE FILED:12/30/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christina Jones , plaintiff, et al VS 23 Ann Street Restaurant Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Sigal, Ryan Harris (843) 284-7780 AT FOR DF Aiken, Jefferson Boone 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 720-4475 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 725-0001 AT FOR DF Crawford, John T. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (864) 242-4899 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 AT FOR DF Imhoff, Jason Michael (864) 616-1510 AT FOR DF McQuillin, Stafford J 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 724-1120 AT FOR DF Rowh, Chandler David (843) 714-2510 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Siachos, Peter George (843) 714-2505 AT FOR DF Smith, Shana Sue (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Thibault, Ashley Crawley (803) 233-6099 AT FOR DF Treece, Connor Wayne (843) 442-8758 AT FOR DF Wooten, Kimila Lynn 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (864) 979-4879 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 345 CASE ID:2023CP1000004 DATE FILED:12/31/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Verde Villas Lp , plaintiff, et al VS Creative Builders Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Flynn, R. Patrick (843) 834-3426 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Carter, Evan Abell (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Endemann, Michelle N (843) 936-5043 AT FOR DF Griggs, Cameron Vance (843) 936-5861 AT FOR DF Haldrup, Neil S. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Joyner, James Alexander 03/26/2025 - 03/30/2025 (843) 737-6229 06/03/2025 - 06/10/2025 AT FOR DF Land, James Ceth (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Leatherwood, Catherine Ava 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (803) 744-1534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Lucey, Emily Gifford (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Moffitt, Justin Matthew (843) 737-6229 AT FOR DF Roquemore, Jonathan Gamble (803) 727-1205 AT FOR DF Turner, Caitlin Burrell (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF West, Allen L. (704) 344-1117 AT FOR DF White, Megan C (843) 377-4090 AT FOR DF Wilkes, Michael B.T. (864) 591-2355 AT FOR DF Wilson, Jenkins Heyward (843) 793-4744 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 346 CASE ID:2023CP1000010 DATE FILED:01/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ashley Price VS Jarred Daniel , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bonville, Bradley Walton (843) 884-0000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 347 CASE ID:2023CP1000046 DATE FILED:01/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: North Charleston City Of VS Six Thousand Eight Hundred Six Dollars , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Forfeit-Petit (840) PROT: AT FOR PL Austin, Frances Daniel (843) 813-0962 AT FOR DF Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Krell, Barry 03/28/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 697-5221 AT FOR DF Krell, Barry 04/11/2025 - 04/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 348 CASE ID:2023CP1000059 DATE FILED:01/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Eric Bowman VS Kouvarius Butler CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Bowman, William Eric (843) 709-4061 AT FOR DF Pro Se Butler, Kouvarius NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 349 CASE ID:2023CP1000064 DATE FILED:01/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nicholas A Sotiroglou VS John Doe , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 350 CASE ID:2023CP1000082 DATE FILED:01/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/01/2024 Larry Joe Whitworth , plaintiff, et al VS Thomas Ridenour , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 351 CASE ID:2023CP1000093 DATE FILED:01/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/18/2024 Kenneth N Hovis VS Vertek Logistics Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Conway, David Patrick (843) 764-3334 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Crain, Adam Miles 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 352 CASE ID:2023CP1000124 DATE FILED:01/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Linda Rhyne , plaintiff, et al VS Rachel Kay Keith CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sparwasser, Max Capper 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 864-6444 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 353 CASE ID:2023CP1000127 DATE FILED:01/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Lyon VS Charleston County Park & Recreation Commission , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 723-0185 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 354 CASE ID:2023CP1000152 DATE FILED:01/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shakira Y Logan , plaintiff, et al VS James Simons Montessori School , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 355 CASE ID:2023CP1000157 DATE FILED:01/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Leah Montgomery VS Kaley Ann Hiott CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Bringardner, Mark Joseph (843) 400-0550 AT FOR PL Dorsel, Christopher Thomas AT FOR PL Nelson, Madeline Elise (843) 530-3337 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 356 CASE ID:2023CP1000170 DATE FILED:01/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bennadereia Brave VS Olin Bunch CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gerardi, Jeffrey (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Boger, Thomas B 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 329-9500 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 357 CASE ID:2023CP1000177 DATE FILED:01/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ashley Nicole Green , plaintiff, et al VS Melvin Douglas Willingham , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Spann-Wilder, Tiffany R. (843) 266-7792 AT FOR DF CRISTALDI, PHILIP Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Salerno, Jessica Lynn (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 358 CASE ID:2023CP1000178 DATE FILED:06/08/2018 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Deidre Giglio , plaintiff, et al VS Ronald Nunn , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gentry, John Thomas (843) 806-2633 AT FOR DF Hibri, Salah Hani (843) 884-1444 AT FOR DF Mason, Mark A. AT FOR DF Slagsvol, Edwin Whitner (843) 804-8502 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 359 CASE ID:2023CP1000184 DATE FILED:01/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Msp Re Holdings Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Crown Castle South Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Gaskins, E. Brandon (843) 579-7038 AT FOR DF Bihun, Brittany Tanya 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 408-2816 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Ebken, John (412) 316-2907 AT FOR DF Wyant II, Eric S (412) 588-2269 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 360 CASE ID:2023CP1000199 DATE FILED:01/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kimberly Read VS Zebulun Lott CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Julian Kane 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 882-5005 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 361 CASE ID:2023CP1000208 DATE FILED:07/17/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Reizer VS Molina Healthcare Of South Carolina, Inc. , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Rody, Tyler Blake (864) 381-7969 AT FOR DF Blake, Shaun C. (803) 256-1268 AT FOR DF Gelwicks, Christopher Patrick (704) 892-1699 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 362 CASE ID:2023CP1000230 DATE FILED:01/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marie Rivers VS Both Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 363 CASE ID:2023CP1000258 DATE FILED:01/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kaitlyn Chambers , plaintiff, et al VS Timothy Dimitri Byrd , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Blake, Shaun C. (803) 256-1268 AT FOR PL Mann, Jenkins McMillan (803) 978-2831 AT FOR PL Whitsitt, Michael Ashley (843) 297-8485 AT FOR DF Mclawhorn, Richard Edward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 256-2233 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 364 CASE ID:2023CP1000300 DATE FILED:01/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Eugene O'Neal , plaintiff, et al VS Glenda Pierpoint , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Christy Ford (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Bleecker, John M. (843) 577-4352 AT FOR DF Shahid, Albert Peter 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 853-4500 04/21/2025 - 04/21/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/05/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/19/2025 05/21/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/02/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/23/2025 06/25/2025 - 06/27/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/14/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 365 CASE ID:2023CP1000328 DATE FILED:01/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William W Doggett Jr , plaintiff, et al VS Concrete Supply Holdings Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Bridgmon, Charles J. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (704) 523-7777 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Buckley, Edward D (843) 577-4000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 366 CASE ID:2023CP1000357 DATE FILED:01/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jason M Shepherd VS 1639 Indaba Way Land Trust , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Evan Adam (843) 804-8550 AT FOR DF Henrikson, Matthew Holmes (864) 672-7106 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 367 CASE ID:2023CP1000364 DATE FILED:01/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kimberly Mcclanahan VS Thomas Perry Oneale , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bacon, William Thomas (843) 379-7000 AT FOR PL McDougall, J. Olin AT FOR PL Redfern, Clinton Frederick AT FOR DF Pritchard, Thomas Bacot (843) 242-7805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 368 CASE ID:2023CP1000365 DATE FILED:01/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Giancarlo Belloli VS Melanie Gliatto CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Samuel K. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 481-4000 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR PL Brock, Eric Sean 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 369 CASE ID:2023CP1000374 DATE FILED:01/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cleo Stoucker VS John Doe , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, Jackie J. 04/10/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 225-5253 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Bingham, William S (678) 996-9090 AT FOR DF Ferderigos, Phillip S. (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Harris, Daenayia (380) 800-1961 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 370 CASE ID:2023CP1000387 DATE FILED:01/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:09/23/2024 Elizabeth O'Brien VS Target Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Douglas, Matthew T (843) 552-6011 AT FOR DF Barfield, Kenneth Michael (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Coates, Weldon Lucas (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 371 CASE ID:2023CP1000407 DATE FILED:01/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sandra Walters VS Bon Secours St Francis Xavier Hospital , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Pinkston, Shawn Travis 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 814-5472 AT FOR DF Lewis, Nicholas Irwin (843) 266-8203 AT FOR DF Lovell, Dennis Gary 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8213 AT FOR DF Morgan, Hunter Adam (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 372 CASE ID:2023CP1000436 DATE FILED:01/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/30/2024 Sally Edwards Bohnstengel VS William John Lardieri , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Henderson, Daniel E. (843) 547-8011 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 373 CASE ID:2023CP1000468 DATE FILED:01/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Laura Stone VS Pear Tree Renovations Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Bradley, Daniel Merritt 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 834-0178 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Olive, Graydon Vester AT FOR DF Rozelsky, Kurt Matthew (864) 695-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 374 CASE ID:2023CP1000472 DATE FILED:01/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sandra Wright VS Titilola Bligen , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ricker, Brice Eugene 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 900-2020 AT FOR DF Addison, Richard Daniel (843) 720-3485 AT FOR DF Fober, Christian Edwin Wayne (864) 872-8561 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 375 CASE ID:2023CP1000479 DATE FILED:01/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Louise Silance VS Janine Kaiser , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Delaney, John Andrew 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (803) 534-5218 AT FOR PL Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Lumpkin, Tiffany J (803) 542-6245 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 376 CASE ID:2023CP1000543 DATE FILED:02/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pablo M Fernandez VS Groundworks Operations Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Blankenship, Reynolds H. (843) 972-0150 AT FOR PL Dodds, John Joseph AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR PL Duffy, Liam Donovan (843) 972-0150 AT FOR PL Early-Soppa, Megan Marie (864) 616-3366 AT FOR PL Yarborough, David Butler (843) 972-0150 AT FOR DF Costello, Daniel P (312) 850-2651 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Turiello, Michael P (312) 850-2651 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 377 CASE ID:2023CP1000545 DATE FILED:02/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:08/19/2024 Latonya Fisher VS David Dallemolle , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Thomas, Richard Carson 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 799-1111 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 378 CASE ID:2023CP1000561 DATE FILED:02/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brandi Sanichar VS Usaa General Indemnity Company CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 379 CASE ID:2023CP1000563 DATE FILED:02/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sharon Hutchinson , plaintiff, et al VS Sandpiper Rehab & Nursing Delaware Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Buckner, Perry McPherson (843) 972-0150 AT FOR PL Yarborough, David Butler AT FOR DF Holland, Catherine Hunter (843) 443-3580 AT FOR DF Magee, Lydia Lewis 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 443-3582 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Scalise, Marian Williams (843) 443-3581 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 380 CASE ID:2023CP1000589 DATE FILED:02/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Myles Moultrie VS Chad Colburn , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bringardner, Mark Joseph (843) 400-0550 AT FOR PL Linton, Mary Kathleen AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 381 CASE ID:2023CP1000594 DATE FILED:02/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charles Gilliard VS Sarah L Green CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bledsoe, Colton James (385) 210-5684 AT FOR DF Bonds, Jack Hurst (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 382 CASE ID:2023CP1000595 DATE FILED:02/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Felicia Milson VS Tricounty Weatherization Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Washington, Ayesha Tonette (843) 410-5434 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 383 CASE ID:2023CP1000596 DATE FILED:02/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stevie Gray VS Lowcountry Grocers Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Stratos, Milton Demetrios (843) 725-4269 AT FOR DF Bendle, Thomas Allan 04/17/2025 - 04/29/2025 (843) 522-2400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 384 CASE ID:2023CP1000635 DATE FILED:01/30/2019 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Donna Washington VS Ashley Furniture Industries Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Ball, Mark David (803) 903-1781 AT FOR DF Morrison, Elizabeth Fulton (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Pritchard, Edward K. (843) 722-3300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 385 CASE ID:2023CP1000661 DATE FILED:02/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/15/2025 Zoraida Bishop VS Martol Marble & Granite Of Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferrara, Paul B. (843) 569-5511 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Kozick, Stephen Michael (843) 576-2910 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 386 CASE ID:2023CP1000676 DATE FILED:02/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia Allan VS Medical University Of South Carolina , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Oebker, Jon W (216) 696-4664 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 387 CASE ID:2023CP1000688 DATE FILED:02/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:05/31/2024 Tracy Andre Dinkins Bey VS Berkely , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Bey, Tracy Andre Dinkins (843) 442-5393 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 388 CASE ID:2023CP1000692 DATE FILED:02/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lokey Law Firm The , plaintiff, et al VS Jason F Taylor , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Lokey, Warren Richard (843) 202-0675 AT FOR PL Rodriguez, Arianna Victoria AT FOR PL White, Jason Randall (843) 860-8270 AT FOR DF Haller, David K. (843) 224-7860 AT FOR DF Pro Se Taylor, Jason F (843) 270-3425 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 389 CASE ID:2023CP1000718 DATE FILED:02/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paul Lopez , plaintiff, et al VS Daly & Sawyer Construction Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Grainger Brown, Stephanie Paige (843) 805-7003 AT FOR PL Hayes, John Calvin AT FOR PL Meola, Nina Elizabeth (603) 209-5588 AT FOR DF Clark, Thomas Jonathan (864) 591-2342 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Ribock, John Adam (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Rogers, John Elliott 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 591-2366 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 390 CASE ID:2023CP1000770 DATE FILED:11/13/2018 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mayflower Limited Partnership VS Charleston County Housing and Redevelopment Authority , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Unfair Trade Pra 640 PROT: AT FOR PL Carr, Steven R AT FOR PL Ellinger, Susan Yelton (919) 785-9998 AT FOR PL MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Bowers, Carlton Daniel (864) 630-1866 AT FOR DF Parker, Theodore (702) 868-8008 AT FOR DF Tisdale, Thomas S. (843) 823-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 391 CASE ID:2023CP1000771 DATE FILED:02/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kerry Ann Francis Campbell VS Dariush Pourmoghadam , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Derrick, Dakota Julius 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 248-7486 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 392 CASE ID:2023CP1000775 DATE FILED:02/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Larry Miller , plaintiff, et al VS West Ashley Slp Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Banyas, Bradley Hunter (843) 881-8644 AT FOR PL Hughey, Daniel Nathan AT FOR DF Gill, Kathleen Spencer Craig (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Heslop, Ashley Sumner (843) 720-3473 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 393 CASE ID:2023CP1000782 DATE FILED:02/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Eric Grant VS Sara White Gethers CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 394 CASE ID:2023CP1000783 DATE FILED:02/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daniel Middleton VS Sara White Gethers CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 395 CASE ID:2023CP1000797 DATE FILED:02/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carol Smalls VS Carl Dietrich , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Julian Kane 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 882-5005 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 396 CASE ID:2023CP1000854 DATE FILED:02/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2025 Community First Land Trust VS Dwell In Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Mingledorff, Christopher Clinton (843) 471-1015 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Sheets, Emily Christine 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 266-8207 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 397 CASE ID:2023CP1000869 DATE FILED:02/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ralph William Carl VS Henry A Washington CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferrara, Paul B. (843) 569-5511 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 398 CASE ID:2023CP1000886 DATE FILED:02/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cheryl Hanson VS William Rose CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Crantford, William Carey 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 399 CASE ID:2023CP1000888 DATE FILED:02/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/15/2025 Jacqueline H Sokol , plaintiff, et al VS Seaside Cycles Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Derrick, Dakota Julius 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 248-7486 AT FOR PL Lawrimore, Wade Coleman AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 400 CASE ID:2023CP1000889 DATE FILED:02/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Glenn Horton VS William E Hopkins Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Legal Malpract 210 PROT: AT FOR PL Henrikson, Matthew Holmes (864) 672-7106 AT FOR DF Wallace, Robert Bruce (843) 720-1760 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 401 CASE ID:2023CP1000893 DATE FILED:02/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/20/2025 Sean Patrick Hayes , plaintiff, et al VS 373 Huger Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Capell, Glynn Lindsey (843) 689-4280 AT FOR PL Pelzer, Arthur Cole 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 789-4511 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Thomson, Charles Whaley (843) 501-0423 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, C. Austin (843) 853-3310 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Hollingsworth, Dunn Denson (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Hundley, W. Richards (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Jones, Eleanor Lasseigne (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Joyner, James Alexander 03/26/2025 - 03/30/2025 (843) 737-6229 06/03/2025 - 06/10/2025 AT FOR DF McIntosh, Caroline Coward (843) 410-4719 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moffitt, Justin Matthew (843) 737-6229 AT FOR DF Montague, Shelley Sunderman (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Ornduff, M. Paige Chamberlain04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 414-8114 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Stephens, Shanna Milcetich 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Turner, Caitlin Burrell (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Watkins, William Wharton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Wegener, Danielle Beck 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 804-9800 AT FOR DF White, Brooklynn Hunter (843) 577-7730 AT FOR DF Wilkes, Michael B.T. (864) 591-2355 AT FOR DF Wilson, Danielle Cheyenne (843) 329-4040 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 402 CASE ID:2023CP1000907 DATE FILED:02/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ysidra Anissa Lewis VS Angela Marie Armstrong CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Maybank, Mary Grace Wyndham (843) 279-5312 AT FOR PL Wyndham, Robert J. AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 403 CASE ID:2023CP1000908 DATE FILED:02/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia Frayer , plaintiff, et al VS Kevin Ballinger , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 AT FOR DF Griffith, Ernest Mitchell (843) 521-4242 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 404 CASE ID:2023CP1000909 DATE FILED:02/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carmela Pasquarello Gourdine , plaintiff, et al VS Southwood Realty Company Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Harrison, Matthew K. (843) 714-2506 AT FOR PL McLaren, Amy Elizabeth (843) 284-7780 AT FOR DF Shelley, Thomas McRoy (803) 771-7900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 405 CASE ID:2023CP1000949 DATE FILED:02/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lawrence Ford , plaintiff, et al VS Ports Authority South Carolina State The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Kobrovsky, Lawrence C. (843) 853-3703 AT FOR PL Simkovich, John Paul (843) 535-8000 AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Whitley, Joshua Steven (843) 606-5635 AT FOR DF Woods, John Adam (854) 214-5927 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 406 CASE ID:2023CP1000969 DATE FILED:02/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mouad Omerani VS Essence Owens Felder , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Fowler, George Andrew (816) 728-6694 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 407 CASE ID:2023CP1001006 DATE FILED:02/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/31/2024 Carner Gex Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Department Of Transportation South Carolina , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Bundy, Walter Henry 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 212-0525 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR PL McDonald, Michael Brent 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 492-0221 AT FOR DF Davidson, John Whitfield (803) 540-2023 AT FOR DF Ervin, Francis Marion 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 737-8611 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Lambert, Norman Ward (864) 235-5535 AT FOR DF Lambert, Wesley Benjamin AT FOR DF Pagliarini, David Guy (843) 971-8646 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 408 CASE ID:2023CP1001022 DATE FILED:02/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/22/2025 Al Sami Allah , plaintiff, et al VS Northern Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Knowles, Brian Morris (843) 810-7596 AT FOR DF Brown, Parker Wayne Lee 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Garraux, Jared Hudson (803) 253-8717 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Stephenson, Richard Cameron (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 409 CASE ID:2023CP1001033 DATE FILED:03/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Bianchi , plaintiff, et al VS Leroy Nesbitt , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Masciale, Michael Christopher04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 790-8771 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR PL O'Reilly, Peter T AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 410 CASE ID:2023CP1001040 DATE FILED:03/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Troy Barber , plaintiff, et al VS Locke Mcknight CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Dotterer, Gaillard Townsend (843) 881-1623 AT FOR PL Tibbals, Jeffrey Scott 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 513-1032 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR PL Williams, Evan Patrick (843) 513-1036 AT FOR DF Scott, William A. (843) 729-7863 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 411 CASE ID:2023CP1001056 DATE FILED:03/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Monique Bligen , plaintiff, et al VS Curtis Pinckney CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Dayson, Curtis Jerrod (843) 388-3368 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 412 CASE ID:2023CP1001058 DATE FILED:03/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Waters Edge At Folly Owners Association Inc VS John Poston And Company Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Query, O. Grady (843) 795-9500 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 413 CASE ID:2023CP1001098 DATE FILED:03/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: January Maclin , plaintiff, et al VS Blue Note Bistro Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Protopapas, Peter Demos 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 978-6111 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR PL Spitz, Jescelyn Tillman (803) 968-9169 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 414 CASE ID:2023CP1001130 DATE FILED:03/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:07/15/2024 Jon Valencia VS Alexandra Tashay Smalls CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 415 CASE ID:2023CP1001131 DATE FILED:03/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:07/15/2024 Natasha Jefferson VS Alexandra Tashay Smalls CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 416 CASE ID:2023CP1001166 DATE FILED:03/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nekeya Jones , plaintiff, et al VS Charleston County , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Bryan, George Waller (843) 798-3211 AT FOR PL Evans, Scott Christopher (843) 995-5000 AT FOR PL Moore, James Bernice 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Bihun, Brittany Tanya 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 408-2816 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF DeMasters, David Allan (803) 799-9993 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Gresh, Jack G 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 881-1022 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Plyler, Daniel Clifton (803) 254-5445 AT FOR DF Post, Nelson 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 266-8210 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 AT FOR DF Thompson, Kristen Kelley 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-8357 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 417 CASE ID:2023CP1001183 DATE FILED:03/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kristin Johnson VS Peggy Pruitt , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Burgess, Matthew Joseph (803) 222-2222 AT FOR PL Robinson, Laura W. (877) 833-5297 AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Hurley, Sarah Day (864) 775-5870 AT FOR DF Livoti, Anthony W. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (803) 782-4100 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 AT FOR DF Wiseman, Jeffrey J. (843) 574-6825 AT FOR DF Woods, John Adam (854) 214-5927 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 418 CASE ID:2023CP1001216 DATE FILED:03/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Matthew Zimmerman , plaintiff, et al VS Indigo Pools Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Henderson, Wesley E (843) 212-3188 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 419 CASE ID:2023CP1001222 DATE FILED:03/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/08/2024 Melvin Carson VS Donald Franklin Wade CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Harvin, Lucius Scott 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 549-6432 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 420 CASE ID:2023CP1001228 DATE FILED:03/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/20/2025 Caridad Gonzalez VS Ansonborough Inn Of Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Arndt, Jonathan S. (843) 469-8777 AT FOR DF Coury, Philip Sarkis (803) 293-5189 AT FOR DF Pavlicek, Jacqueline Marie (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Prevost, Claude Townsend 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 421 CASE ID:2023CP1001234 DATE FILED:03/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/20/2025 Willie L Miles VS Mary M Troiani , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Utsey, Bert Glenn 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 970-2700 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (843) 452-9299 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 422 CASE ID:2023CP1001291 DATE FILED:03/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Gail Chisholm VS Costco Wholesale Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 423 CASE ID:2023CP1001295 DATE FILED:03/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bernard Seabrook VS Brandi Nicole Lee , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Victoria Nichole 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 800-0365 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 424 CASE ID:2023CP1001300 DATE FILED:03/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Saveurs Du Monde Cafe Inc VS Thames Holdings Sdm 1 Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Grissom, Trent M. (704) 271-5000 AT FOR DF Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 425 CASE ID:2023CP1001308 DATE FILED:03/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bryan Scott Fonseca VS Lowcountry Gold Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 974-3962 AT FOR DF Aschner, Nadav (720) 663-0558 AT FOR DF Elmore, Katherine Sieber 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (864) 255-9500 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Goldsmith, Mason A. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 426 CASE ID:2023CP1001316 DATE FILED:09/14/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Phillip Crace VS Winnebago Industries Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Zeidan, Fatima Alexis (912) 629-2594 AT FOR DF Biltoft, Jacob Alan (803) 705-2149 AT FOR DF Black, David Shuler (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Bragg, Houston Alexander (606) 548-2289 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Horton, Brandt R. (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Jones, Brandon Paul 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 256-4645 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Woods, John Adam (854) 214-5927 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 427 CASE ID:2023CP1001322 DATE FILED:03/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tina Miles VS Blue Note Bistro Llc The CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Futeral, Stephan Victor 03/05/2025 - 04/16/2025 (843) 284-5500 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Dukes, Madelyn Elizabeth (803) 604-7428 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 428 CASE ID:2023CP1001334 DATE FILED:03/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Fort Johnson Baptist Church VS Rochester Insurance Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Starr, Dominic Allen 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 848-6000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 429 CASE ID:2023CP1001351 DATE FILED:03/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rutledge King VS Edward George Johnson III CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Corrigan, Kevin Charles (803) 741-4651 AT FOR PL Masciale, Michael Christopher04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 790-8771 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 430 CASE ID:2023CP1001360 DATE FILED:03/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Elizabeth Elieff VS Lea Bohr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 431 CASE ID:2023CP1001381 DATE FILED:03/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cafe Development Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Thames Holdings Sdm 1 Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Grissom, Trent M. (704) 271-5000 AT FOR DF Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 432 CASE ID:2023CP1001397 DATE FILED:03/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paris Buie , plaintiff, et al VS Mary Watson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Reardon, Gerald Eugene (803) 602-5242 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 433 CASE ID:2023CP1001405 DATE FILED:03/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:08/01/2024 Maria C Newman , plaintiff, et al VS Dyllon L Thomas CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Abshire, Phillip Noble (843) 380-9582 AT FOR PL McLaren, Amy Elizabeth (843) 284-7780 AT FOR PL Sigal, Ryan Harris AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Carnwath, Samuel Wallace (843) 303-9549 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 434 CASE ID:2023CP1001409 DATE FILED:03/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stephen Crawford VS Medical University Of South Carolina , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Builder, Lindsay Livingston (864) 373-2208 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 435 CASE ID:2023CP1001410 DATE FILED:03/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brenda Reid VS College Of Charleston CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 436 CASE ID:2023CP1001421 DATE FILED:03/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Laura Lynn Andrathy VS Melissa June Kersse CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 437 CASE ID:2023CP1001422 DATE FILED:03/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dana M Sheppard VS Travez D Norton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Weaver, Marshall Solomon (843) 407-4203 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 438 CASE ID:2023CP1001446 DATE FILED:03/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Samul Lowe , plaintiff, et al VS Eric R Gibbs CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Summa, Philip Daniel (843) 277-9665 AT FOR DF Biggins, Ella Catherine (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Vaccarella, Tyler Matthew (843) 577-8144 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 439 CASE ID:2023CP1001462 DATE FILED:03/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dana Harris , plaintiff, et al VS Nicole Leeann Henderson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 440 CASE ID:2023CP1001480 DATE FILED:03/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/18/2024 Mark Burgos VS Kenneth N Hovis , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stark, Martin Linder 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 973-5194 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Crain, Adam Miles 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Moise, E. Warren (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 441 CASE ID:2023CP1001482 DATE FILED:03/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alison Shepherd , plaintiff, et al VS Salamander Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Williams, David Reynolds (803) 534-5218 AT FOR PL Williams, Virginia Watson AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 442 CASE ID:2023CP1001500 DATE FILED:03/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daniel Driggers VS Mariana Hernandez Arreola , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Thompson, Jessica B. (843) 761-5626 AT FOR PL West, Edgar Mason 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Carnwath, Samuel Wallace (843) 303-9549 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 443 CASE ID:2023CP1001513 DATE FILED:03/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jay Coleman Connor VS Homefix Custom Remodeling Corp CAUSE OF ACTION:Unfair Trade Pra 640 PROT: AT FOR PL Maxfield, David Andrew (803) 509-6800 AT FOR DF Poplin, Ashlee Burgess (813) 227-5520 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 444 CASE ID:2023CP1001515 DATE FILED:03/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jordanbuilt Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Lowcountry Contractors Sc Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Henderson, Wesley E (843) 212-3188 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 445 CASE ID:2023CP1001516 DATE FILED:03/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey W Buncher Sr VS Daniella Sills , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 446 CASE ID:2023CP1001519 DATE FILED:03/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: E K Rentals Llc , plaintiff, et al VS 1910E Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 725-0001 AT FOR DF Hammes, Roman Vincent 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 261-7026 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 447 CASE ID:2023CP1001520 DATE FILED:02/22/2018 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alex Apostolou , plaintiff, et al VS Shawn Thomas , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Anderson, Renee Miriam (864) 270-8060 AT FOR DF George, Charles Anton (404) 441-3100 AT FOR DF Jones, Michal Cooper (803) 758-6000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 448 CASE ID:2023CP1001527 DATE FILED:03/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christopher Gamez VS Hunter Tillman , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sevcik, Daniel Joseph (803) 200-2000 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 449 CASE ID:2023CP1001548 DATE FILED:03/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Zachary Harris VS Joseph Hafner CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Carnwath, Samuel Wallace (843) 303-9549 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 450 CASE ID:2023CP1001586 DATE FILED:03/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brandi Barnett VS Mercedes Benz Financial Services Usa Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Myers, Amenhotep (843) 279-4396 AT FOR PL Pendarvis, Marvin Rashad (843) 330-2540 AT FOR DF Bauknight, Connor Bentley (803) 253-8206 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Hines, Russell Grainger (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Ricard, Rhett Douglas (843) 720-1707 AT FOR DF Shoun, Cheryl D. (843) 720-1762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 451 CASE ID:2023CP1001625 DATE FILED:04/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anthony Turner VS Carson Thomas Lee , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Sigal, Ryan Harris (843) 284-7780 AT FOR PL Williams, Lawrence Crayton (843) 229-3520 AT FOR DF Bearden, Riley Anne (803) 995-8011 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Kea, Madison Killen NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 452 CASE ID:2023CP1001638 DATE FILED:04/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ira Scott VS Da Vantay Blake CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Stoney-Reid, Joy D. (843) 763-1300 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 453 CASE ID:2023CP1001640 DATE FILED:04/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Anthony Gethers , plaintiff, et al VS Donnell Bowens , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Edwards, Kenneth L. (843) 889-1011 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 454 CASE ID:2023CP1001648 DATE FILED:04/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Commissioners Of Public Works Of The City Of Charleston VS Oak Plantation Campground Lp CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL McQueeney, Daniel Simmons (843) 973-6886 AT FOR DF Bybee, Richard D. (843) 881-1623 AT FOR DF Tibbals, Jeffrey Scott 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 513-1032 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 455 CASE ID:2023CP1001655 DATE FILED:04/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Optimal Brightness Solutions S De Rl De Cv , plaintiff, et al VS Gac Commercial Aircraft Leasing Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Nettles, William Norman (803) 814-2826 AT FOR PL Warren, John Lafitte AT FOR DF Pro Se Gac Commercial Aircraft Leasing Llc, AT FOR DF Pro Se Green, John C NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 456 CASE ID:2023CP1001662 DATE FILED:04/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Nunn VS Lowcountry Fiberglass Pools Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Elliott, C. Austin (843) 853-3310 AT FOR DF Pro Se Lowcountry Fiberglass Pools Llc, AT FOR DF Pro Se Riley, Wayne T NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 457 CASE ID:2023CP1001672 DATE FILED:04/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Curtis Alonzo Joyner VS Jennifer Melissa Johnston , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet (843) 569-1700 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 458 CASE ID:2023CP1001698 DATE FILED:04/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Maxine Manigault VS Francisco Palma CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sigal, Ryan Harris (843) 284-7780 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 459 CASE ID:2023CP1001714 DATE FILED:04/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Johnica Wright , plaintiff, et al VS Terrance Charles Brown CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 460 CASE ID:2023CP1001735 DATE FILED:04/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Frederick L Gibbs VS Moses S Jackson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Carter, Evan Abell (270) 402-7709 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 461 CASE ID:2023CP1001738 DATE FILED:04/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Maher Sualfan VS Stephen Anthony Bruno CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Sualfan, Maher (843) 822-6398 AT FOR DF Schwartz, Lester Samuel (843) 571-7919 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 462 CASE ID:2023CP1001743 DATE FILED:04/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stefan Mrgan III , plaintiff, et al VS John Everette Whitley , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR PL Williams, Charlie H. (803) 534-5218 AT FOR PL Williams, David Reynolds AT FOR PL Williams, Virginia Watson AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Winokur, Jamie Lauren (248) 760-8547 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 463 CASE ID:2023CP1001753 DATE FILED:04/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lucy Spell VS Ellen Adair Felthaus CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 464 CASE ID:2023CP1001791 DATE FILED:04/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Graclyn Fowles VS Mount Pleasant Sc Hwy 17 Drive In Restaurant Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Robinson, William Tyler (843) 278-2222 AT FOR PL Smith Rogers, Whitney Allison (843) 793-8580 AT FOR PL Tanenbaum, Mark C (843) 577-5100 AT FOR PL Young, Adam D 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 891-5564 AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Dennis, William Albert (843) 724-6625 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 465 CASE ID:2023CP1001798 DATE FILED:04/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Andrew Mcchesney , plaintiff, et al VS Nan Sun CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Kuykendall, Jeffrey William (843) 790-5182 AT FOR DF Cooper, Lindsey W. (843) 375-6622 AT FOR DF Tierney, Nicholas Paul (540) 748-0990 AT FOR DF Vaccarella, Tyler Matthew (843) 577-8144 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 466 CASE ID:2023CP1001811 DATE FILED:04/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Doe VS Keith Alexander Ritter CAUSE OF ACTION:Assault/Battery 370 PROT: AT FOR PL Flumian, Julia M. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4681 AT FOR PL Luginbill, Daniel W. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4623 AT FOR DF Pro Se Ritter, Keith Alexander (760) 622-1687 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 467 CASE ID:2023CP1001815 DATE FILED:04/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Albert F Maccario , plaintiff, et al VS Brian Curtis Baker , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Richter, Anna Elizabeth 01/13/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 577-6531 AT FOR PL Slotchiver, Stephen Michael 04/11/2025 - 04/22/2025 05/01/2025 - 05/05/2025 05/29/2025 - 05/29/2025 06/04/2025 - 06/18/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/15/2025 AT FOR DF Condon, Charles Molony (843) 884-8146 AT FOR DF Umbarger, Joshua Hugh 03/26/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 727-2686 04/01/2025 - 04/02/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 468 CASE ID:2023CP1001854 DATE FILED:04/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lee Kaplan , plaintiff, et al VS Costco Wholesale Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 469 CASE ID:2023CP1001855 DATE FILED:04/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jan Skillman Becker , plaintiff, et al VS Roper St Francis Healthcare , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR PL Ulmer, Suzanne Cuba AT FOR DF Buyck, Hugh W. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 377-1400 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Craig, Mary Agnes Hood 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-4435 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Holland, Catherine Hunter (843) 443-3580 AT FOR DF Johnson, Brian Edward (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Lappin, Jeffrey Herman (914) 960-3815 AT FOR DF Magee, Lydia Lewis 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 443-3582 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 AT FOR DF Scalise, Marian Williams (843) 443-3581 AT FOR DF Scott, James Edward (843) 720-6660 AT FOR DF Smyth, Todd W. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 606-5635 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Smythe, George B (843) 557-9171 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 470 CASE ID:2023CP1001857 DATE FILED:04/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christopher Mortimer , plaintiff, et al VS Justin Ray Domer , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Nicholas Denver (843) 277-3714 AT FOR DF Kelly, Matthew Z (843) 804-6538 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 471 CASE ID:2023CP1001872 DATE FILED:04/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shelia C Pierce VS Alister Douglas CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Donald Higgins (843) 225-2523 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 472 CASE ID:2023CP1001883 DATE FILED:04/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jaclyn Sams VS Terrence Moultrie CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Arant, Brent Hamilton (803) 576-3100 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 473 CASE ID:2023CP1001894 DATE FILED:04/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Deborah Kelly , plaintiff, et al VS Helen Burke CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 474 CASE ID:2023CP1001898 DATE FILED:04/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kiana Knowlin VS Christopher Parnell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Farr, Peter E. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (803) 782-4100 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 475 CASE ID:2023CP1001905 DATE FILED:04/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cametra V Luder VS Choice Hotels International Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Joyner, James Alexander 03/26/2025 - 03/30/2025 (843) 737-6229 06/03/2025 - 06/10/2025 AT FOR DF Mulbry, Reed William AT FOR DF Wilkes, Michael B.T. (864) 591-2355 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 476 CASE ID:2023CP1001913 DATE FILED:04/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Sharpstein VS Joy Vaughn Chloe , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF McTighe Mellen, Mary Kathleen04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 501-2347 AT FOR DF Norris, Charles R. (843) 619-3824 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 477 CASE ID:2023CP1001915 DATE FILED:04/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Diane S Botti , plaintiff, et al VS Johns Island Post Acute Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Cope, Lee Deer (803) 903-1823 AT FOR PL Nance, Ashley Bruce (843) 364-1743 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Riesen, Frederick W. (843) 800-0809 AT FOR DF Buyck, Hugh W. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 377-1400 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Crites, Jerome Bennett (843) 996-1900 AT FOR DF Lappin, Jeffrey Herman (914) 960-3815 AT FOR DF Stewart, Nicholas Clarence Chapman03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 996-1928 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 478 CASE ID:2023CP1001923 DATE FILED:04/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:12/02/2024 Jeffrey Cepin VS Samet Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Cepin, Jeffrey AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Trask, Michael McCrea (803) 227-4910 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 479 CASE ID:2023CP1001956 DATE FILED:04/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dennis Connolly VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Lista, Jaime Caroline 03/25/2025 - 04/03/2025 (843) 936-6680 05/23/2025 - 06/04/2025 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 480 CASE ID:2023CP1001957 DATE FILED:04/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James Edward Corley VS David C Johnson CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Hill, Teresa Zachry (843) 889-2262 AT FOR DF Hood, John Austin (800) 774-8242 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 481 CASE ID:2023CP1001988 DATE FILED:04/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mary Helen P Walker , plaintiff, et al VS Hollywood Town Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Shoun, Cheryl D. (843) 720-1762 AT FOR DF Austen, Jon Lawrence (843) 727-2210 AT FOR DF Huffer, Stefanie Lynn (843) 779-2111 AT FOR DF Porter, Dean Douglas (843) 849-3191 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 482 CASE ID:2023CP1002020 DATE FILED:04/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charles Edward Maxwell VS Restaurant Depot Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Bringardner, Mark Joseph (843) 400-0550 AT FOR PL Linton, Mary Kathleen AT FOR DF Kozick, Stephen Michael (843) 576-2910 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 483 CASE ID:2023CP1002037 DATE FILED:04/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Claudia Nicole Onate VS April Cannon , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Bauer, Samuel Christopher (843) 842-5297 AT FOR PL Clawson, Samuel Richard (843) 970-2700 AT FOR PL Fargnoli, Christina Rae AT FOR PL Metro, Robert S. (843) 842-5297 AT FOR PL Utsey, Bert Glenn 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 970-2700 AT FOR PL Wilkes-D'Amato, Laura Kell (843) 278-0179 AT FOR DF Hood, Robert Holmes (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Smyth, Todd W. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 606-5635 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 484 CASE ID:2023CP1002041 DATE FILED:04/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Solicitor Ninth Judicial Circuit VS Cocaine 30.5 Grams , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Forfeit-Petit (840) PROT: AT FOR PL Ruemelin, Steven R. (843) 720-3787 AT FOR DF Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Krell, Barry 03/28/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 697-5221 AT FOR DF Krell, Barry 04/11/2025 - 04/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 485 CASE ID:2023CP1002042 DATE FILED:04/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nather C Knowlin , plaintiff, et al VS Medical University Of South Carolina , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Martin, David William (803) 548-2468 AT FOR PL Wilkerson, Forrest Craig (803) 324-7200 AT FOR DF Brady, Kyle Lee (864) 712-9624 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 AT FOR DF Mills, Katherine Heil (803) 254-4190 AT FOR DF Shealy, Kirby Darr AT FOR DF Stegmaier, Christian (803) 256-2660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 486 CASE ID:2023CP1002049 DATE FILED:04/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nicole Goer VS Kearsten Patterson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Anthony, Stephanie (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 487 CASE ID:2023CP1002050 DATE FILED:04/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Leondra C Hamilton VS Daniel S Fox CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Creech, League B. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 488 CASE ID:2023CP1002051 DATE FILED:04/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anchor Restoration Construction Llc VS Charles Blanchard Construction Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Hammes, Roman Vincent 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 261-7026 AT FOR DF Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 489 CASE ID:2023CP1002073 DATE FILED:04/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Hull VS Clare Kitchin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Condon, Charles Molony (843) 884-8146 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 490 CASE ID:2023CP1002074 DATE FILED:04/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Mazyck VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 491 CASE ID:2023CP1002092 DATE FILED:05/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/01/2025 Donnie Gamache Attorney At Law Llc , plaintiff, et al VS David Scott Miller Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pendarvis, Thomas A. (843) 524-9500 AT FOR DF Cary, Taylor Leigh (843) 266-8214 AT FOR DF MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 492 CASE ID:2023CP1002094 DATE FILED:05/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alejandro Gonzalez , plaintiff, et al VS Randall Sizemore , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Helmly, Ransome Hayward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 884-0184 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Land, Carissa Steichen (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Massalon, John A. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 493 CASE ID:2023CP1002121 DATE FILED:05/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Bloodsworth , plaintiff, et al VS Carealliance Health Services Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Cope, Lee Deer (803) 903-1823 AT FOR PL Crosby, Ronnie Lanier (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Vannoy, R. Brady 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 761-0610 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 494 CASE ID:2023CP1002131 DATE FILED:07/13/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dana S Harris VS Nicole Leeann Henderson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 495 CASE ID:2023CP1002133 DATE FILED:05/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Esynce Everett VS Lloyd Ronald Harman CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Figueroa, Estafany Ivette (843) 376-3260 AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 496 CASE ID:2023CP1002138 DATE FILED:05/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Juan Rincon Torres , plaintiff, et al VS Indigo Homes Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Hood, S. Randall (803) 327-7800 AT FOR PL Smith, Victoria Nichole 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 800-0365 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, James C. (803) 731-0030 AT FOR DF Hendricks, Sonaly Kirkley (843) 722-7733 AT FOR DF Lynch, Daniel Francis 04/25/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 725-7704 05/28/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/20/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Mingledorff, Christopher Clinton (843) 471-1015 AT FOR DF Patterson, Michael Eugene NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 497 CASE ID:2023CP1002151 DATE FILED:05/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mildred Keith VS Home Depot Management Company Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF McGann, Kyle David (803) 724-1751 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 498 CASE ID:2023CP1002155 DATE FILED:05/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Roy Shannon Britt VS Theodore Westervelt III CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Wills, Warren W. (843) 805-6300 AT FOR PL Pro Se Britt, Roy Shannon (843) 532-4555 AT FOR DF Point, Brittany Michele 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Theos, Nicholas Jerry 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 499 CASE ID:2023CP1002156 DATE FILED:05/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Roy Shannon Britt , plaintiff, et al VS Theodore Trey Westervelt III , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Wills, Warren W. (843) 805-6300 AT FOR PL Pro Se Armstrong, Mark (843) 532-4555 AT FOR PL Pro Se Britt, Roy Shannon AT FOR DF Point, Brittany Michele 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Theos, Nicholas Jerry 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 500 CASE ID:2023CP1002164 DATE FILED:05/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Calvin E Marshall VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 501 CASE ID:2023CP1002179 DATE FILED:05/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lingle Investment Group Llc VS Sand Creek Construction Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Hawk, Robert Buchanan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-7234 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 502 CASE ID:2023CP1002185 DATE FILED:05/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charleston Care Group Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Erwin Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Kelly, Russell Britton (843) 991-4128 AT FOR PL McElheney, Madison Brown (843) 901-9143 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Berardelli, Christine Ritchie (330) 933-4799 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Castles, Charles Guy (843) 576-2924 AT FOR DF Clark, Thomas Jonathan (864) 591-2342 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Giblin, Scott William 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (803) 782-4100 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Holland, Robert D. (803) 960-3989 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Land, James Ceth (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Lucey, Emily Gifford (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Mahon, Christy Elizabeth 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Massingill, Carter R. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (864) 241-7008 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Plocica, Caitlin Marie (843) 213-6043 AT FOR DF Powers, William Duffie (864) 271-9580 AT FOR DF Rogers, John Elliott 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 591-2366 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Sheets, Emily Christine 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 266-8207 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Tonnsen, Eric R. (864) 236-5013 AT FOR DF Turner, Caitlin Burrell (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Watkins, William Wharton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 503 CASE ID:2023CP1002223 DATE FILED:05/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nia Swinton Jenkins VS Pacome Droh CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 504 CASE ID:2023CP1002227 DATE FILED:05/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hope Spencer VS Tre'Vian Devon Harris CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 505 CASE ID:2023CP1002263 DATE FILED:05/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeronimo Hernandez Jimenez VS Rolando Medrano CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Fester, Joshua Reece (843) 784-2142 AT FOR PL Johnson, Darrell T. AT FOR PL Johnson, Warren Paul AT FOR DF Bendle, Thomas Allan 04/17/2025 - 04/29/2025 (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Hoover, Payton Dwight (843) 805-6550 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 506 CASE ID:2023CP1002283 DATE FILED:05/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/28/2025 Chaquetta Richardson , plaintiff, et al VS Modivcare Solutions Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Lokey, Warren Richard (843) 202-0675 AT FOR PL Rodriguez, Arianna Victoria AT FOR PL White, Jason Randall (843) 860-8270 AT FOR DF Morrison, Elizabeth Fulton (843) 277-1151 AT FOR DF Ribock, John Adam (803) 779-2300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 507 CASE ID:2023CP1002285 DATE FILED:05/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/10/2025 Deborah Schoen VS Otis Elevator Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Crantford, William Carey 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Josey, Chelsea Nicole (586) 839-7468 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Moore, Edward Raymond AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Oebker, Jon W (216) 696-4664 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 508 CASE ID:2023CP1002295 DATE FILED:05/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jacob Little VS Duvall Catering & Events CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Little, Jacob (843) 696-6641 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 509 CASE ID:2023CP1002300 DATE FILED:05/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Hayes , plaintiff, et al VS Melissa Cheverie , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Hayes, Odessa (347) 414-0066 AT FOR PL Pro Se Hayes, Richard (347) 752-3032 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 AT FOR DF Ranaldo, Daniel Paul (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 510 CASE ID:2023CP1002301 DATE FILED:05/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Susan Collins VS Department Of Transportation South Carolina CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 511 CASE ID:2023CP1002331 DATE FILED:05/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/30/2024 Sharon Lee Mcneil VS Jaye Lionel Pinckney , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Story, Matthew Joseph (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 512 CASE ID:2023CP1002336 DATE FILED:05/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/10/2025 Lee Carlton Walker VS Chris Sotiroglou , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL DeAntonio, Stephen F 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-8080 AT FOR DF Critzer, Robert Brian (803) 771-2442 AT FOR DF Dinkins, Mary Lucille (803) 254-6542 AT FOR DF Lightsey, Wallace K. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (864) 242-8207 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 513 CASE ID:2023CP1002340 DATE FILED:05/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jefferson Capital Systems Llc VS Alexander D Mueller CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL James, Sharonda (843) 588-1349 AT FOR PL Travis, Michael Brittain (843) 573-4350 AT FOR DF Hill, G. Thomas (843) 889-2262 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 514 CASE ID:2023CP1002342 DATE FILED:05/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/01/2025 Jessica Wilson VS Tyler B Johnson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hartman, James F. (843) 300-7600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 515 CASE ID:2023CP1002350 DATE FILED:05/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James G Prioleau VS Duane E Grafton CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Napolski, Patrick Thomas (843) 569-1700 AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 516 CASE ID:2023CP1002353 DATE FILED:05/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Perry VS Edward Paul CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR PL Depoy, Jenna Kay 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (802) 558-7787 AT FOR DF Lizzi, Christopher David 06/05/2025 - 06/09/2025 (843) 797-0222 06/27/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 517 CASE ID:2023CP1002355 DATE FILED:05/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lee Soucek , plaintiff, et al VS Trident Medical Center Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Evans, Scott Christopher (843) 995-5000 AT FOR DF Batten, David H. (919) 247-0345 AT FOR DF Brown, Emily Collins 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (803) 799-1111 AT FOR DF Foppiano, Charles Houston (919) 439-2221 AT FOR DF Grevey, Kara Shea 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5445 AT FOR DF Johnson, Weldon R. (803) 799-1111 AT FOR DF Schlachter, Creasie Parrott 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Scott, James Edward (843) 720-6660 AT FOR DF Smith, Jennie Marie 05/23/2025 - 06/03/2025 (843) 810-2675 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 518 CASE ID:2023CP1002369 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Tony Adams VS Lane Todd , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL GUERRIERO, JOSEPH (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Daniel, Jackson H. (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Jones, Brandon Paul 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 256-4645 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF White, Kirkley Gibson (843) 714-0517 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 519 CASE ID:2023CP1002370 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alison S B Knight VS Patricia B Severson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Lanning, J. Christopher (843) 766-5576 AT FOR DF Goldstein, Thomas R. (843) 729-0928 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 520 CASE ID:2023CP1002373 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Glenda Washington VS Nicholas Lee Wallis , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL West, Caroline (843) 790-9070 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 521 CASE ID:2023CP1002374 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Aric Hutchinson , plaintiff, et al VS Beach Front Bars Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Dalton, Daniel Reynolds (503) 530-0738 AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR PL Murphy, Christopher John (843) 832-1120 AT FOR PL Wooten, Patrick Coleman (843) 720-2044 AT FOR PL Yelverton, Matthew Evert (843) 574-8822 AT FOR PL Young, J. Rutledge (843) 720-2044 AT FOR DF Carter, Evan Abell (270) 402-7709 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF DuBose, William Porcher (803) 567-4615 AT FOR DF Endemann, Michelle N (843) 936-5043 AT FOR DF Hicks, Caroline Kathryn (843) 266-9782 AT FOR DF Howell, Isabella Nicole (843) 212-8578 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF McCulloch, Joseph M. (803) 779-0005 AT FOR DF McNair, William Chase 03/30/2025 - 04/09/2025 (843) 266-9780 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Templeton, Morgan S. (843) 329-9500 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 522 CASE ID:2023CP1002381 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David J Erdly , plaintiff, et al VS Bd Martin Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL Qualey, Joseph Kevin (843) 577-3434 AT FOR DF Arnold, Mary Leigh (843) 971-6053 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 AT FOR DF Wagner, Barbara J. (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 523 CASE ID:2023CP1002382 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Commissioners Of Public Works , plaintiff, et al VS Barry Leon Powell CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL McQueeney, Daniel Simmons (843) 973-6886 AT FOR DF Walsh, Abigail Budd (843) 722-0157 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 524 CASE ID:2023CP1002390 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Commissioners Of Public Works of the City of Charleston VS Barry Leon Powell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL McQueeney, Daniel Simmons (843) 973-6886 AT FOR DF Muller, Douglas M. (843) 579-7032 AT FOR DF Walsh, Abigail Budd (843) 722-0157 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 525 CASE ID:2023CP1002394 DATE FILED:05/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey W Buncher Sr VS James Arden Vealey III , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 526 CASE ID:2023CP1002419 DATE FILED:05/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/01/2025 Ryan Thiele VS Charleston Veterinary Referral Center , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Corvey, Edward "Ted" Regin (843) 625-8600 AT FOR PL McMillan, Kyra Ayn AT FOR DF Stetson, Hannah Davis (803) 227-4240 AT FOR DF Sullivan, Kelli Lister (803) 240-5710 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 527 CASE ID:2023CP1002428 DATE FILED:05/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Edith F Royall VS Harris Teeter Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Griffin, John Darden (434) 825-1529 AT FOR DF Santaniello, Andrew James 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (704) 374-1600 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 528 CASE ID:2023CP1002477 DATE FILED:05/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2025 Zoe Cass VS Maurice Wright , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Douglas, Matthew T (843) 552-6011 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 529 CASE ID:2023CP1002481 DATE FILED:05/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Faith Ann Siler VS Ethel Corinthian Buskey CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Siler, Faith Ann (580) 919-7312 AT FOR DF Brown, Vanisa Siler (843) 467-9869 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 530 CASE ID:2023CP1002486 DATE FILED:05/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Frazier Roberts VS Brian Mark Ehret , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCoy, Timothy David (843) 569-8666 AT FOR DF Terp, Alfred Jerome (843) 614-7686 AT FOR DF Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 531 CASE ID:2023CP1002487 DATE FILED:05/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Julia Nicole Miller VS Harry Thomas Hackman CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCoy, Timothy David (843) 569-8666 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 532 CASE ID:2023CP1002501 DATE FILED:05/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Green VS Jeannie Jacques Wright CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 533 CASE ID:2023CP1002525 DATE FILED:05/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bintelli Llc VS Midwest Custom Golf Cars Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Mangum, Robert Perry (706) 722-7543 AT FOR DF Prickett, F. Lee (864) 335-8808 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 534 CASE ID:2023CP1002534 DATE FILED:05/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Meghan Eichelberger VS Kari Chawansky CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Julian Kane 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 882-5005 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 535 CASE ID:2023CP1002546 DATE FILED:05/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Viviana M Molina VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 536 CASE ID:2023CP1002548 DATE FILED:05/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Virginia Pooser VS Gary Ostroski , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Grooms, Joseph Hayden (843) 380-5918 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 AT FOR DF McNair, William Chase 03/30/2025 - 04/09/2025 (843) 266-9780 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 537 CASE ID:2023CP1002550 DATE FILED:05/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James L Daniel Jr VS James Lowell Daniel , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Kuykendall, Jeffrey William (843) 790-5182 AT FOR DF Bernstein, Robert Alan (843) 529-1111 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 538 CASE ID:2023CP1002558 DATE FILED:05/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Raul Vazquez Hernandez , plaintiff, et al VS Residential Elevators Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL DuRant, George Rutledge 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 800-0809 AT FOR PL Thompson, Jessica B. (843) 761-5626 AT FOR PL West, Edgar Mason 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR PL Williams, David Reynolds (803) 534-5218 AT FOR PL Williams, Virginia Watson AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF DuRant, George Rutledge 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 800-0809 AT FOR DF Grantland, John Martin 02/26/2025 - 04/27/2025 (803) 782-4100 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Salerno, Jessica Lynn (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF White, Kirkley Gibson (843) 714-0517 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 539 CASE ID:2023CP1002559 DATE FILED:05/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/07/2025 Mccuru Properties Llc VS Red Window Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Hicks, Caroline Kathryn (843) 266-9782 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Perrin, Whidbee Sale 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 377-4615 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Walden, Robert Andrew (843) 722-3400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 540 CASE ID:2023CP1002561 DATE FILED:05/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Kleindienst VS Jude Kenneth , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR DF Klingener, Dana Maurizio 01/13/2025 - 05/13/2025 (843) 284-1096 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 541 CASE ID:2023CP1002574 DATE FILED:05/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mt Pleasant Investments Llc , plaintiff, et al VS 10 West Edge Owner Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Deters, Christopher Paul (843) 806-4906 AT FOR PL Hogue, Michael R (702) 792-3773 AT FOR PL Shaw, Joshua Daniel (803) 727-1221 AT FOR PL Thomas, Michael J (305) 579-0511 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan J. (843) 604-2070 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Atkins, James A. (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Banner, J. David (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Barton, Jillian S. (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Bihun, Brittany Tanya 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 408-2816 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Birchmore, Lindsey Hooks (803) 576-3740 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Brown, Robert Lesley (864) 248-6033 AT FOR DF Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Burton, Stephanie Holmes 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 327-5000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Clarke, Diane Summers 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Cox, Stephen M. (803) 325-2910 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Dean, Erin DuBose 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 524-1116 AT FOR DF Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Ervin, Francis Marion 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 737-8611 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Garraux, Jared Hudson (803) 253-8717 AT FOR DF Graff, Stefan Smoot (843) 793-4744 AT FOR DF Griffith, Stephen Augustus (843) 568-1010 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 803-6550 AT FOR DF Haldrup, Neil S. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Holland, Robert D. (803) 960-3989 AT FOR DF Land, James Ceth (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Laney, Matthew B (803) 354-2277 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Loftis, Michael Todd (843) 410-2602 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Mahon, Christy Elizabeth 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Mandel, Paul Thomas (203) 815-0456 AT FOR DF Mende, Alexander G. (803) 724-1709 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moe, Daniel Foster (843) 224-1707 AT FOR DF Moore, Mary Harriet 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 266-8138 AT FOR DF Moseley, Robert Daniel (864) 248-6026 AT FOR DF Nanney, Lee Harrison (984) 289-1544 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Plocica, Caitlin Marie (843) 213-6043 AT FOR DF Reeser, Brandon Todd 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 762-4567 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 AT FOR DF Still, William Randall (864) 266-8220 AT FOR DF Stubbs, Sidney Markey (803) 799-9091 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Tonnsen, Eric R. (864) 236-5013 AT FOR DF Wagner, Barbara J. (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF White, William Goode (803) 727-1211 AT FOR DF Wiles, Spencer Thomas (704) 377-8374 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 542 CASE ID:2023CP1002585 DATE FILED:05/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dantron Gadsden VS Charles Jerome Twitty CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 543 CASE ID:2023CP1002593 DATE FILED:05/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Johnathan Horton , plaintiff, et al VS John F Clark CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 544 CASE ID:2023CP1002598 DATE FILED:05/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wacon Stephens VS Alban Crane Richardson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCoy, Timothy David (843) 569-8666 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 545 CASE ID:2023CP1002599 DATE FILED:05/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: A&E Printing Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Blackboard Insurance Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Ram, Colin (843) 277-6655 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 546 CASE ID:2023CP1002641 DATE FILED:06/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Connor Joseph Petric VS Katie Elizabeth Mauldin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 547 CASE ID:2023CP1002643 DATE FILED:06/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cassandra Lyttle VS Stephen A Freudenheim CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 548 CASE ID:2023CP1002653 DATE FILED:06/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Collaborative Construction Llc VS Rallis Holdings Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Hackler, Kevin Duane (843) 400-3034 AT FOR DF Boatwright, Ashaley Chrishton04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 745-9758 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 549 CASE ID:2023CP1002661 DATE FILED:06/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Britney Boyd VS Elliott Strott CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Connell, Gene McCain 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 238-5648 AT FOR PL Wells, Michael Hensley (843) 488-5000 AT FOR DF Hale, Joseph Alexander (803) 253-1280 AT FOR DF Miles, Temus C. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 550 CASE ID:2023CP1002665 DATE FILED:06/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Myles Glick VS At&T Corp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Builder, Lindsay L. (864) 373-2208 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Fowler, Rayja Nikaila (864) 373-2225 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 551 CASE ID:2023CP1002712 DATE FILED:06/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Darleen Townsend VS Ashley Davinroy Cook CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Dayson, Curtis Jerrod (803) 973-0304 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 552 CASE ID:2023CP1002720 DATE FILED:06/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/31/2024 Kristin Howard VS Dmytro Riabokonenko , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Briggs, Breyton Jeffrey (303) 250-0086 AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL Pierce, Carl Everette (843) 725-7702 AT FOR DF Radeck, John O'Connor (843) 577-1203 AT FOR DF Tanner, Kathryn Nicole (843) 577-1210 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 553 CASE ID:2023CP1002721 DATE FILED:06/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Veronica Everson , plaintiff, et al VS Sheriffs Office Charleston County CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Benevento, Alexandra M 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 252-4800 AT FOR PL Pacella, Mario Anthony (912) 264-6465 AT FOR PL Robins, Matthew B. (803) 252-4800 AT FOR PL Sellers, Bakari T. AT FOR PL Willbanks, Amy E. AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 554 CASE ID:2023CP1002735 DATE FILED:06/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John M Bradham , plaintiff, et al VS Hollywood South Carolina Town Of CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Lesemann, Ellis Reed-Hill (843) 724-5155 AT FOR PL Willis, Shawn R. (843) 534-4230 AT FOR DF Austen, Jon Lawrence (843) 727-2210 AT FOR DF Huffer, Stefanie Lynn (843) 779-2111 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 555 CASE ID:2023CP1002746 DATE FILED:06/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lisa Charmaine Griffith VS Jason Bernard Buncum , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Evans, Andrew Clifton 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (864) 574-8801 AT FOR PL Franklin, Ivey Blaire (803) 200-2000 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 556 CASE ID:2023CP1002757 DATE FILED:06/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kellie Tuberty , plaintiff, et al VS School District Charleston County CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Jones, Shannon Phillips (843) 720-3100 AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Matthews, Eugene Hamilton (803) 771-4400 AT FOR DF Stallworth, Chandra Austin (803) 253-8707 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 557 CASE ID:2023CP1002758 DATE FILED:06/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charles Lyttle VS Stephen A Freudenheim CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 558 CASE ID:2023CP1002772 DATE FILED:06/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/01/2024 Kandace Sharron Tisdale VS Nicole Irene Jones , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Zeidan, Fatima Alexis (912) 629-2594 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 559 CASE ID:2023CP1002781 DATE FILED:06/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:07/22/2024 Pamela Brady VS Anna V Holmes CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Nasrollahi, David Ali (843) 937-8000 AT FOR PL Romeo, Christopher Cordell 03/24/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 806-4906 06/30/2025 - 07/07/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Holmes, Allan R. (843) 722-0033 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 560 CASE ID:2023CP1002787 DATE FILED:06/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Buck Lumber & Building Supply Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Custom Contractors Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Steven L. (843) 760-0220 AT FOR DF Abee, Matthew A. (803) 255-9335 AT FOR DF Blundy, Amanda Morgan 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 867-6050 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/09/2025 - 05/13/2025 06/19/2025 - 07/02/2025 07/19/2025 - 07/26/2025 AT FOR DF Burgess, Chad Wilson (803) 454-3540 AT FOR DF Fuerst, Daniel Richard (843) 579-7086 AT FOR DF Hawkins, Ashley Nicole (803) 606-1425 AT FOR DF Maull, English Hanahan (843) 867-6050 AT FOR DF Ogiba, Christopher A. (843) 579-7066 AT FOR DF Pro Se Drummond, Deborah H (706) 476-4037 AT FOR DF Pro Se Drummond, Gregory Ross NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 561 CASE ID:2023CP1002792 DATE FILED:06/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Danara S Salter VS Amber Andrews CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Porter, Kayla Michelle (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (843) 452-9299 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 562 CASE ID:2023CP1002793 DATE FILED:06/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kenneth Lesaine , plaintiff, et al VS Bernard Wilson Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Huber, Mark Richard Hap (843) 216-9797 AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 563 CASE ID:2023CP1002835 DATE FILED:06/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Expert Ip Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Ronnie Weast CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Bach, Adam Crittenden 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (864) 236-5013 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR PL Gnapp, Matthew C (804) 592-7206 AT FOR DF Lewis, Timothy O'Neill 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 722-0033 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 564 CASE ID:2023CP1002858 DATE FILED:06/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sydney Brant , plaintiff, et al VS East Cooper Physician Network Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Jekel, Frederick John (803) 765-2383 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Grevey, Kara Shea 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5445 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 565 CASE ID:2023CP1002885 DATE FILED:06/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Roy B Cooke VS Mckenna D Krieg CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stark, Martin Linder 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 973-5194 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 566 CASE ID:2023CP1002905 DATE FILED:06/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Megan Metoyer VS Michael John Clemmens CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Green, Brendan Joseph (803) 281-8150 AT FOR PL O'Reilly, Peter T (843) 790-8771 AT FOR DF Countryman, Andrew W. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 253-4477 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 567 CASE ID:2023CP1002914 DATE FILED:06/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Faith Martorelli VS Palmetto Garage Works Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Sample, David B. (843) 697-1929 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 568 CASE ID:2023CP1002923 DATE FILED:06/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Beatrice Demshick VS Kayla Adams CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Coble, Chase Harrison (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 569 CASE ID:2023CP1002928 DATE FILED:06/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Andrea Norman VS Julee G Weeks CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Anthony, Stephanie (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 570 CASE ID:2023CP1002939 DATE FILED:06/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Timothy B Osbon VS Murphy Business & Financial Carolinas Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Headley, Brian Joseph (843) 375-6181 AT FOR PL Kettering, Paul Andrew (843) 804-6777 AT FOR DF Barrow, William Spencer (864) 751-9980 AT FOR DF Farr, Nicholas Andrew (864) 236-5004 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 571 CASE ID:2023CP1002945 DATE FILED:06/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Colbourne VS Kendall Haynes CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sanyal, Ravi (843) 641-0347 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 572 CASE ID:2023CP1002947 DATE FILED:06/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/03/2025 Walter A Jablonski VS Donna Bailey Ondrof , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McKnight, Jody Vann (843) 991-5639 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 573 CASE ID:2023CP1002994 DATE FILED:06/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cosmos Granite Charleston Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Ascar Marble & Granite Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Kalivas, William K (843) 607-0254 AT FOR DF Guerry, John Horton (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR DF Theos, Jerry Nicholas 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 574 CASE ID:2023CP1002996 DATE FILED:06/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Catherine Levesque VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Kovach, Christopher Mark (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 575 CASE ID:2023CP1002997 DATE FILED:06/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dian Schichtel VS Coconut Joes Iop Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Arndt, Jonathan S. (854) 222-6089 AT FOR DF McKee, John Davis (843) 801-0188 AT FOR DF Pritchard, Thomas Bacot (843) 242-7805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 576 CASE ID:2023CP1003025 DATE FILED:06/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/01/2024 Renee Green VS Lyft Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR DF Hood, Robert Holmes (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 577 CASE ID:2023CP1003045 DATE FILED:06/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christopher L Young VS Jason Myers , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Jenkins, Benjamin Roper (843) 532-4083 AT FOR PL Nicholson, Benjamin Edward (803) 799-9800 AT FOR DF Shelbourne, Peter Brandt 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 871-2210 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Varnado, Robert Bratton (843) 737-7301 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 578 CASE ID:2023CP1003046 DATE FILED:06/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bassam A Kabar VS Judith D Bishop , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Rakowsky, John R. (803) 791-8830 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 579 CASE ID:2023CP1003048 DATE FILED:06/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/01/2024 Charles Edwin Petrosso , plaintiff, et al VS Martin Shaw Dombey , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR DF Starr, Dominic Allen 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 848-6000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 580 CASE ID:2023CP1003080 DATE FILED:06/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Allison Wilson Lubonski , plaintiff, et al VS Jeshua Roberts , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gibbs, Christopher Fredrick (843) 379-2330 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 581 CASE ID:2023CP1003098 DATE FILED:06/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tad Bryan Schoch VS Darin C Gissell CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Douglas, Matthew T (843) 552-6011 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 582 CASE ID:2023CP1003101 DATE FILED:06/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sidney Allsbrook Scott , plaintiff, et al VS Ciera Shelet Alcox , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Donohue, Joseph Edward (854) 854-5253 AT FOR DF Banner, J. David (843) 669-8787 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 583 CASE ID:2023CP1003110 DATE FILED:06/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Farrugia VS Food Lion Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Baig, Nadia (843) 580-6557 AT FOR DF Moore, Charles Fawcett (803) 233-6265 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 584 CASE ID:2023CP1003112 DATE FILED:06/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rhonda Hope Gainer VS Halls Chophouse Ii Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Klok, Rhett Daniel (843) 216-8860 AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 725-0001 AT FOR DF Grooms, Joseph Hayden (843) 405-0403 AT FOR DF McNair, William Chase 03/30/2025 - 04/09/2025 (843) 266-9780 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 585 CASE ID:2023CP1003115 DATE FILED:06/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cody Johnson VS Tyler Burleson CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Wolf, David Whitten 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 853-9000 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 586 CASE ID:2023CP1003124 DATE FILED:06/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daniel G Schram Jr VS Kristin Graziano , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Jackson, Robin Lilley (843) 556-4045 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 587 CASE ID:2023CP1003144 DATE FILED:06/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Fhm Construction Company Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Gregory E Nelson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Haller, David K. (843) 224-7860 AT FOR DF Lowndes, Arden Y. (843) 714-2507 AT FOR DF Norris, John Patrick Turner 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 714-2518 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF O'Kelley, George Hamlin (843) 856-4488 AT FOR DF Walker, George Trenholm (843) 727-2208 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 588 CASE ID:2023CP1003160 DATE FILED:06/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Benjamin Woodrow Parker VS Victor Lamar Johnson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Miller, Craig Francis (843) 821-9700 AT FOR PL Whittington, David Wesley (843) 720-2044 AT FOR DF Greene, Rebecca Suzanne (910) 690-7834 AT FOR DF Horseman, Gina Rose Iacona (843) 414-8110 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 589 CASE ID:2023CP1003164 DATE FILED:06/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tabitha A Townsend VS Isiah Sean White CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Townsend, Tabitha A (843) 345-1317 AT FOR DF Ficken, Brittany Jane (843) 724-6691 AT FOR DF Rivera, Nicholas James 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-4000 05/29/2025 - 05/30/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 590 CASE ID:2023CP1003172 DATE FILED:06/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:12/04/2024 Sarah Marie Derrington VS Christian Albert Kandl , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Partition 440 PROT: AT FOR PL Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR PL Kennedy, William Charles (864) 577-3434 AT FOR PL Qualey, Joseph Kevin (843) 577-3434 AT FOR PL Theos, Jerry Nicholas 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Koon, Kerry W. (843) 795-7000 AT FOR DF Pro Se Kandl, Christian Albert (843) 327-4370 NOTES:12/04/2024 BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 591 CASE ID:2023CP1003174 DATE FILED:06/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bradford King VS Golds Gym Carolinas Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Gamache, Donald Paul Kenneth (843) 821-8280 AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew AT FOR DF Nistad, Peter Gunnar (843) 722-6777 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 592 CASE ID:2023CP1003175 DATE FILED:06/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Andrew Feilmeier VS Michael Clemmens CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF Countryman, Andrew W. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 253-4477 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 593 CASE ID:2023CP1003176 DATE FILED:06/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Scott Dwayne Raymer Jr , plaintiff, et al VS Art Kaltsounis , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Traywick, Benjamin Alexander Crute04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 872-1709 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Bryson, James Keith (843) 870-2177 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Ford, Ian S. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 608-1234 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF James, Hunter H 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 277-2011 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF McIntosh, Caroline Coward (843) 410-4719 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 AT FOR DF Wilson, Jenkins Heyward (843) 793-4744 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 594 CASE ID:2023CP1003212 DATE FILED:07/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Berkeley D'Alton , plaintiff, et al VS Muckenfuss Construction Limited Liability Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Traywick, Benjamin Alexander Crute04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 872-1709 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Berthelsen, Cameron D 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 805-6550 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Best, L. Dean (843) 991-6887 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Stevens, Benjamin Scott (843) 576-2922 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wilson, Jenkins Heyward (843) 793-4744 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 595 CASE ID:2023CP1003213 DATE FILED:07/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paul Johnson VS Retina Center Of Charleston , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Pinkston, Shawn Travis 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 814-5472 AT FOR DF Morgan, Hunter Adam (843) 576-2835 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 596 CASE ID:2023CP1003221 DATE FILED:07/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Linda Nelson VS Janayah Richardson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Mambo, Marc Yobo (214) 235-2547 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 597 CASE ID:2023CP1003244 DATE FILED:07/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Zhanna Garcia VS Lyft Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Thompson, Jessica B. (843) 761-5626 AT FOR PL West, Edgar Mason 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 598 CASE ID:2023CP1003250 DATE FILED:07/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Howell & Simmons Construction & Paving Co Inc VS Schneck Properties Of Sc Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Rahn, Paul R. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 723-6470 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 599 CASE ID:2023CP1003257 DATE FILED:07/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Emily Smith VS Orange Elephant Roofing & Construction Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Empl Discrim 170 PROT: AT FOR PL Lesley, Jillian Marie (803) 799-9530 AT FOR PL Porter, J. Paul AT FOR DF Doles, Lonnie Ray 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7730 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 600 CASE ID:2023CP1003260 DATE FILED:07/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Doris Lewis VS Latasha Pelzer , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Rankin, Thomas Dyllan (843) 248-7486 AT FOR DF Bisso, Lisa Brennan (843) 277-3700 AT FOR DF Eibling, Sarah Theresa (803) 255-9756 AT FOR DF Salerno, Jessica Lynn (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 601 CASE ID:2023CP1003261 DATE FILED:07/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/15/2025 Jacquelyn Smith , plaintiff, et al VS Colton Richard Jones , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McKnight, Jody Vann (843) 991-5639 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Malone, Allison Evans (843) 414-8116 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 602 CASE ID:2023CP1003285 DATE FILED:07/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jack Jeffords , plaintiff, et al VS Premier Transport Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Bradford C. (843) 972-9007 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 603 CASE ID:2023CP1003307 DATE FILED:10/25/2018 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Angelia Gary VS Bio Medical Applications of South Carolina Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Banyas, Bradley Hunter (843) 881-8644 AT FOR PL Hughey, Daniel Nathan AT FOR DF Fleming, Alissa D. (854) 214-5913 AT FOR DF Woods, John Adam (854) 214-5927 AT FOR DF Wrenn, Catherine Farrell (864) 918-3544 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 604 CASE ID:2023CP1003308 DATE FILED:01/10/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Denise Hayden VS Magnolia Plantation Corporation CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Ricker, Brice Eugene 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 900-2020 AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Ahrens, Laura Ashley (864) 672-8045 AT FOR DF McCoy, Ellison Ford (864) 232-7000 AT FOR DF Sulau, John William (864) 238-5294 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 605 CASE ID:2023CP1003336 DATE FILED:07/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carmody Campbell Tisdale VS Bernadette Angelique Brown CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sanyal, Ravi (843) 641-0347 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 606 CASE ID:2023CP1003341 DATE FILED:07/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/17/2025 James Kalser VS Michelle Wright , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Asche, William Craig (843) 725-4259 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 607 CASE ID:2023CP1003342 DATE FILED:07/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Negron VS Park & Recreation Commission Charleston County , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Nation, Dominic Michael (843) 297-8485 AT FOR DF Ferrara, Bernard E. (843) 958-4010 AT FOR DF Green, Dwayne Marvin (843) 396-2918 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 608 CASE ID:2023CP1003347 DATE FILED:07/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Melissa St Denis VS Jessica Murray , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Arant, Brent Hamilton (803) 576-3100 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 609 CASE ID:2023CP1003356 DATE FILED:07/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Susane Cristina Da Costa Fernandes VS Ryan Graysen Gunter CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 610 CASE ID:2023CP1003381 DATE FILED:07/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anthony Smith VS Randolph Alston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Huntley, Ryan Edward (843) 310-4949 AT FOR DF Craven, Brian Lincoln (803) 605-5576 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 256-2233 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 611 CASE ID:2023CP1003387 DATE FILED:07/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John L Gauntlett VS Robert C House , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Heist, Brenton Phillips (609) 472-1156 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 612 CASE ID:2023CP1003390 DATE FILED:07/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bonnie L Taylor VS William Marcus Brann , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Gowder, W. Andrew 04/23/2025 - 04/28/2025 (843) 727-2229 05/12/2025 - 05/15/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 613 CASE ID:2023CP1003392 DATE FILED:07/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stacie Darr VS Terrance Smalls , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Hutto, Skyler Bradley (803) 534-5218 AT FOR DF Condon, E. Elliot 04/11/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-4496 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 614 CASE ID:2023CP1003416 DATE FILED:07/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hudson Designs Inc VS Owls Whist Club CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR PL Ross, Jeffrey A AT FOR DF Kent, Shaun Courtney (803) 433-5368 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 615 CASE ID:2023CP1003420 DATE FILED:07/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia Taylor VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL McLaren, Amy Elizabeth (843) 284-7780 AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR DF Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 616 CASE ID:2023CP1003446 DATE FILED:07/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ronald Thompson VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Kovach, Christopher Mark (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 617 CASE ID:2023CP1003449 DATE FILED:07/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lor Rec Sc Llc VS Starr Surplus Lines Insurance Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Gibbons, John A (202) 420-2200 AT FOR PL Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 AT FOR DF Benedict, Eric P (404) 410-3178 AT FOR DF Fisher, Robert W (404) 410-3153 AT FOR DF Kojs, Kevin D (312) 244-6771 AT FOR DF Lahm, Kevin A (312) 244-6700 AT FOR DF Mcdonnell, Marlie A (404) 410-3184 AT FOR DF Newton, Timothy J. (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Sawyer, Wesley Brian AT FOR DF Stanley, William Taylor (803) 212-6518 AT FOR DF Walker, David E (312) 244-6700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 618 CASE ID:2023CP1003454 DATE FILED:07/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jillian Fisher , plaintiff, et al VS Dond'Re Earl Watson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL McCool, Christopher Joseph (843) 805-4943 AT FOR PL O'Shea, Brooklyn Ansley AT FOR PL Senn, Karlen Kay (803) 626-9158 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 619 CASE ID:2023CP1003464 DATE FILED:07/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Timothy Mitchell VS Baker Motor Company Of Charleston Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pillsbury, Rodney F. (864) 241-9828 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Waldorf, Jon Barry (518) 869-9200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 620 CASE ID:2023CP1003471 DATE FILED:12/11/2018 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stacy Lawrence VS Charleston County School District CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Kobrovsky, Lawrence C. (843) 853-3703 AT FOR DF Matthews, Eugene Hamilton (803) 771-4400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 621 CASE ID:2023CP1003482 DATE FILED:07/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Booze Pops Llc VS Michael Rawls , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Terp, Alfred Jerome (854) 895-3990 AT FOR PL Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 AT FOR DF Huffer, Stefanie Lynn (843) 779-2111 AT FOR DF Pro Se Rawls, Michael (803) 674-6481 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 622 CASE ID:2023CP1003487 DATE FILED:07/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rodney Walker VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Berlinsky, Philip Alan (843) 884-0000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 623 CASE ID:2023CP1003488 DATE FILED:07/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carl W Wagoner , plaintiff, et al VS Coastal Cardiology Pa , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Clore, Mark Dollar (843) 722-8070 AT FOR PL Horn, Margaret Fanning AT FOR DF Craig, Mary Agnes Hood 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-4435 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Johnson, Brian Edward AT FOR DF Morgan, Hunter Adam (843) 576-2835 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 624 CASE ID:2023CP1003495 DATE FILED:07/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/14/2025 Ethne Guidry , plaintiff, et al VS Boone Hall Plantation Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Biggins, Ella Catherine (941) 932-1823 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Woods, John Adam (854) 214-5927 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 625 CASE ID:2023CP1003506 DATE FILED:07/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Gavin Jamison VS Michael Anthony Campbell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Grooms, Taylor Lawrence (843) 375-6505 AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR PL Quinn, Frederick Elliotte 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-2800 AT FOR DF Elliott, John Douglas 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, Steven L. (843) 607-0254 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 626 CASE ID:2023CP1003519 DATE FILED:07/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tiffany Johnson Wilson , plaintiff, et al VS Marvin Smalley , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Robinson, John Edward (843) 723-5152 AT FOR DF Bertele, Edward A. (843) 471-2082 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 627 CASE ID:2023CP1003553 DATE FILED:07/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dwayne Pierce VS Alister Douglas CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Donald Higgins (843) 225-2523 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 628 CASE ID:2023CP1003556 DATE FILED:07/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wes Cherry VS Derrick Williams , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Swope, William Koatesworth (843) 852-4925 AT FOR DF Allen, Christy Ford (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Dodds, John Joseph (843) 881-6530 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 629 CASE ID:2023CP1003567 DATE FILED:07/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/24/2025 Jane Harris , plaintiff, et al VS Ccc Mount Pleasant Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Unfair Trade Pra 640 PROT: AT FOR PL Henderson, Wesley E (843) 212-3188 AT FOR PL Moore, Michael Davis (803) 718-5718 AT FOR DF Barrow, William Spencer (864) 751-9980 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Burns, Allison Marie (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Hoover, Payton Dwight (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Malone, Allison Evans (843) 414-8116 AT FOR DF Ornduff, M. Paige Chamberlain04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 414-8114 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 630 CASE ID:2023CP1003572 DATE FILED:07/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Thelma Vernita Aiken VS Kelsey Wagner Peterson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McFarland, Arthur C. (843) 763-3900 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 631 CASE ID:2023CP1003579 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alison Standard VS Aaq Construction , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Ervin, Francis Marion 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 737-8611 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Aaq Construction, AT FOR DF Pro Se Jefferson, Williams AT FOR DF Pro Se Rogers, Dewar NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 632 CASE ID:2023CP1003581 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Susan Whitney Williams VS Brian Pavlock , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Moise, E. Warren (843) 722-0311 AT FOR DF Buyck, Hugh W. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 377-1400 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Lappin, Jeffrey Herman (914) 960-3815 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 633 CASE ID:2023CP1003587 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ocean Homes Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Cameron B Walker , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR PL Koontz, William Mark AT FOR PL White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Lambert, Norman Ward (864) 235-5535 AT FOR DF Morris, Taylor McCutcheon (843) 212-1920 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 634 CASE ID:2023CP1003588 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nateara Glover VS Wild Wing Cafe , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Grissom, Trent M. (704) 271-5000 AT FOR DF Nutter, Jennifer Foulk (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 635 CASE ID:2023CP1003600 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mark Slack VS Samantha Marie Perrault CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Huntley, Ryan Edward (843) 310-4949 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 636 CASE ID:2023CP1003603 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kenneth Cannon , plaintiff, et al VS Home Depot Usa Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Bonds, Jack Hurst (843) 266-9086 AT FOR PL McLeod, William Mullins (843) 277-6655 AT FOR DF Cuttino, John Edward (803) 724-1714 AT FOR DF McGann, Kyle David (803) 724-1751 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 637 CASE ID:2023CP1003605 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Andrea Brooks VS New Jack Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR PL Cooper, Michael Thomas (843) 729-6663 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Kea, Madison Killen NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 638 CASE ID:2023CP1003608 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nakita Simmons VS Debrae Kennedy Mayo CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 639 CASE ID:2023CP1003609 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: K M G , plaintiff, et al VS Debrae Kennedy Mayo CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 640 CASE ID:2023CP1003610 DATE FILED:07/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: K A G , plaintiff, et al VS Debrae Kennedy Mayo CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 641 CASE ID:2023CP1003611 DATE FILED:07/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/01/2025 Amanda Weatherford VS Jenera Champaign , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Asche, William Craig (843) 725-4259 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 642 CASE ID:2023CP1003628 DATE FILED:07/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Val Nasano , plaintiff, et al VS Low Country Contractors Sc Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Charles S. (843) 853-9907 AT FOR PL Flores, Natalia (714) 402-8273 AT FOR DF Henderson, Wesley E (843) 212-3188 AT FOR DF Pro Se Blackstock, Jeremy AT FOR DF Pro Se Low Country Contractors Sc Llc, NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 643 CASE ID:2023CP1003632 DATE FILED:07/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Long Grove Property Owners Association Inc VS Gregory Lee Shover , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Dodds, John Joseph (843) 881-6530 AT FOR DF Goldstein, Thomas R. (843) 554-4291 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 644 CASE ID:2023CP1003640 DATE FILED:07/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Krista N Dorris VS Regina L Sine CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Eddy, Trevor Penrose 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 250-5402 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 645 CASE ID:2023CP1003676 DATE FILED:07/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Herman Simmons VS Johnny Johnson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 646 CASE ID:2023CP1003681 DATE FILED:07/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Douglas C Appleby Jr VS Andrew J Olsen , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Unfair Trade Pra 640 PROT: AT FOR PL Pritchard, Thomas Bacot (843) 242-7805 AT FOR DF Maybank, Mary Grace Wyndham (843) 279-5312 AT FOR DF Wyndham, Robert J. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 647 CASE ID:2023CP1003692 DATE FILED:07/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kevin Brown VS Michael Ammons Koth , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Rathke, Paul Carlton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (704) 927-4999 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 648 CASE ID:2023CP1003695 DATE FILED:07/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/15/2025 Laronda Johnson , plaintiff, et al VS Randolph Alston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR PL Cooper, Michael Thomas (843) 729-6663 AT FOR DF Bryant, Rachel Augusta (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Craven, Brian Lincoln (803) 605-5576 AT FOR DF Crump, Michael Douglas (803) 929-1400 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 256-2233 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 649 CASE ID:2023CP1003701 DATE FILED:07/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lennar Carolinas Llc VS Builders Mutual Insurance Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Locklair, Laura Figueroa (854) 800-0804 AT FOR DF Goanos, Theodore Nicholas 07/07/2025 - 07/15/2025 (704) 543-2321 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Harper, Roman Creal (704) 940-9803 AT FOR DF Harris, David Grant (336) 419-4900 AT FOR DF Lewis, Forrest William (443) 472-7520 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 650 CASE ID:2023CP1003707 DATE FILED:08/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Erica Glasgow VS Nathaniel Richardson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Harrell, Robert W. "Trey" 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 636-8739 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR PL Laneve, Toni Marie 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (315) 350-6732 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 651 CASE ID:2023CP1003718 DATE FILED:08/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/03/2025 Johnathan Burns , plaintiff, et al VS School District Charleston County , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Terp, Alfred Jerome (854) 895-3990 AT FOR PL Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 AT FOR DF Dowling, Curtis W. (803) 799-1111 AT FOR DF Gerrald, Matthew G. AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Miller, E. Alan (404) 909-8117 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 652 CASE ID:2023CP1003722 DATE FILED:08/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Morris Construction Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Jane Evans Hamilton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL D'Andrea, Jordyn Nicole (843) 720-4623 AT FOR PL Rollins, C. Cliff (803) 771-4400 AT FOR DF Kay, John Sanford (803) 726-2700 AT FOR DF Timbes, Michael A. (843) 937-8000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 653 CASE ID:2023CP1003725 DATE FILED:08/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Krucher M Brown VS John Albert Gilmore CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Hill, Teresa Zachry (843) 889-2262 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 654 CASE ID:2023CP1003740 DATE FILED:08/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chase Mang VS Ust Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Bilbrey, Albert Glen (843) 883-9099 AT FOR PL Floyd, James L. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 361-4812 AT FOR DF Garrett, Elizabeth Koeman (843) 628-3786 AT FOR DF Hammes, Roman Vincent 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 261-7026 AT FOR DF Jones, Eleanor Lasseigne (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Montague, Shelley Sunderman AT FOR DF Overstreet, David W (843) 972-9401 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Powers, William Duffie (864) 271-9580 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 AT FOR DF Wall, Christian Tyler (843) 367-8743 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 655 CASE ID:2023CP1003758 DATE FILED:08/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Curtis Snyder VS Redwing Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Assault/Battery 370 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR PL Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 AT FOR DF DuRant, George Rutledge 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 800-0809 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Kea, Madison Killen NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 656 CASE ID:2023CP1003775 DATE FILED:08/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Yvonne Pickering Carter , plaintiff, et al VS White Gallery Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Conversion 310 PROT: AT FOR PL Cunniffe, Ann Goulding (843) 724-5155 AT FOR PL Lesemann, Ellis Reed-Hill AT FOR PL Stewart, Michelle Alyce AT FOR DF Fogarty, Glennon P (314) 480-1500 AT FOR DF Land, Carissa Steichen (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Massalon, John A. AT FOR DF Palmer, Elizabeth Janelle 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 277-8034 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Paylor, Alice F 04/09/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 709-4348 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/09/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/30/2025 AT FOR DF Wyatt, David S. (864) 250-9780 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 657 CASE ID:2023CP1003789 DATE FILED:08/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/31/2025 Nikola Lazar Blesich , plaintiff, et al VS Therrell Williams , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Guerry, John Horton (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR DF Lachenman, Eli Emet (843) 414-5080 AT FOR DF Point, Brittany Michele 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Theos, Jerry Nicholas 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 658 CASE ID:2023CP1003796 DATE FILED:08/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Terry Mccomb VS Jean Malcom , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 659 CASE ID:2023CP1003798 DATE FILED:08/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Logan Berry VS Brandon Gotts , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Biggart, James Garrett (843) 973-5186 AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 660 CASE ID:2023CP1003799 DATE FILED:08/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karen R Budd VS Christopher E White CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 661 CASE ID:2023CP1003808 DATE FILED:08/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Quinton Palmer VS Jiaying Li CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Palmer, Quinton (609) 251-1246 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 662 CASE ID:2023CP1003815 DATE FILED:08/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Faith Ann Siler VS Ethel Corin Buskey CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Siler, Faith Ann (919) 378-1087 AT FOR DF Brown, Vanisa Siler (843) 467-9869 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 663 CASE ID:2023CP1003832 DATE FILED:08/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Larry D Peterka VS David P Clausen CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Harrell, Robert William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 636-8739 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR PL Laneve, Toni Marie 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (315) 350-6732 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Moise, E. Warren (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 664 CASE ID:2023CP1003835 DATE FILED:08/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mariam Chinn , plaintiff, et al VS Sean James Brown CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Huntley, Ryan Edward (843) 310-4949 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 665 CASE ID:2023CP1003859 DATE FILED:08/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cal Lockwood VS Jarva Doiley , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 666 CASE ID:2023CP1003866 DATE FILED:08/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rex Moore , plaintiff, et al VS Set In Stone Of Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL DeBoy, Cameron W. (803) 765-2935 AT FOR DF Pro Se Set in Stone Hardscapes, (843) 990-8056 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 667 CASE ID:2023CP1003907 DATE FILED:08/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Debra Ward VS East Cooper Medical Center , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Marini, Chase Langston (912) 429-0217 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 668 CASE ID:2023CP1003912 DATE FILED:08/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stacey Nappi , plaintiff, et al VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 669 CASE ID:2023CP1003913 DATE FILED:08/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Wilson , plaintiff, et al VS Latasha Bonner Peek CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Harrell, Robert W. "Trey" 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 636-8739 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR PL Laneve, Toni Marie 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (315) 350-6732 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 670 CASE ID:2023CP1003914 DATE FILED:08/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Edwin Anthony Marsh , plaintiff, et al VS Family Medical Transport Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Stratos, Milton Demetrios (843) 725-4269 AT FOR DF Chaparro, Mark Shanter (843) 720-3466 AT FOR DF Newberry, Derek Michael 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 720-3460 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 671 CASE ID:2023CP1003927 DATE FILED:08/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nola Johnson , plaintiff, et al VS Henry Lee Ravenel , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Biggart, James Garrett (843) 973-5186 AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR PL Klaasmeyer, Michael Cooper (843) 973-5438 AT FOR DF Elliott, John Douglas 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 672 CASE ID:2023CP1003942 DATE FILED:08/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lucius Cuthbert Burk III VS Home Depot Usa Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Creech, League B. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR DF Cuttino, John Edward (803) 724-1714 AT FOR DF McGann, Kyle David (803) 724-1751 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 673 CASE ID:2023CP1003947 DATE FILED:08/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Louise Haynes VS Jonathan Powell CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Brighthop, Cheslyne Shea (803) 888-2200 AT FOR PL Thickens, Joseph Odell AT FOR PL Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR PL Yarborough, William Harley (803) 888-2200 AT FOR DF Garan, Kassandra Jo (843) 297-8485 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 674 CASE ID:2023CP1003950 DATE FILED:08/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Margaret Ann Player Cox VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF Pratt, Destini Anderson (864) 271-9580 AT FOR DF Rheney, T. David NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 675 CASE ID:2023CP1003956 DATE FILED:08/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Henry Harold Sellers III VS Delhaize America Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR PL Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 AT FOR PL Peper, Mark Andrew (843) 225-2520 AT FOR PL Peper, Stephen Brice AT FOR DF Bearden, Riley Anne (803) 995-8011 AT FOR DF Moore, Charles Fawcett (803) 233-6265 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 676 CASE ID:2023CP1003958 DATE FILED:08/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:10/18/2024 Karen Marks VS Harris Teeter Supermarkets Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Santaniello, Andrew James 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (704) 374-1600 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 677 CASE ID:2023CP1003962 DATE FILED:08/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Donna Marie Stroble , plaintiff, et al VS Gs Ii Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Tinkler, William P. (843) 853-5203 AT FOR DF Abney, Merritt Gordon (843) 534-4844 AT FOR DF Hawkins, Ashley Nicole (803) 606-1425 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 678 CASE ID:2023CP1003997 DATE FILED:08/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Thomas L Randells VS Kenneth J Brown CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Lokey, Warren Richard (843) 202-0675 AT FOR PL Rodriguez, Arianna Victoria AT FOR PL White, Jason Randall AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 679 CASE ID:2023CP1004019 DATE FILED:08/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jennifer Blake VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Kovach, Christopher Mark (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 680 CASE ID:2023CP1004024 DATE FILED:08/08/2022 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Derek Willis VS James Bozeman , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Lewis, Nicholas Irwin (843) 266-8203 AT FOR DF Lovell, Dennis Gary 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8213 AT FOR DF Murphy, Christopher L. (843) 494-5454 AT FOR DF Perry, Amanda L (843) 277-8035 AT FOR DF Plocica, Caitlin Marie (843) 213-6043 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 681 CASE ID:2023CP1004046 DATE FILED:08/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Debra Kennedy VS Karolina Hostetter , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Robinson, John Edward (843) 723-5152 AT FOR DF Clekis, Nicholas J. (843) 720-3737 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 682 CASE ID:2023CP1004051 DATE FILED:08/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jonathan K Boswell , plaintiff, et al VS Pro Build Co Of Sc Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Finn, Thomas J. (843) 682-3555 AT FOR PL Pro Se Boswell, Jonathan K (843) 819-2067 AT FOR PL Pro Se Boswell, Sarah C (843) 730-3587 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Perry, Amanda L (843) 277-8035 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 683 CASE ID:2023CP1004076 DATE FILED:08/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ocean Thriller Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Iop Beach Property Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Haller, David K. (843) 224-7860 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 684 CASE ID:2023CP1004100 DATE FILED:08/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Langdale Properties Inc VS Arc Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL D'Andrea, Jordyn Nicole (843) 720-4623 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 685 CASE ID:2023CP1004120 DATE FILED:08/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Goldman VS Bolton Landing Apartments Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL Pierce, Carl Everette AT FOR PL Smoot, Benjamin Catlett (843) 725-7709 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Nickels, Christopher William 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-0806 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 686 CASE ID:2023CP1004122 DATE FILED:08/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/03/2025 Cheryl Newman Whaley VS Rhianna Edwards CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 687 CASE ID:2023CP1004130 DATE FILED:08/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/01/2024 Keyontea Moniah Richardson , plaintiff, et al VS Benjamin Patrick Ledgard , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Radeck, John O'Connor (843) 577-1203 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 688 CASE ID:2023CP1004141 DATE FILED:08/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Katherine M Hartman , plaintiff, et al VS Tavern And Table Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Napolski, Patrick Thomas (843) 569-1700 AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet AT FOR DF Harrell, Rogers Edward (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 689 CASE ID:2023CP1004146 DATE FILED:08/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/03/2025 Wallace Whaley VS Rhianna Edwards CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 690 CASE ID:2023CP1004147 DATE FILED:08/23/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Live Oak Energy Systems Llc VS Thanh Vu , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Mlynarczyk, Adam 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 225-4252 AT FOR PL Mlynarczyk, Adam 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Johnston, John Clifford (843) 535-9560 AT FOR DF Kurtz, Victoria Watson (843) 270-8678 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 691 CASE ID:2023CP1004149 DATE FILED:08/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Russell Calvert Herbert VS Roy Alan Knight CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 692 CASE ID:2023CP1004150 DATE FILED:08/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lariza Moreno VS Bmw Of North America Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Coble, Chase Harrison (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Bayne, Brett Harris 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 227-2281 AT FOR DF Bearden, Riley Anne (803) 995-8011 AT FOR DF Stevens, Benjamin Scott (843) 576-2922 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 693 CASE ID:2023CP1004159 DATE FILED:08/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rhett G Infinger , plaintiff, et al VS Homeland Protection Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Kernodle, Sam T. (843) 795-7800 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 694 CASE ID:2023CP1004167 DATE FILED:08/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Donald Moody VS Christopher John Rodriguez , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Austin, William K 03/04/2025 - 04/30/2025 (843) 377-3153 AT FOR DF Koontz, William Mark (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Pro Se Alicea, Jose Antonio AT FOR DF Pro Se Rodriguez, Christopher John NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 695 CASE ID:2023CP1004169 DATE FILED:08/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Allean Davis , plaintiff, et al VS Trident Medical Center Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Dean, Clyde C. (803) 534-5091 AT FOR PL Fairey, Marion Clyde (803) 943-6444 AT FOR DF Batten, David H. (919) 247-0345 AT FOR DF Foppiano, Charles Houston (919) 439-2221 AT FOR DF Smith, Jennie Marie 05/23/2025 - 06/03/2025 (843) 810-2675 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 696 CASE ID:2023CP1004171 DATE FILED:08/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Katherine Smith VS Timothy D Essig , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Figueroa, Estafany Ivette (843) 376-3260 AT FOR PL Stohr, Zachary F 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 790-8999 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 697 CASE ID:2023CP1004173 DATE FILED:08/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ocean Homes Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Joseph N Cooke , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR PL Koontz, William Mark AT FOR PL White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Bluestein, Ryan David (843) 571-7161 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Davi, Salvatore Giancarlo 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 576-2947 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Holland, Robert D. (803) 960-3989 AT FOR DF Lambert, Norman Ward (864) 235-5535 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Morris, Taylor McCutcheon (843) 212-1920 AT FOR DF Parrish, David J. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 720-1771 AT FOR DF Pelini, Christine Ritchie (330) 933-4799 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Tonnsen, Eric R. (864) 236-5013 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 698 CASE ID:2023CP1004188 DATE FILED:08/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bradley R Marshall VS Amerigas Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Marshall, Bradley R (843) 303-9532 AT FOR DF Patterson, Cory Bradley (704) 417-3154 AT FOR DF West, Charles Harold (803) 466-8331 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 699 CASE ID:2023CP1004212 DATE FILED:08/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Debra Elaine Kuhns VS Pauline Mincey Gainey , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Schwartz, Lester Samuel (843) 571-7919 AT FOR DF Sullivan, James Patrick (843) 216-6940 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 700 CASE ID:2023CP1004214 DATE FILED:08/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Gary Francis Kuhns VS Pauline Mincey Gainey , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Schwartz, Lester Samuel (843) 571-7919 AT FOR DF Sullivan, James Patrick (843) 216-6940 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 701 CASE ID:2023CP1004239 DATE FILED:08/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David Woodman VS Victoria Duncan CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL DeAntonio, Stephen F 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-8080 AT FOR PL Turkewitz, Robert Marc (843) 628-7868 AT FOR DF Allen, Christy Ford (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Nickels, Christopher William 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-0806 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 702 CASE ID:2023CP1004247 DATE FILED:08/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia S Peagler , plaintiff, et al VS Barry Steven Pritchard CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Alger, Neil Edward (803) 943-2111 AT FOR PL Kobrovsky, Lawrence C. (843) 853-3703 AT FOR DF Klingener, Dana Maurizio 01/13/2025 - 05/13/2025 (843) 284-1096 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 703 CASE ID:2023CP1004248 DATE FILED:08/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shannon Meloy , plaintiff, et al VS Dianne Jenkins , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Alfaro, Bryan A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 364-4095 AT FOR PL Kent, Shaun Courtney (803) 433-5368 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 704 CASE ID:2023CP1004249 DATE FILED:08/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kenneth Tallmadge , plaintiff, et al VS Burke Construction , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Brackin, Mark Calvin (864) 823-6753 AT FOR PL Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Pro Se Burke, Robert (843) 981-2043 AT FOR DF Pro Se Burke Construction, NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 705 CASE ID:2023CP1004251 DATE FILED:08/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mariam E Richardson VS Jasheem D Mouzone , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Heist, Brenton Phillips (609) 472-1156 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 706 CASE ID:2023CP1004254 DATE FILED:08/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chevron Mcmillan , plaintiff, et al VS Ken'Nya Banks CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gerardi, Jeffrey (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 707 CASE ID:2023CP1004258 DATE FILED:08/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Colangelo Development Llc VS Cloverleaf Properties Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Hershon, Lawrence Michael 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 829-2022 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Duffy, Brian C 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 720-2044 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Wehrman, Robert Lewis AT FOR DF Windham, Hunter Lawrence NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 708 CASE ID:2023CP1004264 DATE FILED:08/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lauren Johnson VS Port City Roofing Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Floyd, James L. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 361-4812 AT FOR PL Fuller, Collin Heath 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 277-0013 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 725-0001 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moe, Daniel Foster (843) 224-1707 AT FOR DF Ornduff, M. Paige Chamberlain04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 414-8114 AT FOR DF Turner, Caitlin Burrell (843) 735-7600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 709 CASE ID:2023CP1004270 DATE FILED:08/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Muhler Company Inc The VS Ocean Homes Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Parrish, David J. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 720-1771 AT FOR DF Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Koontz, William Mark AT FOR DF Lambert, Norman Ward (864) 235-5535 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Morris, Taylor McCutcheon (843) 212-1920 AT FOR DF White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 710 CASE ID:2023CP1004274 DATE FILED:08/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shelia Gail Heyward VS Maria Gabriela Lopez CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Hill, Teresa Zachry (843) 889-2262 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 711 CASE ID:2023CP1004284 DATE FILED:08/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Antonio Drayton VS Akira Jacobs CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Abshire, Phillip Noble (843) 380-9582 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 712 CASE ID:2023CP1004318 DATE FILED:09/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Love VS Power Home Solar Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Stewart, Johnny J. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 439-0131 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 713 CASE ID:2023CP1004320 DATE FILED:09/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Low Country Restoration Services Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Jerry D Craft , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Jung, William B. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 576-4200 06/02/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Collins, Paul Thomas (803) 255-9747 AT FOR DF Knicely, Jonathan Mark (803) 255-9593 AT FOR DF Walsh, Courtney E. 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 255-9524 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 714 CASE ID:2023CP1004321 DATE FILED:09/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:01/25/2025 Lesley Collins VS Bear LLC , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Bixler, Alfred Lyon (864) 422-0022 AT FOR PL Norton, Sarah Hammond Lundquist (843) 697-8447 AT FOR DF McKnight, Jody Vann (843) 991-5639 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 715 CASE ID:2023CP1004328 DATE FILED:09/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hr Allen Inc VS Transworld Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Relief 820 PROT: AT FOR PL Barfield, Kenneth Michael (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 716 CASE ID:2023CP1004336 DATE FILED:09/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James T Watters , plaintiff, et al VS Low Country Contractors Sc Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Charles S. (843) 853-9907 AT FOR PL Flores, Natalia AT FOR DF Henderson, Wesley E (843) 212-3188 AT FOR DF Pro Se Blackstock, Jeremy AT FOR DF Pro Se Low Country Contractors Sc Llc, NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 717 CASE ID:2023CP1004345 DATE FILED:09/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Victoria Avila Salcedo VS Stred Trent Shook , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR PL Whitener, Myra V. (843) 860-0819 AT FOR DF Rayner, Rebecca Andrick (704) 302-1280 AT FOR DF Pro Se Shook, Stred Trent (843) 709-6749 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 718 CASE ID:2023CP1004372 DATE FILED:09/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Roosevelt Simmons , plaintiff, et al VS James Beardsley CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Marshall, Cameron Lee (843) 795-2298 AT FOR PL Zarif, Alec Nohad AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 719 CASE ID:2023CP1004381 DATE FILED:09/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Spann VS Jiffy Lube International Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fail Del/Warr 160 PROT: AT FOR PL Nation, Dominic Michael (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Mann, Jenkins McMillan (803) 978-2831 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 720 CASE ID:2023CP1004388 DATE FILED:09/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lester Coleman VS Fabian S Wheeler , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Heist, Brenton Phillips (609) 472-1156 AT FOR PL Masciale, Michael Christopher04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 790-8771 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR PL O'Reilly, Peter T AT FOR PL Williams, Troy Aaron AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 721 CASE ID:2023CP1004389 DATE FILED:09/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sinks And Things Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Paul Kime , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Fultz, Allison Rayn (843) 256-4385 AT FOR DF Ramsey, Christopher Michael (843) 571-2525 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 722 CASE ID:2023CP1004391 DATE FILED:09/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Vaughn Waring VS Dennis Mcgill Haynes , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Derrick, Dakota Julius 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 248-7486 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 AT FOR DF Pritchard, Edward K. (843) 722-3300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 723 CASE ID:2023CP1004406 DATE FILED:09/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Eleanor Williams , plaintiff, et al VS Ashley Landing Assisted Living LLC , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Cantwell, Eliza Hutto (843) 801-4104 AT FOR PL Cantwell, Joshua P. AT FOR DF Blake, Shaun C. (803) 256-1268 AT FOR DF Mann, Jenkins McMillan (803) 978-2831 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 724 CASE ID:2023CP1004408 DATE FILED:09/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Crescent Homes Realty Llc VS Brenda Kennedy CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Holmes, Allan R. (843) 722-0033 AT FOR DF Mullaney, Marybeth E. (843) 588-5587 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 725 CASE ID:2023CP1004413 DATE FILED:09/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christopher Roach VS Christopher D Campbell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sparwasser, Max Capper 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 864-6444 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 726 CASE ID:2023CP1004438 DATE FILED:09/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Terry Stringer VS Sarah Blount Johnson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Tripp, Benjamin John (843) 813-1201 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 727 CASE ID:2023CP1004444 DATE FILED:09/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pamela Mccloud VS Chg Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 728 CASE ID:2023CP1004450 DATE FILED:09/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Norman G Nirenblatt VS Marilyn Hoffman , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Duffy, Brian C 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 720-2044 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR PL Windham, Hunter Lawrence AT FOR PL Wooten, Patrick Coleman AT FOR DF Abney, Merritt Gordon (843) 534-4844 AT FOR DF Hawkins, Ashley Nicole (803) 606-1425 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 729 CASE ID:2023CP1004475 DATE FILED:09/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Conyers VS Harry Larkin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Brawley Gray, Toyya (803) 771-1550 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan J. (843) 604-2070 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 730 CASE ID:2023CP1004480 DATE FILED:09/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dustin Hughes VS Lowes Home Centers Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 731 CASE ID:2023CP1004510 DATE FILED:09/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:03/31/2025 Bethany Russo VS Ryan Wood CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Berry, James Harrison (843) 848-6015 AT FOR DF Starr, Dominic Allen 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 848-6000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 732 CASE ID:2023CP1004512 DATE FILED:09/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kevin Kaiser , plaintiff, et al VS Contract Exteriors Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Drawdy, Stephanie D. (917) 364-2122 AT FOR PL Fries, Catherine Blackburn 04/23/2025 - 05/08/2025 (843) 849-8400 AT FOR PL Lucey, Justin O'Toole AT FOR DF Bessellieu, Denise L. (704) 998-5184 AT FOR DF Eaton, Robert Lubs (843) 972-9406 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Perrin, Whidbee Sale 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 377-4615 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Scott, Belle Faith (803) 671-0490 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 733 CASE ID:2023CP1004525 DATE FILED:09/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Harlan Jerome Ware VS James Irvin Grimes CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Keith, Gregory Daulton (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 734 CASE ID:2023CP1004528 DATE FILED:09/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Suzannah Guthmann VS Jeanne Spinelli , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Burgess, Matthew Joseph (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Treece, Connor Wayne (843) 442-8758 AT FOR DF Walker, Harry Clayton (843) 720-4434 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 735 CASE ID:2023CP1004531 DATE FILED:09/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alexander Kokinakis VS Andreas Schulz , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Guerry, John Horton (843) 577-7046 AT FOR PL Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR PL Theos, Jerry Nicholas 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 AT FOR PL Theos, Nicholas Jerry 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Burgess, Jason William (704) 543-2321 AT FOR DF Watson, Lewis Andrew NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 736 CASE ID:2023CP1004539 DATE FILED:09/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sam Choi , plaintiff, et al VS Tatiana F Stewart CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Johnson, Lindsay Funderburk (843) 408-1054 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Morrison, Elizabeth Fulton (843) 277-1151 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 737 CASE ID:2023CP1004549 DATE FILED:09/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Luqman Rasheed VS Arthur R Inabinett CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 738 CASE ID:2023CP1004550 DATE FILED:09/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kevin Googe VS Patricia Elena Flores CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Googe, Kevin (854) 214-0297 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 739 CASE ID:2023CP1004562 DATE FILED:09/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Deborah Schneider VS Ricardo Mccants , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 740 CASE ID:2023CP1004571 DATE FILED:09/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marcia Germain VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL DuRant, George Rutledge 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 800-0809 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 741 CASE ID:2023CP1004590 DATE FILED:09/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Francis M Semken VS Harold M Griffith Jr CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Deaton, Rad Stuart (843) 225-5723 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 742 CASE ID:2023CP1004612 DATE FILED:09/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jim Cummins VS Bryce Romao , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gerardi, Jeffrey (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Laney, Matthew B (803) 354-2277 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 743 CASE ID:2023CP1004625 DATE FILED:09/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Darcell Lockwood , plaintiff, et al VS Andre Keith Doctor , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sigal, Ryan Harris (843) 284-7780 AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR PL Williams, Lawrence Crayton (843) 229-3520 AT FOR DF Allen, Luke M. (803) 896-5475 AT FOR DF Shealy, Kirby Darr (803) 254-4190 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 744 CASE ID:2023CP1004627 DATE FILED:09/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daniel J Ramsey VS Kelly J Craven CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Query, O. Grady (843) 795-9500 AT FOR PL Sautter, Michael W. 03/24/2025 - 04/29/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR PL Uricchio, Nicholas Brooks 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 745 CASE ID:2023CP1004628 DATE FILED:09/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Arnold Nicholson Jr VS Bon Secours Roper St Francis Hospital , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Briggs, Samuel (301) 945-9292 AT FOR DF Horton, Kevin Richard 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 996-1927 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 746 CASE ID:2023CP1004629 DATE FILED:09/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Parris Dai Jonna Dawson VS Unita Webb Reed CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR PL Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 747 CASE ID:2023CP1004637 DATE FILED:09/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ryan Johnson , plaintiff, et al VS Riley K Denton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Brown, Marcus J. (803) 848-0008 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 748 CASE ID:2023CP1004645 DATE FILED:09/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Linda Peoples Mack VS Cregger Company Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Mambo, Marc Yobo (214) 235-2547 AT FOR DF Martin, Robert Patrick 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (864) 208-8599 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 749 CASE ID:2023CP1004699 DATE FILED:09/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charles S Hall , plaintiff, et al VS Richard Allen Covington CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Goings, Robert Fredrick (803) 350-9230 AT FOR PL Paschal, Christopher M. AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 750 CASE ID:2023CP1004704 DATE FILED:09/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Reta Strozier , plaintiff, et al VS Heartland Of West Ashley Rehabilitation & Nursing Center , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Clawson, Samuel Richard (843) 970-2700 AT FOR PL Fargnoli, Christina Rae AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Jennings, Jean Marie (843) 577-1217 AT FOR DF Williamson, Maryrose Pritchard (843) 577-1230 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 751 CASE ID:2023CP1004735 DATE FILED:09/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pools Of Charleston Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Brandi Cobbs , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Permanent Injunc 830 PROT: AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Jenkins, Amy Yager 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 576-2917 AT FOR DF Lane, Jonathan Gregory (843) 576-2900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 752 CASE ID:2023CP1004736 DATE FILED:09/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alexandre Sylmonord VS Kelsey Mcvey CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Jones, Alexandria (843) 576-2837 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 753 CASE ID:2023CP1004754 DATE FILED:09/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert White Capozzi VS Daniel Ian Russell Einhorn CAUSE OF ACTION:Assault/Battery 370 PROT: AT FOR PL Sanchez, Jesse (843) 814-8181 AT FOR DF Nistad, Peter Gunnar (843) 722-6777 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 754 CASE ID:2023CP1004765 DATE FILED:09/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alexandria White VS James Dublin CAUSE OF ACTION:Assault/Battery 370 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Doughty, Thaddeus James (843) 576-1400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 755 CASE ID:2023CP1004784 DATE FILED:09/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Royce Sellers VS Charles B Spann CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 756 CASE ID:2023CP1004794 DATE FILED:09/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dia Singleton , plaintiff, et al VS Anthony L Gooler , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McCumber, Andrew Joseph (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Milligan, Thomas H. (843) 971-6750 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 757 CASE ID:2023CP1004810 DATE FILED:09/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lucille Ruth Smalls Estate , plaintiff, et al VS Nhc Healthcare Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Washington, Ayesha Tonette (843) 410-5434 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Gandy, James D. (843) 720-5452 AT FOR DF Heslop, Ashley Sumner (843) 720-3473 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 758 CASE ID:2023CP1004813 DATE FILED:09/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sondra D Montgomery , plaintiff, et al VS Rebecca Lynne Turner , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Spann-Wilder, Tiffany R. (843) 266-7792 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 759 CASE ID:2023CP1004814 DATE FILED:09/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Micah Whitson VS Ty'Riq Mitchell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Carnwath, Samuel Wallace (843) 303-9549 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 760 CASE ID:2023CP1004828 DATE FILED:09/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Doe VS David Atkins , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Flumian, Julia M. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4681 AT FOR PL Luginbill, Daniel W. 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 268-4623 AT FOR DF Brewer, Barrett Ray 05/07/2025 - 05/12/2025 (843) 779-7454 05/23/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/05/2025 - 06/09/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Davis, Amanda Fair AT FOR DF Land, Carissa Steichen (843) 727-1144 AT FOR DF Massalon, John A. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 761 CASE ID:2023CP1004856 DATE FILED:10/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Whitney Brown VS Bernard Robinson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 762 CASE ID:2023CP1004861 DATE FILED:10/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: M&M Oil And Propane Inc VS Warren Mechanical Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Henderson, Wesley E (843) 212-3188 AT FOR DF Johnson, William H. (803) 435-0909 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 763 CASE ID:2023CP1004869 DATE FILED:10/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tanjanye Young , plaintiff, et al VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 764 CASE ID:2023CP1004873 DATE FILED:10/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Martine Dorleans , plaintiff, et al VS Dunmeyer Grooms Ruhamah Shawnee CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Garan, Kassandra Jo (843) 297-8485 AT FOR PL Pro Se Dorleans, Martine (843) 303-4133 AT FOR DF Bledsoe, Colton James (888) 429-5529 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 765 CASE ID:2023CP1004874 DATE FILED:10/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: King Ii Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Coastal Construction General Contractors Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL August, Diana Marie (803) 782-4100 AT FOR PL Kull, Jeffrey Carl AT FOR PL McBratney, J. Thomas AT FOR DF Haller, David K. (843) 224-7860 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Traywick, Benjamin Alexander Crute04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 872-1709 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 766 CASE ID:2023CP1004876 DATE FILED:10/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia A Porcher VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Keith, Gregory Daulton (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 AT FOR DF Rheney, T. David (864) 271-9580 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 767 CASE ID:2023CP1004880 DATE FILED:10/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paula Dezzutti VS Samantha Marie Dillon , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sautter, Michael W. 03/24/2025 - 04/29/2025 (843) 795-9500 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 AT FOR DF Graham, Chad McQueen (864) 590-3507 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 768 CASE ID:2023CP1004886 DATE FILED:10/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stephanie Denise Stewart VS Rebecca Keogh Buffum , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Templeton, Morgan S. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Thrift, Ford Hamby 04/09/2025 - 05/12/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 769 CASE ID:2023CP1004894 DATE FILED:10/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: India Shaw VS Joseph Tran CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Edwards, Matthew Brandon (772) 214-8625 AT FOR PL Riddle, Jonathan Michael (803) 881-2532 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 770 CASE ID:2023CP1004900 DATE FILED:10/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Gregory S Elliott VS 7 Eleven Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Tong, Emily Hanewicz (843) 588-5558 AT FOR DF Crain, Adam Miles 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 771 CASE ID:2023CP1004904 DATE FILED:10/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kris Kaylin Bennett VS Cumulus Media New Holdings Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Hundley, W. Richards (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 AT FOR DF Templeton, Morgan S. (843) 329-9500 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 772 CASE ID:2023CP1004913 DATE FILED:11/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mark Groetsch VS Waffle House Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Akers, Nathaniel Edwin 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 522-2400 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Lindemann, Andrew F. (803) 881-8920 AT FOR DF Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 773 CASE ID:2023CP1004922 DATE FILED:10/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:11/22/2024 Julie Rivers VS Harris Teeter Supermarkets Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sackey, Jameson Earl (770) 741-0547 AT FOR DF Santaniello, Andrew James 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (704) 374-1600 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 774 CASE ID:2023CP1004938 DATE FILED:10/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Zachary Davis VS Margot Naber CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Arant, Brent Hamilton (803) 576-3100 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 775 CASE ID:2023CP1004948 DATE FILED:10/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Steven Scott Duncan VS Keith Kopcak , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Stoney, Randell Croft (843) 725-4241 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 776 CASE ID:2023CP1004951 DATE FILED:10/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alberto Aguilar VS Hunter Tillman , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sevcik, Daniel Joseph (803) 200-2000 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 777 CASE ID:2023CP1004966 DATE FILED:10/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lisa Kim Cutcliffe , plaintiff, et al VS Northpointe Hospitality Management Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Alphin, John R. (803) 252-4800 AT FOR PL Fickling, Jessica Lerer (803) 254-6542 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis E. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 364-8629 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Silverman, William Walton (984) 900-5963 AT FOR DF Smythe, George B (843) 557-9171 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 778 CASE ID:2023CP1004969 DATE FILED:10/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lekenyea Latrel Royal , plaintiff, et al VS Kasey Alexander Nation CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR PL Cooper, Michael Thomas (843) 729-6663 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 779 CASE ID:2023CP1004970 DATE FILED:10/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lekenyea Latrel Royal , plaintiff, et al VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 780 CASE ID:2023CP1004977 DATE FILED:10/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Canterbury Woods Community Association Inc VS Timothy R Howard , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Bradley, Paul William (843) 571-4611 AT FOR DF Rozelsky, Kurt Matthew (864) 695-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 781 CASE ID:2023CP1004991 DATE FILED:10/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/03/2025 Alexis Gainey VS Lauren Carter CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Simkovich, John Paul (843) 839-4111 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 782 CASE ID:2023CP1005003 DATE FILED:10/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Philip A Nieverglet , plaintiff, et al VS Clarks Termite & Pest Control Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 783 CASE ID:2023CP1005004 DATE FILED:10/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lateyja Freeman , plaintiff, et al VS Erick Javier , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 784 CASE ID:2023CP1005006 DATE FILED:10/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Brunette VS Logan Faust , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gerardi, Jeffrey (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 785 CASE ID:2023CP1005012 DATE FILED:10/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ellen Flynn Souter , plaintiff, et al VS Jacob Daniel Adamczak CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 786 CASE ID:2023CP1005020 DATE FILED:10/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Simon Black Construction Inc VS Christopher J Bryant CAUSE OF ACTION:Legal Malpract 210 PROT: AT FOR PL Pendarvis, Thomas A. (843) 524-9500 AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 AT FOR PL Slotchiver, Daniel Scott 05/01/2025 - 05/08/2025 (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Fletcher, John William AT FOR DF Wallace, Robert Bruce (843) 720-1760 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 787 CASE ID:2023CP1005021 DATE FILED:10/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Arcadian Investment Group Llc The , plaintiff, et al VS 843 Nail & Spa Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Bryant, Lyndey Ritz Zwing (803) 212-4958 AT FOR PL Mills, Katherine Heil (803) 254-4190 AT FOR DF Mingledorff, Christopher Clinton (843) 471-1015 AT FOR DF Patterson, Michael Eugene NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 788 CASE ID:2023CP1005028 DATE FILED:10/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James Zenhye VS Forest River Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Slavin, Joshua E 04/09/2025 - 04/14/2025 (843) 619-7338 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Morris, Tara Haylee (843) 266-8223 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 789 CASE ID:2023CP1005031 DATE FILED:10/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Maria Granquist VS Uptown Hospitality Catering Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Castles, Charles Guy (843) 576-2924 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 790 CASE ID:2023CP1005035 DATE FILED:10/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marsh Winds Horizontal Property Regime , plaintiff, et al VS Gary Freeman Architect Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF Berthelsen, Cameron D 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 805-6550 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Burton, Stephanie Holmes 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 327-5000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF DuPre, Allen Leland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis E. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 364-8629 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Hendricks, Sonaly Kirkley (843) 722-7733 AT FOR DF Lynch, Daniel Francis 04/25/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 725-7704 05/28/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/20/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF MacManus, Austin Curtis (636) 541-1677 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 791 CASE ID:2023CP1005060 DATE FILED:10/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mary Black VS Brianna Francis , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 792 CASE ID:2023CP1005068 DATE FILED:10/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Colleen A Conley VS David Allen Hudgins CAUSE OF ACTION:Assault/Battery 370 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR PL Cobb, Hal Eugene 04/11/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Anthony, Stephanie (843) 881-4995 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 793 CASE ID:2023CP1005079 DATE FILED:10/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mark Broughton Jr , plaintiff, et al VS Benjamin Duffy CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stohr, Zachary F 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 790-8999 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 794 CASE ID:2023CP1005080 DATE FILED:10/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/14/2025 Gabrielle A Knapp VS Christian W Dietrich , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR PL Klaasmeyer, Michael Cooper (843) 973-5438 AT FOR DF Clarke, Diane Summers 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 410-4713 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 795 CASE ID:2023CP1005081 DATE FILED:10/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Susanne Smith VS Rosalba Levya Baez CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Bendle, Thomas Allan 04/17/2025 - 04/29/2025 (843) 522-2400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 796 CASE ID:2023CP1005100 DATE FILED:10/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brittany Fournet Pittman , plaintiff, et al VS Tina B Fanning CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Franklin, Ivey Blaire (803) 200-2000 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 797 CASE ID:2023CP1005111 DATE FILED:10/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alexis Carty VS Samuel Joseph Hill CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ginsburg, Alexandra Jordan (843) 284-7600 AT FOR PL Sigal, Ryan Harris (843) 284-7780 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (843) 452-9299 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 798 CASE ID:2023CP1005135 DATE FILED:10/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Katrina Billie VS George Lutas CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 799 CASE ID:2023CP1005136 DATE FILED:10/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Meredith A Blackwell VS Kaylei A Skorupa CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL Pierce, Carl Everette (843) 725-7702 AT FOR DF Hood, John Austin (800) 774-8242 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 800 CASE ID:2023CP1005149 DATE FILED:10/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Constance Lambert VS Andrew Holland Waters CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ricker, Brice Eugene 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 900-2020 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 801 CASE ID:2023CP1005156 DATE FILED:10/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sheriffs Office Charleston County VS Five Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Dollars , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Forfeit-Petit (840) PROT: AT FOR PL Knisley, Edward L. (843) 958-4010 AT FOR DF Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Hall, Alexander James (217) 414-0841 AT FOR DF Krell, Barry 03/28/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 697-5221 AT FOR DF Krell, Barry 04/11/2025 - 04/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 802 CASE ID:2023CP1005168 DATE FILED:10/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Annette F Seabrook , plaintiff, et al VS Bon Secours St Francis Xavier Hospital , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Pinkston, Shawn Travis 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 814-5472 AT FOR DF Buyck, Hugh W. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 377-1400 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Cooper, Gordon Wade AT FOR DF Keough, Meredith Anne (843) 531-6102 AT FOR DF Lappin, Jeffrey Herman (914) 960-3815 AT FOR DF Marini, Chase Langston (912) 429-0217 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 803 CASE ID:2023CP1005175 DATE FILED:10/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shelly Anderson , plaintiff, et al VS State Ports Authority South Carolina The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Simkovich, John Paul (843) 535-8000 AT FOR DF Bielski, John R (215) 656-3652 AT FOR DF Holmes, Allan R. (843) 722-0033 AT FOR DF Lewis, Timothy O'Neill 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF McElreath, Brian P (843) 405-2240 AT FOR DF Whitley, Joshua Steven (843) 606-5635 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 804 CASE ID:2023CP1005180 DATE FILED:10/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joe Blake Jr VS Calvin Randolph , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Brown, Marcus J. (803) 848-0008 AT FOR DF Ruparelia, Roopal S. 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (803) 540-7846 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 805 CASE ID:2023CP1005183 DATE FILED:10/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Philip Tyler Hamilton VS Addison Marie Mann , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 806 CASE ID:2023CP1005185 DATE FILED:10/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pamela Huey VS But Because Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, D. Scott 04/11/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 571-2525 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 807 CASE ID:2023CP1005186 DATE FILED:10/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bonnie Cleaveland , plaintiff, et al VS Pamela Mckinney , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Jefferies, Lane Douglas (803) 222-2222 AT FOR PL Poulin, Eric Marc AT FOR PL Willey, Roy T. AT FOR DF Lachenman, Eli Emet (843) 414-5080 AT FOR DF Paylor, Alice F 04/09/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 709-4348 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/09/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 808 CASE ID:2023CP1005188 DATE FILED:10/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Doe VS Department Of Mental Health Sc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Deaton, Rad Stuart (843) 225-5723 AT FOR DF Jung, William B. 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 576-4200 06/02/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 809 CASE ID:2023CP1005191 DATE FILED:10/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mercedes Pinckney Reese VS School District Charleston County CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Bloodgood, Nancy (843) 972-0313 AT FOR DF Burns, Allison Marie (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 810 CASE ID:2023CP1005197 DATE FILED:10/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Blyco Glass Company Of Sc Llc VS Hartford Casualty Insurance Company CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Bruner, Benjamin C. (803) 252-7693 AT FOR DF Abrams, Jonathan Glenn (864) 652-3275 AT FOR DF Lambert, Norman Ward (864) 235-5535 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 811 CASE ID:2023CP1005209 DATE FILED:10/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jacques Frazier VS Allen James Osteda Turner , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Holmes, Jonathan Logan (843) 761-3840 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 812 CASE ID:2023CP1005241 DATE FILED:10/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Weathers VS Joyce Barker CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 813 CASE ID:2023CP1005250 DATE FILED:10/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shield Global Partners G1 Llc VS David Poore CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Eichholz, David (912) 232-2791 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 814 CASE ID:2023CP1005258 DATE FILED:10/24/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charles Jackson VS Austin Panzer , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Moore, Dwight Christopher (803) 778-6520 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 815 CASE ID:2023CP1005259 DATE FILED:10/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shield Global Partners G1 Llc VS Benjamin Stevens , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Eichholz, David (912) 232-2791 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 816 CASE ID:2023CP1005266 DATE FILED:10/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Beverly Montgomery VS Annette Cooper CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 AT FOR DF Sullivan, James Patrick (843) 216-6940 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 817 CASE ID:2023CP1005268 DATE FILED:10/25/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/01/2025 Zeng Lin Lin VS Kenneth Black CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Lofton, Lionel S. (843) 722-6319 AT FOR PL Lofton, V. Lynn AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 818 CASE ID:2023CP1005282 DATE FILED:02/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John R. Clark , plaintiff, et al VS Steven L. Nesbitt , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hartman, James F. (843) 300-7600 AT FOR DF Jones, Alexandria (843) 576-2837 AT FOR DF Kneece, Robert Edward (843) 576-2829 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 819 CASE ID:2023CP1005289 DATE FILED:10/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Raye Nelson VS Shakrina Woods CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Adegbola, Sean (843) 352-8661 AT FOR DF Craven, Brian Lincoln (803) 605-5576 AT FOR DF Mclawhorn, Richard Edward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 256-2233 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 820 CASE ID:2023CP1005306 DATE FILED:10/26/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James Grimes VS Lp Charleston Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 821 CASE ID:2023CP1005319 DATE FILED:10/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Audregis Johnson VS Mclain Brown , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan AT FOR DF Still, Patrick L. (864) 331-8940 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 822 CASE ID:2023CP1005331 DATE FILED:10/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:02/17/2025 Lujean Jennings , plaintiff, et al VS Nicholas Ashton Virgil Price CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Gooding, H. Woodrow (803) 584-7676 AT FOR PL Green, Brendan Joseph (803) 281-8150 AT FOR PL Tinsley, Mark Brandon (803) 584-7676 AT FOR DF Hood, John Austin (800) 774-8242 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 823 CASE ID:2023CP1005332 DATE FILED:10/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jamese A Brown VS William Othel North CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Spann-Wilder, Tiffany R. (843) 266-7792 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 824 CASE ID:2023CP1005338 DATE FILED:10/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jennifer Fakhoury VS Kirsten Parker , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Reardon, Gerald Eugene (803) 602-5242 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 825 CASE ID:2023CP1005341 DATE FILED:10/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bret Demyan , plaintiff, et al VS Blue Note Bistro Llc The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Bringardner, Mark Joseph (843) 400-0550 AT FOR PL Treece, Connor Wayne (843) 442-8758 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 725-0001 AT FOR DF Grooms, Joseph Hayden (843) 380-5918 AT FOR DF McNair, William Chase 03/30/2025 - 04/09/2025 (843) 266-9780 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 826 CASE ID:2023CP1005345 DATE FILED:10/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Bollman VS Javon Woodward CAUSE OF ACTION:Permanent Injunc 830 PROT: AT FOR PL Harrison, Erika V. (843) 302-1900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 827 CASE ID:2023CP1005355 DATE FILED:10/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jean Castelli , plaintiff, et al VS Gates School , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Fowler, George Andrew (843) 212-3188 AT FOR PL Henderson, Wesley E AT FOR DF Barlow, Thomas Kennedy 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 254-4035 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Montgomery, Michael H. (803) 779-3500 AT FOR DF Norris, John Patrick Turner 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 714-2518 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 828 CASE ID:2023CP1005362 DATE FILED:10/31/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hooked Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Karl H Kuester , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Wyndham, Robert J. (843) 279-5312 AT FOR DF O'Kelley, George Hamlin (843) 856-4488 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 829 CASE ID:2023CP1005366 DATE FILED:11/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Corey Gethers VS Connor Furubotten CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 830 CASE ID:2023CP1005371 DATE FILED:11/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Melinda Saintsing VS Mount Pleasant City Of CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Henderson, John Irvine (843) 908-0417 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 803-6550 AT FOR DF Mandel, Paul Thomas (203) 815-0456 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 831 CASE ID:2023CP1005401 DATE FILED:11/02/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Austin Chance Plese VS Caroline King CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ellis, Michael Holland 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 248-7486 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 832 CASE ID:2023CP1005415 DATE FILED:11/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Thomas Cannon VS Daniel Neko , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Berlinsky, Philip Alan (843) 884-0000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 833 CASE ID:2023CP1005417 DATE FILED:11/03/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: J P , plaintiff, et al VS School District Charleston County CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Kobrovsky, Lawrence C. (843) 853-3703 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 834 CASE ID:2023CP1005441 DATE FILED:11/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Darrell George Crabtree , plaintiff, et al VS Ragland Homes Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Inabinet, George Lawrence (843) 727-0001 AT FOR DF Inglis, Audra Jayne (843) 501-2714 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF M Lusk, George Mckittrick (803) 960-4052 AT FOR DF McDermid, Molly McKenna (843) 720-4650 AT FOR DF Near, Kelly Lynn (843) 727-0001 AT FOR DF Robey, James Belford (803) 253-8701 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Warnock, William R. (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Watkins, William Wharton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF White, Brooklynn Hunter (843) 577-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 835 CASE ID:2023CP1005461 DATE FILED:11/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sonya Pickett VS Fluor Lane South Carolina Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Jonathan Scott 06/02/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 723-9804 AT FOR PL Goldberg, Steven Eric 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 871-6522 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Boone, Jeffrey Alexander (843) 577-1216 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Hall, Mahalia Shanee (904) 305-5073 AT FOR DF Hill, Morgan Briggs (843) 266-8211 AT FOR DF Hood, Robert Holmes (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Lambert, Norman Ward (864) 235-5535 AT FOR DF Lambert, Wesley Benjamin AT FOR DF Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 AT FOR DF Pettigrew, Dawn N (404) 554-8172 AT FOR DF Smith, Hannah E. (843) 266-8233 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Wilson, Skyler Cole (843) 266-8221 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 836 CASE ID:2023CP1005468 DATE FILED:11/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Daniel Teders , plaintiff, et al VS Wendell Samuel Chisolm , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Deaton, Rad Stuart (843) 225-5723 AT FOR DF Compton, Sarah Kathleen (864) 236-5013 AT FOR DF Tonnsen, Eric R. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 837 CASE ID:2023CP1005472 DATE FILED:11/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hidden Oaks Development Corp Ii , plaintiff, et al VS Maryland Casualty Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Altman, Charles S. (843) 853-9907 AT FOR PL Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 AT FOR DF Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Reeves, Phillip E. (864) 271-9580 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 838 CASE ID:2023CP1005474 DATE FILED:11/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Evangelina D Hewitt , plaintiff, et al VS Benny Wilson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Napolski, Patrick Thomas (843) 569-1700 AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet AT FOR DF Craig, Julie A 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 839 CASE ID:2023CP1005494 DATE FILED:11/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William Daniel VS Angelina Lorraine Dickerman CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Ranaldo, Daniel Paul (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 840 CASE ID:2023CP1005495 DATE FILED:11/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tamanika Mazyck , plaintiff, et al VS Daniel Hodges CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stohr, Zachary F 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 790-8999 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 841 CASE ID:2023CP1005499 DATE FILED:11/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mohamed Elkorma VS Richard Griner , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Grantland, John Martin 02/26/2025 - 04/27/2025 (803) 782-4100 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 842 CASE ID:2023CP1005502 DATE FILED:11/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Annabell Lucinda Simmons VS Shayne Timmons Middleton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 843 CASE ID:2023CP1005504 DATE FILED:11/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Andrea Manigault , plaintiff, et al VS Sinkler Bail Bonds , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Cooper, Gordon Wade (843) 377-1400 AT FOR DF Daigle, Jason Alan (843) 823-6504 AT FOR DF Lappin, Jeffrey Herman (914) 960-3815 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 844 CASE ID:2023CP1005522 DATE FILED:11/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Amer Templeton Fletcher IV , plaintiff, et al VS Republic Contracting Corporation CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Countryman, Andrew W. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 253-4477 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 845 CASE ID:2023CP1005523 DATE FILED:11/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Slc Commercial Construction Llc VS Cornerstone Masonry Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Gibson, C. Allen (843) 720-4613 AT FOR PL McDonald, Andrea L. (843) 722-3400 AT FOR PL Warnock, William R. AT FOR DF Abrams, Jonathan Glenn (864) 652-3275 AT FOR DF Miller, Carlton D (407) 874-1663 AT FOR DF Placone, Dennis Gregory (864) 235-5535 AT FOR DF Sanacory, Antony L (404) 554-8194 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 846 CASE ID:2023CP1005529 DATE FILED:11/09/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jerrica Drayton , plaintiff, et al VS Nathan Dubblestyne CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 847 CASE ID:2023CP1005541 DATE FILED:11/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shelton Robinson VS James S Bonnett , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 848 CASE ID:2023CP1005552 DATE FILED:11/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Plugs Appliance Center Llc VS Joseph N Cooke , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Bluestein, Ryan David (843) 571-7161 AT FOR DF Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Morris, Taylor McCutcheon (843) 212-1920 AT FOR DF White, W. McElhaney (864) 594-5300 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 849 CASE ID:2023CP1005565 DATE FILED:11/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sarah Lee Howell VS Phillip Jerome Magnum , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Victoria Nichole 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 800-0365 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 850 CASE ID:2023CP1005571 DATE FILED:11/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paul Busolin VS Unifirst Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Nasrollahi, David Ali (843) 937-8000 AT FOR PL Romeo, Christopher Cordell 03/24/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 806-4906 06/30/2025 - 07/07/2025 AT FOR DF Culbreath, Gray Thomas (803) 724-1850 AT FOR DF Jones, Eleanor Lasseigne (803) 779-1833 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 851 CASE ID:2023CP1005580 DATE FILED:11/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christina Jenkins VS Mohammed M Harraz , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Slotchiver, Daniel Scott 05/01/2025 - 05/08/2025 (843) 577-6531 AT FOR PL Timbes, Michael A. (843) 937-8000 AT FOR DF Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR DF Atkins, James A. (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 852 CASE ID:2023CP1005588 DATE FILED:11/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Katie Mcdaniels VS Fwl & Sons Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Johnson, Garrett Brendan (803) 324-7574 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 AT FOR DF Velasquez, Samuel Robert (843) 720-3474 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 853 CASE ID:2023CP1005591 DATE FILED:11/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Envirosmart Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Cherokee Directional Drilling Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Johnston, John Clifford (843) 535-9560 AT FOR PL Kurtz, Victoria Watson (843) 270-8678 AT FOR DF Humphrey, Robert Walker (843) 619-4426 AT FOR DF Willoughby, Mitchell (803) 252-3300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 854 CASE ID:2023CP1005604 DATE FILED:11/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Terri Lee London VS Alecia Cooley CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Linton, Mary Kathleen (843) 720-2044 AT FOR PL Moore, Julie Lauren 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Davis, Benjamin B. (843) 576-2900 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 855 CASE ID:2023CP1005606 DATE FILED:11/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nakikee Decosta , plaintiff, et al VS Compass Group , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Summa, Philip Daniel (843) 277-9665 AT FOR DF Builder, Lindsay L. (864) 373-2208 AT FOR DF Fowler, Rayja Nikaila (864) 373-2225 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 856 CASE ID:2023CP1005636 DATE FILED:11/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ronald Brown VS Snyder Event Services Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Brown, Myesha Latrice (843) 894-7360 AT FOR DF Mclawhorn, Richard Edward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 256-2233 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 857 CASE ID:2023CP1005645 DATE FILED:11/16/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Trident Construction Llc VS Selective Way Insurance Company CAUSE OF ACTION:Relief 820 PROT: AT FOR PL Rannik, Jaan Gunnar 04/11/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 377-1871 AT FOR DF Groves, Stephen Peterson (843) 277-3704 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 858 CASE ID:2023CP1005656 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Eva Mae Grant , plaintiff, et al VS Curtis Alan Smith , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 859 CASE ID:2023CP1005661 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joey C Allen VS Patrick R Jones , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Robinson, Keith Edward (843) 747-2455 AT FOR DF Carter, Evan Abell (270) 402-7709 AT FOR DF Horseman, Gina Rose Iacona (843) 414-8110 AT FOR DF Jones, John Arthur (843) 735-7600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 860 CASE ID:2023CP1005662 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Keith Lamar Ulmer VS Matthew Claiborne Flinn CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Murdaugh, Steven Dean (843) 782-6070 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 861 CASE ID:2023CP1005663 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Elizabeth Miller VS Emily Richardson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McElheney, Madison Brown (843) 901-9143 AT FOR PL PHILLIPS, PETER Thomas (843) 708-3371 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 862 CASE ID:2023CP1005668 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Peter J Locher VS Tylar M Ratliff CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stoney, Randell Croft (843) 725-4241 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 863 CASE ID:2023CP1005669 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Sciortino , plaintiff, et al VS Mid Atlantic Insulation Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Giblin, Scott William 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (803) 782-4100 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 864 CASE ID:2023CP1005671 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kirsten Pries VS Glenda Andrews CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McKenzie, Jacob C (843) 732-8128 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 865 CASE ID:2023CP1005673 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chen Yang , plaintiff, et al VS I S , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 866 CASE ID:2023CP1005675 DATE FILED:11/17/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Timothy Fuller VS Joseph C Gillespie , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Bell, J. Edward (843) 546-2408 AT FOR PL Heiskell, Jeffrey Ryan AT FOR PL Salley, Joshua Michael Wesley AT FOR DF Halversen, Brent Souther (843) 284-5790 AT FOR DF Kelly, Matthew Z (843) 804-6538 AT FOR DF Marini, Chase Langston (912) 429-0217 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 867 CASE ID:2023CP1005686 DATE FILED:11/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Travis Mcgill VS Us Lbm Operating Co 2009 Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Arant, Brent Hamilton (803) 576-3100 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 AT FOR DF Horton, Brandt R. (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Woods, John Adam (854) 214-5927 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 868 CASE ID:2023CP1005688 DATE FILED:11/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tyler Burn VS John Charles Tetinger CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Barrett, R. Hawthorne (803) 227-4219 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 869 CASE ID:2023CP1005702 DATE FILED:11/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charles David Fitzgerald VS State Port Authority South Carolina The CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. (843) 722-8048 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Miller, David Scott (843) 822-1311 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew (843) 722-8048 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Whitley, Joshua Steven (843) 606-5635 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 870 CASE ID:2023CP1005707 DATE FILED:11/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carrie Dowling , plaintiff, et al VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Bringardner, Mark Joseph (843) 400-0550 AT FOR PL Treece, Connor Wayne (843) 442-8758 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 871 CASE ID:2023CP1005709 DATE FILED:11/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dashawn Salley VS Clarence P Davis Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Napolski, Patrick Thomas (843) 569-1700 AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 872 CASE ID:2023CP1005713 DATE FILED:11/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mark Manly , plaintiff, et al VS Jane A Snyder CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Coble, Chase Harrison (803) 222-2222 AT FOR PL Riddle, Jonathan Michael (803) 881-2532 AT FOR DF Nickels, Christopher William 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-0806 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 873 CASE ID:2023CP1005717 DATE FILED:11/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Deangelo Chaney VS Tatum Lynch CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Abshire, Phillip Noble (843) 380-9582 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 874 CASE ID:2023CP1005719 DATE FILED:11/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Yana Mcintyre VS Owens Luntsford Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Albert, Kathryn Blair (843) 936-6680 AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR PL Johnson, Jennifer Suzanne (843) 936-6680 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 875 CASE ID:2023CP1005736 DATE FILED:11/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Kent VS Robert Lehmann CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR PL Zavolta, Joni Danielle (304) 231-8595 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 876 CASE ID:2023CP1005747 DATE FILED:11/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Barry A Bell , plaintiff, et al VS Beth Ann Henley , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF Clements, Peter G. (401) 688-0306 AT FOR DF Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF DeLoach, George Robert (704) 302-1330 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 877 CASE ID:2023CP1005751 DATE FILED:11/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Albert Zachary Von Allmen VS Louis T Brzezinski Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Catherine Dunn 03/31/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 871-6522 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 878 CASE ID:2023CP1005758 DATE FILED:11/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Virginia Miller , plaintiff, et al VS Crescent Homes , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Lucey, Justin O'Toole (843) 849-8400 AT FOR PL Winckler, Charlotte Banning (843) 883-2214 AT FOR DF Ambrosius, Taylor Barbara 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8120 AT FOR DF Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 879 CASE ID:2023CP1005791 DATE FILED:11/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joann Glover Aiken VS Shane Lawrence Moser CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 880 CASE ID:2023CP1005839 DATE FILED:11/30/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carolina Sound Communications Inc VS Baseline , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR PL Moore, Mary Harriet 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 266-8138 AT FOR DF Stark, Jennifer Munter (843) 972-0004 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 881 CASE ID:2023CP1005845 DATE FILED:12/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: William A Burbage III VS Blondell Fraiser Milligan CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Evan A (843) 804-8550 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 882 CASE ID:2023CP1005849 DATE FILED:12/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ryan A Stadelman VS Roger Kennedy , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Stair, Taylor Harrison (843) 727-2650 AT FOR DF Umbarger, Joshua Hugh 03/26/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 727-2686 04/01/2025 - 04/02/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Wilson, Skyler Cole (843) 266-8221 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 883 CASE ID:2023CP1005858 DATE FILED:12/01/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dana Duty VS Ashley Judy , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Shaw, India Dorothy (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Thomas, Richard Carson 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 799-1111 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 884 CASE ID:2023CP1005871 DATE FILED:12/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anthony Washington VS Jane Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Coble, Chase Harrison (803) 222-2222 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 885 CASE ID:2023CP1005876 DATE FILED:12/04/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ronald Plunkett VS Luca Paoletti CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 886 CASE ID:2023CP1005884 DATE FILED:12/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: College Of Charleston , plaintiff, et al VS Hitt Contracting Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Alford, Gregory Milam (843) 842-5500 AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Capell, Glynn Lindsey (843) 689-4280 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 937-8000 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL Thomson, Charles Whaley (843) 501-0423 AT FOR DF Amatuzzo, Allison Leigh 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (845) 558-2598 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Greene, Joshua Christian (864) 591-2344 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 803-6550 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Mandel, Paul Thomas (860) 240-8700 AT FOR DF Manos, Theodore Luke 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 723-6470 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moe, Daniel Foster (843) 224-1707 AT FOR DF Perrin, Whidbee Sale 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 377-4615 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Rogers, John Elliott 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (864) 591-2366 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 887 CASE ID:2023CP1005890 DATE FILED:12/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kenyada Smith VS Todd Ashley , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bonville, Bradley Walton (843) 884-0000 AT FOR DF Ribock, John Adam (803) 779-2300 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 AT FOR DF Stevens, Benjamin Scott (843) 576-2922 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 888 CASE ID:2023CP1005893 DATE FILED:12/05/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kelly Ward VS Np Life Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR PL Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 889 CASE ID:2023CP1005918 DATE FILED:12/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mackenzie Huneycutt VS Stag Mountain Holdings Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 890 CASE ID:2023CP1005920 DATE FILED:12/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Coughlin VS Taylor Paglia CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Smith, Mary Alden (843) 576-3790 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 891 CASE ID:2023CP1005921 DATE FILED:12/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mansi Patel , plaintiff, et al VS Duvet Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Tripp, Benjamin John (843) 813-1201 AT FOR DF Crites, Jerome Bennett (843) 996-1900 AT FOR DF Payne, Danielle F. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-2921 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 05/30/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 AT FOR DF Staples, Christian Hart 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (704) 945-2183 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Stevens, Benjamin Scott (843) 576-2922 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 892 CASE ID:2023CP1005923 DATE FILED:12/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jasmine Steadman VS William Zachary Herard , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stanley, Mark Bradford (803) 799-4700 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 893 CASE ID:2023CP1005933 DATE FILED:12/06/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Matthew Crockett VS Jake Evan Laga CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR PL Klaasmeyer, Michael Cooper (843) 973-5438 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Hoover, Payton Dwight (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 894 CASE ID:2023CP1005939 DATE FILED:12/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James Roberts VS Ijlal Morabit CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 895 CASE ID:2023CP1005941 DATE FILED:12/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Walter White VS Lisa Whelan CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Adegbola, Sean (843) 352-8661 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 896 CASE ID:2023CP1005950 DATE FILED:12/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Labrenton Dunlap , plaintiff, et al VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sevcik, Daniel Joseph (803) 200-2000 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 897 CASE ID:2023CP1005951 DATE FILED:12/07/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Roberta Banner Bagasina VS Tjx Companies Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Grooms, Taylor Lawrence (843) 375-6505 AT FOR PL Jackson, William Shafter 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 871-6522 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Diegel, Ronald Barton (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Randolph, Zachary B. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 898 CASE ID:2023CP1005964 DATE FILED:12/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Desiree C Turner , plaintiff, et al VS Mixson Avenue Partnership Lp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Kirchner, Jesse A. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Adams, Christopher M. 05/14/2025 - 05/21/2025 (803) 256-2660 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Boineau, Robert Trippett (803) 227-4937 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Dennis, William Albert (843) 724-6625 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Laney, Matthew B (803) 354-2277 AT FOR DF Leech, Michael Lawrence 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Maroney, Kevin Desmond (803) 255-0424 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 899 CASE ID:2023CP1005965 DATE FILED:12/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Markferding , plaintiff, et al VS Torrey Templer Sanders CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Goodwyn, Thomas Jefferson (803) 251-4517 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 900 CASE ID:2023CP1005966 DATE FILED:12/08/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Petronella C Nel VS Landie Cherise Tello , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Neville, Irish Ryan (843) 968-0635 AT FOR DF Pro Se Tello, Landie Cherise (843) 926-6612 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 901 CASE ID:2023CP1005971 DATE FILED:12/10/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Markferding , plaintiff, et al VS Torrey Sanders , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferrara, Paul B. (843) 569-5511 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 902 CASE ID:2023CP1005972 DATE FILED:12/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Innovative Vehicle Solutions West Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Mercedes Benz Usa Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Laquiere, Eric B. (843) 556-2958 AT FOR DF DuBose, William Porcher (803) 567-4615 AT FOR DF Tamasitis, John Gwilym 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (803) 567-4617 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Willis, Richard Hood (803) 567-4611 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 903 CASE ID:2023CP1005973 DATE FILED:12/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Snap Integrations Llc , plaintiff, et al VS Donovan Jensen , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pinkston, Shawn Travis 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 814-5472 AT FOR DF Brackin, Mark Calvin (843) 212-0888 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 904 CASE ID:2023CP1005974 DATE FILED:12/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Evan Lampkin VS Russel Arthur Jones CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 723-7491 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 905 CASE ID:2023CP1005983 DATE FILED:12/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christopher Tharon Woods VS Marcus Wendell Chapman CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Huntley, Ryan Edward (843) 310-4949 AT FOR DF Canaday, Stacey Patterson (843) 524-1116 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 906 CASE ID:2023CP1005994 DATE FILED:12/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pascale Mardikian , plaintiff, et al VS Old Carolina Construction Of Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Floyd, James L. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 361-4812 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan (803) 256-2233 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 907 CASE ID:2023CP1006000 DATE FILED:12/11/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wanda Lane , plaintiff, et al VS Follys Best Rentals Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Crotts, John Michael (843) 843-1786 AT FOR PL Farmer, Edward Merritt (843) 306-4144 AT FOR DF Inabinet, George Lawrence (843) 727-0001 AT FOR DF Inglis, Audra Jayne (843) 501-2714 AT FOR DF Near, Kelly Lynn (843) 727-0001 AT FOR DF Silverman, William Walton (984) 900-5963 AT FOR DF Smythe, George B (843) 557-9171 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 908 CASE ID:2023CP1006017 DATE FILED:12/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Samantha Nordhaus VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL McLaren, Amy Elizabeth (843) 284-7780 AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 909 CASE ID:2023CP1006025 DATE FILED:12/12/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karl Troy VS Jonathan Singleton CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Peper, Stephen Brice (843) 225-2520 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 910 CASE ID:2023CP1006038 DATE FILED:12/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Builders Firstsource Southeast Group Llc VS Century Surety Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cox, William Hewitt (843) 522-2400 AT FOR PL Simons, Keating L. (843) 762-9132 AT FOR DF Johnsen, Jennifer Elizabeth (864) 271-9580 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 911 CASE ID:2023CP1006072 DATE FILED:12/14/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Roberta Block VS At Home Stores Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Stevens, Benjamin Scott (843) 576-2922 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 912 CASE ID:2023CP1006088 DATE FILED:12/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Victor Wine VS Kathy Brooks CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 913 CASE ID:2023CP1006091 DATE FILED:12/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David Dingle Sr , plaintiff, et al VS Dennis Chatham CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Bonville, Bradley Walton (843) 884-0000 AT FOR DF Kozick, Stephen Michael (843) 576-2910 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 914 CASE ID:2023CP1006092 DATE FILED:12/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charleston County Of VS Lakesha Sherrel Dudley , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL DeAntonio, Kevin Michael 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 958-4010 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR PL Ferrara, Bernard E. AT FOR DF Walsh, Abigail Budd (843) 722-0157 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 915 CASE ID:2023CP1006096 DATE FILED:12/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daryl D Burns Sr VS School District Charleston County CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Emmanuel Joseph 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 491-4890 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Matthews, Eugene Hamilton (803) 771-4400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 916 CASE ID:2023CP1006097 DATE FILED:12/15/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lutricia Goodwin VS Charleston City Of The CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Kovach, Christopher Mark (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 917 CASE ID:2023CP1006107 DATE FILED:12/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Granite Shop Llc VS Gregory Roger Fast , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Hammes, Roman Vincent 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 261-7026 AT FOR PL Wall, Christian Tyler (843) 367-8743 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Funai, Amanda Nicole (843) 849-5460 AT FOR DF Lucey, Justin O'Toole (843) 849-8400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 918 CASE ID:2023CP1006118 DATE FILED:12/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Samuel Thomas VS New South Supply Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Harte, Robert Wilder 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 771-4400 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Sanzgiri, Ashwin Ray (803) 807-1069 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 919 CASE ID:2023CP1006120 DATE FILED:12/18/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Fulp VS Grisel Gutierrez CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 920 CASE ID:2023CP1006129 DATE FILED:12/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Erik Kato VS Jordan M Stokeld CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL McLaren, Amy Elizabeth (843) 284-7780 AT FOR PL Miller, Ryan Kevin 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 284-7688 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Hubert, John Alden (912) 713-2153 AT FOR DF Rahimi, Joseph Y. (912) 421-9988 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 921 CASE ID:2023CP1006137 DATE FILED:12/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brandon Benjamin VS Sharon Williams CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 922 CASE ID:2023CP1006143 DATE FILED:12/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Crystal Richardson VS Bonnie Haney CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, Jackie J. 04/10/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 225-5253 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 923 CASE ID:2023CP1006144 DATE FILED:12/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Julie Miller , plaintiff, et al VS Jenna Root CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Goldberg, Michael Louis (404) 591-1825 AT FOR PL Mohs, Brian Thomas (404) 591-1800 AT FOR DF Bennett, Katelyn Marie (800) 774-8242 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 924 CASE ID:2023CP1006156 DATE FILED:12/19/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Eric Ainge VS Paul E Benoit , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 AT FOR DF Bayne, Brett Harris 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 227-2281 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Modzelewski, Lauren Taylor (803) 233-2547 AT FOR DF Nistad, Peter Gunnar (843) 722-6777 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 925 CASE ID:2023CP1006166 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Danasia Williams VS Abbott Arms Associates Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Banner, J. David (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Brown, Parker Wayne Lee 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 926 CASE ID:2023CP1006177 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Builders Firstsource Southeast Group Llc VS State Farm Fire And Casualty Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cox, William Hewitt (843) 522-2400 AT FOR PL Simons, Keating L. (843) 762-9132 AT FOR DF Whelan, Robert William (843) 998-7082 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 927 CASE ID:2023CP1006178 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Johonna Fludd VS Best Western Airport Inn & Suites , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Shelley, Thomas McRoy (803) 771-7900 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 928 CASE ID:2023CP1006179 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Juliana M Head , plaintiff, et al VS Brandon Simons , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, D. Scott 04/11/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 571-2525 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Grantland, John Martin 02/26/2025 - 04/27/2025 (803) 782-4100 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 929 CASE ID:2023CP1006180 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bryan Hunter VS National Healthcare Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL McCullough, Clayton B. (843) 937-0401 AT FOR DF Buchanan, Caroline Kaye (843) 720-3477 AT FOR DF Heslop, Ashley Sumner (843) 720-3473 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 930 CASE ID:2023CP1006183 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Fernando Soto , plaintiff, et al VS Department Of Health And Environmental Control South Carolin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Belcher, Alan Ross (843) 973-5975 AT FOR PL Gliatto, Melanie Rene (856) 381-3126 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Sobocinski, Evan M. (843) 577-1224 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 931 CASE ID:2023CP1006191 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marlon Bannister VS Sea Island Land Development Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Empl Discrim 170 PROT: AT FOR PL Donohue, Joseph Edward (854) 854-5253 AT FOR DF Bruorton, James Atkinson (843) 577-6726 AT FOR DF Muller, Timothy James Wood NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 932 CASE ID:2023CP1006192 DATE FILED:12/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Courtney Reid VS Cheryl L Irwin , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Butaitis, Stephen Anthony (843) 577-5100 AT FOR PL Deaton, Rad Stuart (843) 225-5723 AT FOR PL Tanenbaum, Mark C. (843) 577-5100 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Keough, Meredith Anne (843) 531-6102 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 933 CASE ID:2023CP1006201 DATE FILED:12/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Josephine S Knox VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Vriesinga, Richard Thomas 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 297-8485 AT FOR DF Boone, Jeffrey Alexander (843) 577-1216 AT FOR DF Ganes, Elloree A. (843) 577-1208 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 934 CASE ID:2023CP1006203 DATE FILED:12/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kia Brisbane VS Designer Brands Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Cantwell, Eliza Hutto (843) 801-4104 AT FOR PL Cantwell, Joshua P. AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 935 CASE ID:2023CP1006208 DATE FILED:12/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shaquitta Dowdy , plaintiff, et al VS Sylathia Cooper CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sigal, Ryan Harris (843) 284-7780 AT FOR PL Zavolta, Joni Danielle (304) 231-8595 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 936 CASE ID:2023CP1006209 DATE FILED:12/21/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Thomas Steven Green VS Deltrice Tawanna Rouse CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bringardner, Mark Joseph (843) 400-0550 AT FOR PL Linton, Mary Kathleen NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 937 CASE ID:2023CP1006220 DATE FILED:12/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jason Mallardi VS Dominion Energy Services Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Brock, Landon Louis (843) 553-9800 AT FOR PL Tong, Emily Hanewicz (843) 588-5558 AT FOR DF Cox, David Spence (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 AT FOR DF Stratta, Jessica Wilds 03/01/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 938 CASE ID:2023CP1006221 DATE FILED:12/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: 22 Westedge Owner Llc VS Perkins & Will Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Ogiba, Christopher A. (843) 579-7066 AT FOR PL Vriesinga, Lauren Nicole 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 579-7000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Stair, Kent Taylor (843) 266-8224 AT FOR DF Teich, Jordan N. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8265 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 939 CASE ID:2023CP1006223 DATE FILED:12/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brandy Snyder VS Alexa Aubuchon CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ricker, Brice Eugene 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 900-2020 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 940 CASE ID:2023CP1006227 DATE FILED:12/22/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Horizon Village One Lp , plaintiff, et al VS Ambling Construction Company Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Flynn, R. Patrick (843) 834-3426 AT FOR DF Bechtol, Mary Abigail Young 01/02/2025 - 04/24/2025 (864) 328-6407 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Cox, William Hewitt (843) 522-2400 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Dawson, Katon Edwards (803) 253-6854 AT FOR DF Duckett, Julia Bradshaw 06/09/2025 - 09/22/2025 (704) 228-8571 AT FOR DF Haldrup, Neil S. (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Hicks, Caroline Kathryn (843) 266-9782 AT FOR DF Jones, Eleanor Lasseigne (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Lucey, Emily Gifford (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF M Lusk, George Mckittrick (803) 960-4052 AT FOR DF Meckler, Steven A. (704) 375-0057 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moe, Daniel Foster (843) 224-1707 AT FOR DF Norris, John Patrick Turner 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 714-2518 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Powers, William Duffie (864) 271-9580 AT FOR DF Turner, Caitlin Burrell (843) 735-7600 AT FOR DF Virgin, Benjamin Michael 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (724) 833-1694 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Wagner, Barbara J. (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Werner, James Lynn (803) 255-8000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 941 CASE ID:2023CP1006239 DATE FILED:12/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Titus Mccullough VS Azalea Moving & Storage Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Nixon, William Harold (843) 414-5450 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 942 CASE ID:2023CP1006244 DATE FILED:12/27/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Katherine Macdonald , plaintiff, et al VS Terminix Service Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR DF Belser, H. Freeman (803) 929-0096 AT FOR DF Berthelsen, Cameron D 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 805-6550 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Elliott, James H. AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis E. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 364-8629 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Polk, Michael Joseph (803) 929-0096 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 943 CASE ID:2023CP1006259 DATE FILED:12/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carolyn Alford VS Victoria Michole Russell CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 944 CASE ID:2023CP1006260 DATE FILED:12/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alvin Holmes VS Victoria Michole Russell CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 945 CASE ID:2023CP1006261 DATE FILED:12/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lashawna Watkins VS School District Charleston County , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Lesley, Jillian Marie (803) 799-9530 AT FOR PL Porter, J. Paul AT FOR DF Nicholson, Elizabeth Foy (843) 266-8140 AT FOR DF Reynolds, Lisa A. 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 804-9800 04/14/2025 - 04/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 946 CASE ID:2023CP1006268 DATE FILED:12/28/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ashley Rudd VS Lorraine Figueroa CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Aylor, John William 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 947 CASE ID:2023CP1006278 DATE FILED:12/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Artigues Roofing And Restoration Services Llc VS George Laffey CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Manos, Theodore Luke 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 723-6470 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 948 CASE ID:2023CP1006280 DATE FILED:12/29/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Artigues Roofing And Restoration Services Llc VS Petrice Brown , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Pro Se Brown, Petrice NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 949 CASE ID:2024CP1000007 DATE FILED:01/02/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Jairo Grajales , plaintiff, et al VS Krc Chester Place Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Figueroa, Estafany Ivette (843) 376-3260 AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 950 CASE ID:2024CP1000013 DATE FILED:01/02/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Seaside Restoration Services Llc VS R E Richards Gregory CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Closser, Zachary James 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 760-0220 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 951 CASE ID:2024CP1000024 DATE FILED:01/03/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Saab Llc , plaintiff, et al VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith Rogers, Whitney Allison (843) 793-8580 AT FOR PL Tanenbaum, Mark C. (843) 577-5100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 952 CASE ID:2024CP1000026 DATE FILED:01/04/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kaneisha Jones , plaintiff, et al VS Andrew Michael Rumsey CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 953 CASE ID:2024CP1000041 DATE FILED:01/04/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Zione K Pinckney , plaintiff, et al VS Christina L Millard CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 954 CASE ID:2024CP1000053 DATE FILED:01/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Benjamin Green VS Jessica Poplaski CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, D. Scott 04/11/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 571-2525 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 955 CASE ID:2024CP1000062 DATE FILED:01/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Martin Mcnulty VS Scg Patriots Plaza Lp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Gowdown, Andrew D. (843) 577-6726 AT FOR PL Moore, Mary Harriet 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 266-8138 AT FOR DF Breazeale, Alexandra Blair (854) 214-5916 AT FOR DF Dunlap, Jennifer Kirk (854) 214-5911 AT FOR DF Flynn, W. James 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (704) 313-6645 AT FOR DF Silverman, William Walton (984) 900-5963 AT FOR DF Smythe, George B (843) 557-9171 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 956 CASE ID:2024CP1000067 DATE FILED:01/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alexis Davis VS Nancy Paul CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Miller, David Scott (843) 822-1311 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 957 CASE ID:2024CP1000068 DATE FILED:01/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Affordable Towing & Recovery Inc VS Titlemax Of South Carolina Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Unfair Trade Pra 640 PROT: AT FOR PL Murdaugh, Steven Dean (843) 782-6070 AT FOR DF Borello, Matthew J (904) 353-2000 AT FOR DF Eller, Thomas H. (803) 896-9902 AT FOR DF Hutchinson, Curtis Regurrel (803) 896-8477 AT FOR DF Mitchell, James Clayton (803) 779-1833 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 958 CASE ID:2024CP1000082 DATE FILED:01/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Thomas Waltz VS Kevin Erwin Hart , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Hayes, Aaron Jameson NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 959 CASE ID:2024CP1000085 DATE FILED:01/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jordan Pollock VS John Doe , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 960 CASE ID:2024CP1000093 DATE FILED:01/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Watson VS Sheriffs Office Charleston County , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Miller, David Scott (843) 822-1311 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 803-6550 AT FOR DF Jackson, Robin Lilley (843) 556-4045 AT FOR DF Mandel, Paul Thomas (203) 815-0456 AT FOR DF Martin, Lauren Elaine 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 266-8208 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Thompson, Kristen Kelley 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-8357 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 961 CASE ID:2024CP1000096 DATE FILED:01/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Juan Zandate VS Jayden Adriana Montes , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bowden, Stephen (843) 790-9095 AT FOR PL Shalabi, Ramie Said (803) 973-0304 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 962 CASE ID:2024CP1000100 DATE FILED:01/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Winston Tracy Mills VS John V Lucchese CAUSE OF ACTION:Dental Malpract 200 PROT: AT FOR PL Palmer, Olivia Calhoun (843) 577-2727 AT FOR DF Marini, Chase Langston (912) 429-0217 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 963 CASE ID:2024CP1000117 DATE FILED:01/10/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Builders Firstsource Southeast Group Llc VS Travelers Casualty Insurance Company Of America , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cox, William Hewitt (843) 522-2400 AT FOR PL Simons, Keating L. (843) 762-9132 AT FOR DF Kalwajtys, Michal (803) 343-3872 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Perrin, Whidbee Sale 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 377-4615 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Stewart, Rachel Nicole (843) 410-4713 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 964 CASE ID:2024CP1000127 DATE FILED:01/10/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Daniel Bui VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Boles, Daniel Carson 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 576-5775 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 AT FOR DF Lorenzetti, Jessica Lynn 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 965 CASE ID:2024CP1000149 DATE FILED:01/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Thomas Hyland VS Emily Shearer CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Banyas, Bradley Hunter (843) 881-8644 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 966 CASE ID:2024CP1000153 DATE FILED:01/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia Boulware VS Tyliyah Singleton CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 967 CASE ID:2024CP1000156 DATE FILED:01/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Teresa D Pitts , plaintiff, et al VS Medical University Of South Carolina Musc Health Charlesto , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Felder, John Gressette 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (803) 779-0100 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR PL Hayden, Zachary Bruce AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Grevey, Kara Shea 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5445 AT FOR DF Scott, James Edward (843) 720-6660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 968 CASE ID:2024CP1000159 DATE FILED:01/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cartrella D Washington VS Gregory B Welch CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Driggers, Johnny F. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 572-8222 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 969 CASE ID:2024CP1000161 DATE FILED:01/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeremy M Kirby VS Toll Southeast Lp Company Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Belger, C. Brandon (843) 225-4252 AT FOR PL Koontz, William Mark AT FOR DF Leatherwood, Catherine Ava 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (803) 744-1534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Phillips, John Clark 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (803) 413-8131 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 970 CASE ID:2024CP1000164 DATE FILED:01/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anthony Jerome Cummings VS Levon Smalls CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Adams, Ryan Timothy (803) 605-2144 AT FOR PL Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Toporek, Alan David (843) 723-7491 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 971 CASE ID:2024CP1000176 DATE FILED:01/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael E Earnheart VS Hombolt Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Pacella, Mario Anthony (912) 264-6465 AT FOR DF Bernstein, Robert Alan (843) 529-1111 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 972 CASE ID:2024CP1000180 DATE FILED:01/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Bolmer VS Charleston Anusa Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Conway, David Patrick (843) 764-3334 AT FOR PL Waddell, A Scott (816) 914-5365 AT FOR DF Becker, James Y. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (803) 540-7706 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Glunt, Alexandra Cassidy 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 779-3080 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 973 CASE ID:2024CP1000190 DATE FILED:01/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Iris Brown VS Wal Mart Stores East Lp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sackey, Jameson Earl (770) 741-0547 AT FOR DF Bagley, Lee Ellen (803) 704-1173 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 974 CASE ID:2024CP1000193 DATE FILED:01/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jerome Thomas VS Michael Thomas Nix CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR PL Williams, Lawrence Crayton (843) 229-3520 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 975 CASE ID:2024CP1000211 DATE FILED:01/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeremy Robbins VS Clifford Gibbs , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL O'Shea, Brooklyn Ansley (843) 805-4943 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Murphy, Christopher L. (843) 494-5454 AT FOR DF Plocica, Caitlin Marie (843) 213-6043 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 976 CASE ID:2024CP1000212 DATE FILED:01/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: I N , plaintiff, et al VS Ernest Harold Dove CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Figueroa, Estafany Ivette (843) 376-3260 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 977 CASE ID:2024CP1000214 DATE FILED:01/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jamie Smith , plaintiff, et al VS William Anthony Ridgill , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Slotchiver, Daniel Scott 05/01/2025 - 05/08/2025 (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Bolyard, Alicia Noel 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 410-2534 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 978 CASE ID:2024CP1000233 DATE FILED:01/17/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tayna Grant , plaintiff, et al VS Hezekiah E Hutchinson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stratos, Milton Demetrios (843) 725-4269 AT FOR DF Nickels, Christopher William 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-0806 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 979 CASE ID:2024CP1000238 DATE FILED:01/17/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Edward Jon Spear IV VS Walmart Stores Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Assault/Battery 370 PROT: AT FOR PL Maybank, Mary Grace Wyndham (843) 279-5312 AT FOR PL Wyndham, Robert J. AT FOR DF Blain, Robert Canna (843) 478-7420 AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Dennis, William Albert (843) 724-6625 AT FOR DF Gardner, Taylor Ashleen (864) 561-6599 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 980 CASE ID:2024CP1000246 DATE FILED:01/17/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Megan Maarouf VS Cheryl Glover CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Asche, William Craig (843) 725-4259 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 981 CASE ID:2024CP1000247 DATE FILED:01/17/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tara Gallant , plaintiff, et al VS East Cooper Medical Group , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Burgess, Matthew Joseph (803) 222-2222 AT FOR PL Jefferies, Lane Douglas AT FOR PL Poulin, Eric Marc AT FOR PL Willey, Roy T. AT FOR DF Farr, Chance Michael 03/24/2025 - 04/02/2025 (803) 528-1753 AT FOR DF Hood, James Bernard (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Marini, Chase Langston (843) 531-6106 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 AT FOR DF Williamson, Maryrose Pritchard (843) 577-1230 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 982 CASE ID:2024CP1000248 DATE FILED:01/17/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Luciano Pinzon Montano VS Claudia Ramona Tisdale , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR PL Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 983 CASE ID:2024CP1000251 DATE FILED:01/17/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nallely Guadalupe VS Claudia Ramona Tisdale , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR PL Graves, Stephen Tyler (843) 727-5741 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 984 CASE ID:2024CP1000255 DATE FILED:01/17/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Grayson Cope , plaintiff, et al VS Dan Fang CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Coble, Chase Harrison (803) 222-2222 AT FOR DF Ranaldo, Daniel Paul (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 985 CASE ID:2024CP1000263 DATE FILED:01/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jennifer Wadsworth , plaintiff, et al VS Wellmore Of Daniel Island Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Hughey, Daniel Nathan (843) 881-8644 AT FOR DF Chambers, Robert Gerald (803) 227-4201 AT FOR DF Morgan, Hunter Adam (854) 223-6212 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 986 CASE ID:2024CP1000280 DATE FILED:01/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Morris VS Phillip J Davis , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Santaniello, Andrew James 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (704) 374-1600 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 987 CASE ID:2024CP1000288 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sloan Kiser VS Oscar Espinoza Paz , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hudson, John Dwight (803) 451-6057 AT FOR DF Anthony, Stephanie (843) 881-4995 AT FOR DF Livoti, Anthony W. 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (803) 782-4100 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 988 CASE ID:2024CP1000294 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pamela H Rivers VS Douglas L Racioppa CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR PL Lutz, Chris Francis (858) 205-7240 AT FOR PL McKenzie, Jacob C (843) 732-8128 AT FOR PL Tong, Emily Hanewicz (843) 553-9800 AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 989 CASE ID:2024CP1000305 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jennifer Nsheiwat VS Kit Cahill CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Klaasmeyer, Michael Cooper (843) 973-5438 AT FOR PL Saalmann, Kelsey Elizabeth (854) 222-6506 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 990 CASE ID:2024CP1000306 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pamela T Whitmire VS Northwoods Mall Cmbs Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Bryan, George Waller (843) 995-5000 AT FOR PL Evans, Scott Christopher AT FOR PL Moore, James Bernice 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR DF Joyner, James Alexander 03/26/2025 - 03/30/2025 (843) 737-6229 06/03/2025 - 06/10/2025 AT FOR DF Silverman, William Walton (984) 900-5963 AT FOR DF Smythe, George B (843) 557-9171 AT FOR DF Taylor, Justin Mark (843) 737-6229 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 991 CASE ID:2024CP1000310 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jerome Julian Chisolm VS Robert Vanclave Geiger CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Shelbourne, Peter Brandt 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 871-2210 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 992 CASE ID:2024CP1000312 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rhett Kafka , plaintiff, et al VS Charleston Property Company Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL McGrath, Peter Gerard (843) 606-2755 AT FOR DF Dorsel, Christopher Thomas (843) 259-9850 AT FOR DF Pelzer, Arthur Cole 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 789-4511 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 993 CASE ID:2024CP1000315 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carolyn Blake VS Jose Duran Almanza , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Redmond, Mark Andrew (843) 552-6011 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 994 CASE ID:2024CP1000316 DATE FILED:01/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kieonna Alston , plaintiff, et al VS Jason Thomas Halter , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 995 CASE ID:2024CP1000329 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Edward Keith Stonaker VS Ronald Wayne Ervin Jr CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Phipps, Bobby O'Neil (843) 832-6000 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (854) 246-0200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 996 CASE ID:2024CP1000330 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mae Frances Cobb VS Evan Jaren Young CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL DeRosa, Tyler Lewis (803) 771-2455 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Hart, Iman Alece (770) 375-6600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 997 CASE ID:2024CP1000339 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Raymond Warner VS Ashley Eckert CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Berlinsky, Philip Alan (843) 884-0000 AT FOR DF Craig, Julie A 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 998 CASE ID:2024CP1000340 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Roberta Lancaster VS Food Lion Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Moore, Charles Fawcett (803) 233-6265 AT FOR DF Whitley, Joshua Steven (843) 606-5635 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 999 CASE ID:2024CP1000341 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Fernesha Mazyck VS Leslie P Brown CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1000 CASE ID:2024CP1000342 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paulette Brown VS Smokey Bones Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Jeffries, Lakesha W. 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (803) 531-6300 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1001 CASE ID:2024CP1000349 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stephen Jameson VS Eat More Donuts Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Brock, Landon Louis (843) 553-9800 AT FOR PL Wigger, Jarrel L. AT FOR DF Wlodarczyk, Damon Christian (803) 758-6000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1002 CASE ID:2024CP1000350 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Constance Lambert VS Johnbosco Obinna Ikemeh CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ricker, Brice Eugene 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 900-2020 AT FOR DF Graham, Chad McQueen (864) 590-3507 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1003 CASE ID:2024CP1000352 DATE FILED:01/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Gill VS Scoular Company The CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Holmes, Allan R. (843) 722-0033 AT FOR PL Lewis, Timothy O'Neill 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Klein, Hillary L (816) 983-8363 AT FOR DF O'Kelley, George Hamlin (843) 856-4488 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1004 CASE ID:2024CP1000354 DATE FILED:01/23/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Latanya Jenkins VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 AT FOR DF Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1005 CASE ID:2024CP1000377 DATE FILED:01/24/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Gary Drapeau VS Tatum Stone CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Corrigan, Kevin Charles (843) 379-5006 AT FOR DF Salerno, Jessica Lynn (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1006 CASE ID:2024CP1000412 DATE FILED:01/25/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Morrison VS Ryan Rowland CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, Jackie J. 04/10/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 225-5253 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1007 CASE ID:2024CP1000420 DATE FILED:01/25/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Paulette A Myers VS Wendcharles I Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Pritchard, Edward K. (843) 722-3300 AT FOR DF Coleman, Heather Koval 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 795-7800 AT FOR DF Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1008 CASE ID:2024CP1000432 DATE FILED:01/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Julian Volpe VS Mikel Durden CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Saalmann, Kelsey Elizabeth (854) 222-6506 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1009 CASE ID:2024CP1000439 DATE FILED:01/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE:04/15/2025 Commissioners Of Public Works Of The City Of Charleston VS Trish & Family Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL McQueeney, Daniel Simmons (843) 973-6886 AT FOR DF Walsh, Abigail Budd (843) 722-0157 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1010 CASE ID:2024CP1000441 DATE FILED:01/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Heather R Mccoy VS Daniel Sanchez Martinez CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR PL Stark, Martin Linder 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 973-5194 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1011 CASE ID:2024CP1000456 DATE FILED:01/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Linda Mock VS Shone Benjamin Rivers , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Parker, John E. (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Parker, John Elliott AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1012 CASE ID:2024CP1000464 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Earl Harris VS John H Brown CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Pro Se Brown, John H (843) 478-7955 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1013 CASE ID:2024CP1000473 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Randy Milligan VS Eric Gustafson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Utsey, Bert Glenn 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 970-2700 AT FOR DF Ford, Ian Scott 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 608-1234 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF James, Hunter H 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 277-2011 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1014 CASE ID:2024CP1000477 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Meredith Fischl VS Emmett Chase Carson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Slotchiver, Daniel Scott 05/01/2025 - 05/08/2025 (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Craig, Julie A 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1015 CASE ID:2024CP1000479 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Benjamin Jaxson Lovelace IV , plaintiff, et al VS Francis W Schiavo , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Archenhold, Mackenzie Garrison (864) 242-9008 AT FOR PL Burnett, Jennifer Spragins (864) 964-0333 AT FOR PL Smith, Blake (864) 242-9008 AT FOR PL Stewart, Cori Christine AT FOR DF Anthony, Stephanie (843) 881-4995 AT FOR DF Clark, James Christopher 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 848-6005 AT FOR DF Coleman, Heather Koval 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 614-0007 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Fletcher, John William (843) 577-7700 AT FOR DF Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Monastra, Michael Andrew AT FOR DF O'Brien, Kevin Michael (919) 789-5302 AT FOR DF Reisman, Machaella Marie (919) 789-5313 AT FOR DF Starr, Dominic Allen 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 848-6000 AT FOR DF Tate, Justine Marie (919) 789-5311 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1016 CASE ID:2024CP1000481 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jonathan E Ramaci VS Privilege Underwriters Reciprocal Exchange CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Ramaci, Jonathan E (843) 822-6652 AT FOR DF Kinney, Charles A. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (704) 348-3471 AT FOR DF Moss, Alycen (404) 572-2052 AT FOR DF White, Christina NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1017 CASE ID:2024CP1000483 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Meaghan Holley VS Richard Loeschner CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Duffy, John Lawrence 04/11/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 225-9287 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/21/2025 05/19/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR PL White, Anna Giles (843) 870-3130 AT FOR DF Salerno, Jessica Lynn (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1018 CASE ID:2024CP1000484 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marquasia White VS Adam Winningham , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Abshire, Phillip Noble (843) 380-9582 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1019 CASE ID:2024CP1000486 DATE FILED:01/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hunter James , plaintiff, et al VS Inspired Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Ford, Ian Scott 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 608-1234 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR PL Tillman, Ainsley Fisher (843) 266-1289 AT FOR DF Holt, Ryan C. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1020 CASE ID:2024CP1000495 DATE FILED:01/30/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Homeowners Of America Insurance Company , plaintiff, et al VS Allstar Plumbing Services Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Dixon, Malik (704) 728-0001 AT FOR PL Humphrey-Williams, Tyler Samantha (850) 585-7190 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan J. (843) 576-2070 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Ross, Jeffrey A NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1021 CASE ID:2024CP1000502 DATE FILED:01/30/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Hutchins VS Tatyana A Thompson CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Sparwasser, Max Capper 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 864-6444 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1022 CASE ID:2024CP1000512 DATE FILED:01/30/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hilma Brindley VS Anthony Medeiros , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Riesen, Frederick W. (843) 800-0809 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1023 CASE ID:2024CP1000514 DATE FILED:01/30/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Vanessa Robinson VS Matthew Sunkel CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Belcher, Alan Ross (843) 973-5975 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1024 CASE ID:2024CP1000516 DATE FILED:01/30/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Terrell Mcwhite VS Michele Maurer CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Myers, Amenhotep (843) 279-4396 AT FOR DF Jones, Alexandria (843) 576-2837 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1025 CASE ID:2024CP1000517 DATE FILED:01/30/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Continental Casualty Company VS Lowcountry Distributed Antenna Systems Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Clarkson, Wylie Westmoreland (803) 602-0789 AT FOR DF Laquiere, Eric B. (843) 556-2958 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1026 CASE ID:2024CP1000527 DATE FILED:01/31/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Builders Firstsource Southeast Group Llc VS Builders Mutual Insurance Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Cox, William Hewitt (843) 522-2400 AT FOR PL Simons, Keating L. (843) 762-9132 AT FOR DF McCants, John Lucius (803) 343-3866 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1027 CASE ID:2024CP1000531 DATE FILED:01/31/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kaylin Carter VS Alva Watkins , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Jones, Alexandria (843) 576-2837 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1028 CASE ID:2024CP1000533 DATE FILED:01/31/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charleston County Of VS Jake Ford , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Condemnation 410 PROT: AT FOR PL DeAntonio, Kevin Michael 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 958-4010 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR PL Ferrara, Bernard E. AT FOR DF Walsh, Abigail Budd (843) 722-0157 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1029 CASE ID:2024CP1000535 DATE FILED:01/31/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lauren Elfrink VS Department Of Transportation South Carolina CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Crotts, John Michael (843) 843-1786 AT FOR DF Anderson, Jonathan Lee 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 375-6182 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Clemens, Christopher R. (843) 723-0185 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1030 CASE ID:2024CP1000536 DATE FILED:01/31/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Autumn C Fralix VS Grover C Ramsey , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL DeAntonio, Stephen F 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-8080 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1031 CASE ID:2024CP1000538 DATE FILED:01/31/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jose Aguilera VS Shaneque Aiken CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1032 CASE ID:2024CP1000551 DATE FILED:01/31/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kindale Hamilton VS Reyes Ramirez , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Paulk, Matthew Seth (854) 222-6090 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1033 CASE ID:2024CP1000589 DATE FILED:02/02/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David Weinstein VS Tr Boulevard Corp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Oxford, Ryan Daniel (843) 732-6280 AT FOR PL Payne, Brooke Ann (843) 810-8955 AT FOR DF DeLoach, George Robert (704) 302-1330 AT FOR DF Intagliata, Aimee Alyse 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 709-0965 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 AT FOR DF Velasquez, Samuel Robert (305) 218-4267 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1034 CASE ID:2024CP1000616 DATE FILED:02/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jason Reamer VS Wildts Battery Property Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Meehan, Jerry Andrew 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Harrell, Rogers Edward (803) 782-4100 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1035 CASE ID:2024CP1000622 DATE FILED:02/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Rhodes VS Holy City Medical Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Miller, Bruce E. (843) 579-7373 AT FOR DF Coleman, J. Walker (843) 579-5627 AT FOR DF Ehresman, Cecilia Rose (718) 309-1243 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1036 CASE ID:2024CP1000630 DATE FILED:02/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: David Hawkins VS Tabitha Lynn Tavenner CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Rathke, Paul Carlton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (704) 927-4999 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Story, Matthew Joseph (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1037 CASE ID:2024CP1000644 DATE FILED:02/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Leslee Brady VS Hobby Lobby Stores Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Huntley, Ryan Edward (843) 310-4949 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Dawson, Edward Hood (864) 271-9580 AT FOR DF Williams, Charles O. (864) 271-5347 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1038 CASE ID:2024CP1000653 DATE FILED:02/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kimberly Jones VS Charles Blanchard Construction Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL LeBlanc, Ryan Thomas (843) 725-7149 AT FOR DF Hundley, W. Richards (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Wall, Mark H. NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1039 CASE ID:2024CP1000655 DATE FILED:02/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brant Kardas VS Colten A Powell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Eddy, Trevor Penrose 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 250-5402 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Murphy, Christopher L. (843) 494-5454 AT FOR DF Smythe, George B (843) 557-9171 AT FOR DF Terp, Alfred Jerome (854) 895-3990 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1040 CASE ID:2024CP1000660 DATE FILED:02/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karen Kelly , plaintiff, et al VS East Cooper Community Hospital Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Hudson, Arthur Stuart (843) 881-8644 AT FOR DF Marini, Chase Langston (843) 531-6106 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1041 CASE ID:2024CP1000683 DATE FILED:02/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ja'Leah Summers , plaintiff, et al VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Hall, Alexander James (217) 414-0841 AT FOR PL Jacobson, Carl H. (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Craig, Julie A 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1042 CASE ID:2024CP1000693 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ben Robert Geiger VS Maurio Jevar King , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet (843) 569-1700 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Hurley, Sarah Day (864) 775-5870 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1043 CASE ID:2024CP1000698 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeana Heber VS Eugene Brown , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Slocum, Lauren Knight (843) 546-0650 AT FOR DF Hood, James Bernard (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Kern, Brian James (843) 577-1204 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1044 CASE ID:2024CP1000702 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Logan Pope VS William Andrews Dennis CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Tripp, Benjamin John (843) 813-1201 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (854) 246-0200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1045 CASE ID:2024CP1000703 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Egan VS Richard M Jackson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Meyer, Hillary Grace 04/16/2025 - 04/30/2025 (843) 681-6500 07/03/2025 - 07/15/2025 AT FOR DF Cornwell, Walter Brian (912) 349-7028 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1046 CASE ID:2024CP1000704 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sonya Wright VS Beth A. Hancock CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1047 CASE ID:2024CP1000709 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jane Doe VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL McCumber, Andrew Joseph (843) 577-6531 AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 AT FOR PL Slotchiver, Daniel Scott 05/01/2025 - 05/08/2025 (843) 577-6531 AT FOR DF Dudgeon, Amanda Kurzen 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-5412 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Jackson, Robin Lilley (843) 556-4045 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1048 CASE ID:2024CP1000712 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: George Gatgounis VS Marilyn Haglund , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (854) 246-0200 AT FOR DF Story, Matthew Joseph (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1049 CASE ID:2024CP1000713 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Murray Treiser , plaintiff, et al VS Department Of Transportation South Carolina CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Toporek, Alan David AT FOR DF Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1050 CASE ID:2024CP1000714 DATE FILED:02/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Better Environment Llc VS Daniel Edward Davis , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Haller, David K. (843) 849-6000 AT FOR DF Sanders, Thomas O. 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 573-8828 AT FOR DF Thompson, Morgan Blake (803) 255-9203 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1051 CASE ID:2024CP1000716 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carol Bedford VS Mark Andrew Marhefka CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1052 CASE ID:2024CP1000722 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Privilege Underwriters Reciprocal Exchange , plaintiff, et al VS Sweetgrass Custom Builders Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Reis, John W (704) 384-2692 AT FOR PL Traynor, Sarah Mackenzie (704) 384-2604 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Woodward, Nickisha M (843) 576-2805 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1053 CASE ID:2024CP1000734 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ruhamah Dunmeyer Grooms , plaintiff, et al VS Epicentre Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Creech, Ashley White (803) 327-7800 AT FOR PL Pittman, Amanda Nicole (803) 779-0100 AT FOR DF Lewis, Nicholas Irwin (843) 266-8203 AT FOR DF Lovell, Dennis Gary 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8213 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1054 CASE ID:2024CP1000735 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bryan Allen Fabre VS Charles Lamont Hampton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet (843) 569-1700 AT FOR DF Weston, Joseph R. 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 881-4995 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1055 CASE ID:2024CP1000736 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: George Wilkie , plaintiff, et al VS Charles Taylor CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, D. Scott 04/11/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 571-2525 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1056 CASE ID:2024CP1000749 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Keith Roberts VS Cher Connard Savas CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Thames, George Troy 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 284-0832 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1057 CASE ID:2024CP1000750 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jonathan Everett VS Tapiwa Ronald Kunonga CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Leffew, James Howard 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 788-9332 AT FOR DF Joyner, James Alexander 03/26/2025 - 03/30/2025 (843) 737-6229 06/03/2025 - 06/10/2025 AT FOR DF Moffitt, Justin Matthew NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1058 CASE ID:2024CP1000751 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: James E Kelley , plaintiff, et al VS Medical University Of South Carolina , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Hawkins, Daryl G. (803) 733-3531 AT FOR DF Buyck, Hugh W. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 377-1400 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Cooper, Gordon Wade AT FOR DF Lappin, Jeffrey Herman (914) 960-3815 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1059 CASE ID:2024CP1000767 DATE FILED:02/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mildred S Frazier , plaintiff, et al VS W Frazier Construction Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Blanchard, Daniel Francis 04/12/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-6726 AT FOR DF Robertson, Trudy Hartzog (843) 579-7061 AT FOR DF Vriesinga, Lauren Nicole 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 579-7000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1060 CASE ID:2024CP1000768 DATE FILED:02/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia Gibson VS Guess Retail Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Anderson, Victoria Leigh (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Carey, Christian Edwin (859) 588-0487 AT FOR DF Highfield, Duke Raleigh (843) 720-5456 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1061 CASE ID:2024CP1000777 DATE FILED:02/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Iacofano VS Therese Kristiansen , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Gaskins, E. Brandon (843) 579-7038 AT FOR DF DeAntonio, Stephen F 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 577-8080 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1062 CASE ID:2024CP1000783 DATE FILED:02/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ryan Barrett VS Lowes Home Centers Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Robinson, Laura W. (877) 833-5297 AT FOR DF Melling, Andrew Gordon (803) 799-9800 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1063 CASE ID:2024CP1000810 DATE FILED:02/09/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Blue Bagwell VS A T &T Corporation CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Laquiere, Eric B. (843) 556-2958 AT FOR DF Builder, Lindsay L. (864) 373-2208 AT FOR DF McCoy, Abigail Wood (865) 585-7026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1064 CASE ID:2024CP1000830 DATE FILED:02/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nancy Schaeffer VS Shatoria Terelle Robinson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Conversion 310 PROT: AT FOR PL Kobrovsky, Lawrence C. (843) 853-3703 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1065 CASE ID:2024CP1000833 DATE FILED:02/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Trudy Brown VS Cash And Carry Of Charleston Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Sandefur, Joseph Stanley (843) 973-5196 AT FOR DF Amatuzzo, Allison Leigh 03/28/2025 - 03/31/2025 (845) 558-2598 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Ethridge, Robert Michael 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 345-9777 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1066 CASE ID:2024CP1000836 DATE FILED:02/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Robert Radvansky , plaintiff, et al VS April L Banks CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Connell, J. Benjamin (803) 408-8500 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1067 CASE ID:2024CP1000839 DATE FILED:02/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Privilege Underwriters Reciprocal Exchange , plaintiff, et al VS Shelter Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL McCarrell, Michael Kevin 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (864) 751-7652 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Traynor, Sarah Mackenzie (704) 384-2604 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF Dargan, Timothy Cooper (843) 410-4718 AT FOR DF Dennis, William Albert (843) 724-6625 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1068 CASE ID:2024CP1000846 DATE FILED:02/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Terrinique Caulder , plaintiff, et al VS Christopher Deaver , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fraud/Bad Faith 150 PROT: AT FOR PL Hubbard, Carl Brent (843) 814-3481 AT FOR PL Spell, Jeffrey T. (843) 452-3553 AT FOR DF Kuykendall, Jeffrey William (843) 790-5182 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1069 CASE ID:2024CP1000848 DATE FILED:02/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marea C Jessen , plaintiff, et al VS Gilbert Garrett CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1070 CASE ID:2024CP1000850 DATE FILED:02/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rhonda Burns VS Luis Walin Velasquez Alva , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL West, Caroline (843) 790-9070 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1071 CASE ID:2024CP1000851 DATE FILED:02/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dary Burns VS Luis Walin Velasquez Alva , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL West, Caroline (843) 790-9070 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1072 CASE ID:2024CP1000852 DATE FILED:02/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Russell D Overton , plaintiff, et al VS Shop Lot Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Blanchard, Daniel Francis 04/12/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-6726 AT FOR DF Neville, Irish Ryan (843) 968-0635 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1073 CASE ID:2024CP1000865 DATE FILED:02/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brian Geiger VS Joseph Edward Grant Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 AT FOR DF Scarborough, Mikell Ross (843) 576-2838 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1074 CASE ID:2024CP1000869 DATE FILED:02/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kelly R Munoz VS Monique B Thompson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stoney, Randell Croft (843) 725-4241 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1075 CASE ID:2024CP1000881 DATE FILED:02/16/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kayla Webber , plaintiff, et al VS Sweetgrass Home Services Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR DF Cannon, Kelley Shull (803) 758-6000 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Smith, Shana Sue (843) 727-0307 AT FOR DF Sullivan, James Patrick (843) 216-6940 AT FOR DF Swope, William Koatesworth (843) 852-4925 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1076 CASE ID:2024CP1000893 DATE FILED:02/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kelly Odom , plaintiff, et al VS Fletcher Gibbs Jr , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Martineau, Elizabeth Ann (704) 247-8524 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1077 CASE ID:2024CP1000906 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Felicia Wilson , plaintiff, et al VS Palmetto House Realty Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Lofton, Lionel S. (843) 722-6319 AT FOR PL Lofton, V. Lynn AT FOR DF Bihun, Brittany Tanya 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 408-2816 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Rowh, Chandler David (843) 714-2510 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1078 CASE ID:2024CP1000907 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jean Gadsden VS Jks&K Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL King, Matthew Owen (843) 553-9800 AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 AT FOR DF Velasquez, Samuel Robert (843) 720-3474 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1079 CASE ID:2024CP1000919 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joyce Mccarus VS Timothy Scott , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Romeo, Christopher Cordell 03/24/2025 - 04/11/2025 (843) 806-4906 06/30/2025 - 07/07/2025 AT FOR DF Horton, Brandt R. (843) 720-5459 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1080 CASE ID:2024CP1000920 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sidney Criswell VS Tatum Lynch CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Bonville, Bradley Walton (843) 884-0000 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1081 CASE ID:2024CP1000925 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anthony J Avenia , plaintiff, et al VS Southeastern Recapitalization Group Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Hawk, Robert Buchanan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-7234 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 AT FOR DF Mason, Mark A. (843) 884-1444 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1082 CASE ID:2024CP1000930 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brian Delesline , plaintiff, et al VS Medical University Of South Carolina , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, Kevin Joseph (276) 698-9327 AT FOR PL Arndt, Jonathan S. (854) 222-6089 AT FOR PL Boyle, Brandon J. (843) 973-5368 AT FOR PL Miller, Craig Francis (843) 821-9700 AT FOR DF Horton, Kevin Richard 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 973-6814 AT FOR DF Johnson, Brian Edward (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Marchant, Hannah Farthing (843) 577-1225 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1083 CASE ID:2024CP1000932 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Khvicha Jojishvili , plaintiff, et al VS Christian S L White , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1084 CASE ID:2024CP1000934 DATE FILED:02/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wendy Williams VS Albertha G Bowman CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Jacobson, Carl H. (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Gaston, Amanda Marie (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1085 CASE ID:2024CP1000946 DATE FILED:02/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lena Smith VS Kailee Adams Yoder CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1086 CASE ID:2024CP1000948 DATE FILED:02/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mary Anderson VS William Duke Sailors CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Breen, Matthew Mitchell (843) 283-2495 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1087 CASE ID:2024CP1000949 DATE FILED:02/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Turner Walters VS South Carolina Property And Casualty Insurance Guaranty Asso CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL O'Shea, Ian Richard (843) 805-4943 AT FOR DF LaFave, Mary Daniel 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (803) 726-6756 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1088 CASE ID:2024CP1000962 DATE FILED:02/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rodney Andrews VS D'Nya D Porter , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Napolski, Patrick Thomas (843) 569-1700 AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet AT FOR DF Story, Matthew Joseph (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1089 CASE ID:2024CP1000994 DATE FILED:02/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Juan Pablo Hernandez VS Life Storage Lp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Figueroa, Estafany Ivette (843) 376-3260 AT FOR PL Stohr, Zachary F 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 790-8999 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Coleman, Heather Koval 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 614-0007 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Willis, Mary Skahan 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 614-9552 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1090 CASE ID:2024CP1000998 DATE FILED:02/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Minnie Lee Newman Mevers VS Slotchiver & Slotchiver Llp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Legal Malpract 210 PROT: AT FOR PL Fox, Margaret Nicole (803) 744-0800 AT FOR PL Griffin, James Mixon 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Cary, Taylor Leigh (843) 266-8214 AT FOR DF Kropski, Steven Raymond (843) 972-9404 AT FOR DF MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1091 CASE ID:2024CP1001018 DATE FILED:02/23/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Elaine Berlin VS Liam Price CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Guerry, John Horton (843) 577-7046 AT FOR PL Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR PL Theos, Jerry Nicholas 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (854) 246-0200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1092 CASE ID:2024CP1001019 DATE FILED:02/23/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dylan French VS Paul Tinkler , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1093 CASE ID:2024CP1001020 DATE FILED:02/23/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Theresa Payne Clinton , plaintiff, et al VS Creative Outdoors Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Contract/Other 199 PROT: AT FOR PL Helmly, Ransome Hayward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 884-0184 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1094 CASE ID:2024CP1001022 DATE FILED:02/23/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Andrea Wilson VS Vanessa Broin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hudson, Arthur Stuart (843) 881-8644 AT FOR DF Ely, Penn Wickenberg (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1095 CASE ID:2024CP1001029 DATE FILED:02/23/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Winston Mazyck VS Ports Authority South Carolina State The CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Simkovich, John Paul (843) 535-8000 AT FOR DF Maples, Allie Aleece (843) 606-5306 AT FOR DF Whitley, Joshua Steven (843) 606-5635 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1096 CASE ID:2024CP1001048 DATE FILED:02/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Allied Insurance Company Of America , plaintiff, et al VS Hallmark Construction Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Renegar, Zachary Van 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (704) 348-3446 AT FOR DF Bevans, Shawn M. (843) 576-2939 AT FOR DF Castles, Charles Guy (843) 576-2924 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 AT FOR DF Elliott, John Douglas 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 782-4100 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1097 CASE ID:2024CP1001055 DATE FILED:02/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Karen Zahn VS Christopher Adam Helms CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stohr, Zachary F 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 790-8999 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1098 CASE ID:2024CP1001057 DATE FILED:02/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Pamela Jeridore , plaintiff, et al VS Vtt Of Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Parks, Michael Robert (803) 779-4000 AT FOR PL Reynolds, Phillip Jason AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Gandy, James D. (843) 720-5452 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1099 CASE ID:2024CP1001062 DATE FILED:02/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dylan Thompson VS Adam Cyran CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Crantford, William Carey 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 376-4030 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1100 CASE ID:2024CP1001064 DATE FILED:02/26/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nadia Dukes VS Brooke Ash CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Kukelski, Allison Colby 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 278-8875 AT FOR DF Cobb, David Starr (843) 576-2803 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1101 CASE ID:2024CP1001068 DATE FILED:02/27/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shacoya Washington , plaintiff, et al VS Houston 2678 Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Bowden, Stephen (843) 790-9095 AT FOR PL Dayson, Curtis Jerrod (803) 973-0304 AT FOR DF Ford, Ian Scott 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 608-1234 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF James, Hunter H 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 277-2011 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1102 CASE ID:2024CP1001071 DATE FILED:02/27/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Euvonne Grant VS Fred Palmer , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Eichholz, David (912) 232-2791 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 AT FOR DF Hoover, Payton Dwight (843) 805-6550 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1103 CASE ID:2024CP1001085 DATE FILED:02/28/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tonya Parker , plaintiff, et al VS Jason Diamond CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Doughty, Thaddeus James (843) 576-1400 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1104 CASE ID:2024CP1001089 DATE FILED:02/28/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Rebecca Kuhar VS Bowens Island Restaurant Llc CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Bohren, John Christian (619) 433-2803 AT FOR PL Jackson, William Shafter 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 871-6522 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 725-0001 AT FOR DF Grooms, Joseph Hayden (843) 380-5918 AT FOR DF McNair, William Chase 03/30/2025 - 04/09/2025 (843) 266-9780 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1105 CASE ID:2024CP1001090 DATE FILED:02/28/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lisa Twum , plaintiff, et al VS Roper Hospital Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Hudson, Arthur Stuart (843) 881-8644 AT FOR DF Dotterer, Gaillard Townsend (843) 881-1623 AT FOR DF Keough, Meredith Anne (843) 531-6102 AT FOR DF Scott, James Edward (843) 720-6660 AT FOR DF Stewart, Nicholas Clarence Chapman03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 973-6888 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1106 CASE ID:2024CP1001097 DATE FILED:02/28/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dionna Lajewell Dennis VS Yraya Castaneda Sanchez CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, Jackie J. 04/10/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 225-5253 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Rand-McDaniel, Sarah (854) 529-0595 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1107 CASE ID:2024CP1001102 DATE FILED:02/28/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Saundra Yohman , plaintiff, et al VS Arwen Mansfield CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Donald Higgins (843) 225-2523 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1108 CASE ID:2024CP1001112 DATE FILED:02/28/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Debra Connor VS Peter Fulton Creed , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Holmes, Jonathan Logan (843) 761-3840 AT FOR DF Craig, Julie A 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 881-4995 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1109 CASE ID:2024CP1001117 DATE FILED:02/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Edward Clay White VS Joe W Hager CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Caiello, Timothy John (803) 782-4100 AT FOR PL Maybank, Mary Grace Wyndham (843) 279-5312 AT FOR PL Wyndham, Robert J. AT FOR DF Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR DF Yount, Adam Noah (843) 720-4484 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1110 CASE ID:2024CP1001120 DATE FILED:02/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tiffany Brown VS Ranae Brown CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Catlett, Sydney Katherine (843) 588-1493 AT FOR PL Miller, Ryan Kevin 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 284-7688 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1111 CASE ID:2024CP1001124 DATE FILED:02/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shirley S Peeples VS Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Donald Higgins (843) 225-2523 AT FOR DF Keough, Meredith Anne (843) 531-6102 AT FOR DF Marini, Chase Langston (843) 531-6106 AT FOR DF Maybank, Roy Pearce (843) 766-8101 AT FOR DF Tierney, Joseph John (843) 737-8668 AT FOR DF Toporek, Christine Kent 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 531-6108 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1112 CASE ID:2024CP1001126 DATE FILED:02/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Regina Walls VS Lorraine Mcdermott , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Paulk, Matthew Seth (854) 222-6090 AT FOR DF Batlle, Erik N. (843) 329-0252 AT FOR DF Horvath, William Joseph 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 (843) 579-8305 05/05/2025 - 05/06/2025 06/09/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 AT FOR DF Rigler, Todd Earl (843) 329-0252 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1113 CASE ID:2024CP1001127 DATE FILED:02/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Alice B Singleton VS Aaron Reece Todd CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Washington, Ayesha Tonette (843) 410-5434 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1114 CASE ID:2024CP1001128 DATE FILED:02/29/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Me'Shalia Mckelvey VS Devin Clare Saum CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL White, Khalilah R (843) 909-0137 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1115 CASE ID:2024CP1001134 DATE FILED:03/01/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cyntha Stobie VS Adam Parnell CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Phipps, Edward L. (843) 216-9797 AT FOR DF Nickels, Christopher William 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 720-0806 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1116 CASE ID:2024CP1001135 DATE FILED:03/01/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jennifer Osteen VS Melissa W Weir , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Tong, Emily Hanewicz (843) 588-5558 AT FOR DF Turner, Raymond Darrell (843) 203-1660 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1117 CASE ID:2024CP1001141 DATE FILED:03/01/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: J Doe VS B I Baker CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Doe, J AT FOR DF Cary, Taylor Leigh (843) 266-8214 AT FOR DF MacKelcan, Douglas Walker 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 727-0307 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1118 CASE ID:2024CP1001157 DATE FILED:03/01/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jade Nicole Campbell VS Housing Authority Charleston , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Halio, Andrew Steven (843) 577-5200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1119 CASE ID:2024CP1001159 DATE FILED:03/04/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sarah Wyatt , plaintiff, et al VS Olivia Slaughter CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR PL Zavolta, Joni Danielle (304) 231-8595 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Chiovaro, Heather Alicia (854) 246-0200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1120 CASE ID:2024CP1001169 DATE FILED:03/04/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mary Bresnan VS Amy Buckner CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Forrester, Jeremy Morgan (843) 722-7733 AT FOR PL McAlpine, Edward James AT FOR PL Sloan, Allan Poe AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1121 CASE ID:2024CP1001180 DATE FILED:03/04/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Satish Ford VS Food Lion Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Francois, Ralitsa Cassandre (843) 248-7486 AT FOR PL Tripp, Benjamin John (843) 813-1201 AT FOR DF Moore, Charles Fawcett (803) 233-6265 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1122 CASE ID:2024CP1001196 DATE FILED:03/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Hyunah Capers VS Michelle M Powers CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Curry, Eduardo Kelvin (843) 767-5284 AT FOR DF Grimball, Francis Heyward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 437-8977 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 05/19/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 07/11/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1123 CASE ID:2024CP1001199 DATE FILED:03/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Timothy Gordon VS Chelsey Fludd , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gerardi, Jeffrey (843) 554-3100 AT FOR DF Salerno, Jessica Lynn (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1124 CASE ID:2024CP1001200 DATE FILED:03/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brenda Willis Jones VS John Doe CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1125 CASE ID:2024CP1001203 DATE FILED:03/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Earlette Edwards Ladson VS Sammie Lee Holt III CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Biggart, James Garrett (843) 973-5186 AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 AT FOR PL Klaasmeyer, Michael Cooper (843) 973-5438 AT FOR DF Stewart, Heath McAlvin (803) 779-2300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1126 CASE ID:2024CP1001207 DATE FILED:03/05/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Boss Disaster Restoration Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Mark R Hyder , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Mechanic's Lien 430 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Steven L. (843) 760-0220 AT FOR DF Kinney, Charles A. 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (704) 348-3471 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1127 CASE ID:2024CP1001211 DATE FILED:03/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anna Larkin Bradley , plaintiff, et al VS Wo Cantey Services Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Floyd, James L. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 361-4812 AT FOR DF Bennett, Joshua Allan 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (803) 771-7900 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF McDonald, Patrick J. 06/23/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 270-0675 AT FOR DF Soucy, Kristen Aurora (803) 744-1286 AT FOR DF Southern, Wesley A (843) 764-7060 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1128 CASE ID:2024CP1001212 DATE FILED:03/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Nathaniel Camp VS Nathan Alexander Gilmore CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1129 CASE ID:2024CP1001214 DATE FILED:03/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Travin Sanders , plaintiff, et al VS Jacob Trumbull CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Clark, John Derrick 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 (803) 775-1234 AT FOR PL Clark, Sharon Baker 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Dean, Kelly Dennis 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 521-4242 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1130 CASE ID:2024CP1001217 DATE FILED:03/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Wyatt H Adolfi , plaintiff, et al VS Gabriel S Newport CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Corvey, Edward "Ted" Regin (843) 625-8600 AT FOR PL McMillan, Kyra Ayn AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Thomas, Natali Ponce (630) 363-3039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1131 CASE ID:2024CP1001219 DATE FILED:03/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ryan Carter VS Sam Evans , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Theos, Nicholas Jerry 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Koon, Kerry W. (843) 795-7000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1132 CASE ID:2024CP1001223 DATE FILED:03/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Erica P Woodward VS Shannon Phillips Jones , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Legal Malpract 210 PROT: AT FOR PL Pendarvis, Thomas A. (843) 524-9500 AT FOR DF McCall, Michael B. (843) 628-3780 AT FOR DF Overstreet, David W (843) 972-9401 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1133 CASE ID:2024CP1001224 DATE FILED:03/06/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Leticia Gutierrez Medina , plaintiff, et al VS Adrian Rasheed White , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Anastopoulo, Gus A. (843) 310-5555 AT FOR DF Ferri, Michael J. (843) 722-0311 AT FOR DF Urbanic, Margaret Mary 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025 (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1134 CASE ID:2024CP1001241 DATE FILED:03/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jeffrey Mailum VS Fedex Ground Package System Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Stratos, Milton Demetrios (843) 725-4269 AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Mclawhorn, Richard Edward 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1135 CASE ID:2024CP1001255 DATE FILED:03/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michele Henderlong VS Stonestreet Electrical Services Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Hudson, Arthur Stuart (843) 881-8644 AT FOR DF Guerry, John Horton (843) 577-7046 AT FOR DF Hay, Eugene Gordon (843) 566-2624 AT FOR DF Pro Se Leppert, Mark NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1136 CASE ID:2024CP1001257 DATE FILED:03/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jonathan Borgstedt VS Marinex Construction Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Bluestein, Samuel Scott (843) 577-3092 AT FOR DF Tecklenburg, Paul F. (843) 377-4252 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1137 CASE ID:2024CP1001258 DATE FILED:03/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jerry Scott VS Clifford Nash CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Belcher, Alan Ross (843) 973-5975 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1138 CASE ID:2024CP1001259 DATE FILED:03/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Augather Wright VS Heather Dawson , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Jordan, David Bradley (803) 817-7999 AT FOR PL Oberman, Harold Alan (843) 577-7010 AT FOR DF Abbott, Blake Garrett (843) 329-8267 AT FOR DF Lovell, Dennis Gary 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8213 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1139 CASE ID:2024CP1001263 DATE FILED:03/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Tina Gravitt , plaintiff, et al VS Sk Charleston Jamison Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Mambo, Marc Yobo (214) 235-2547 AT FOR DF Inabinet, George Lawrence (843) 727-0001 AT FOR DF Inglis, Audra Jayne (843) 501-2714 AT FOR DF Near, Kelly Lynn (843) 727-0001 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1140 CASE ID:2024CP1001264 DATE FILED:03/07/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sharae M Prioleau VS Rashawn L Smith , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Frazier, Jerod D (843) 900-4529 AT FOR DF Cox, Alfred Johnston 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (803) 779-1833 AT FOR DF Laffitte, Henry Lucius (843) 812-1165 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1141 CASE ID:2024CP1001278 DATE FILED:03/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Emily Bokosky VS North Charleston City Of , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Grooms, Taylor Lawrence (843) 375-6505 AT FOR DF Bland, Eric Steven (803) 256-9664 AT FOR DF Brown, Stephen Lynwood (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Cooke, M. Dawes 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 577-7700 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 04/21/2025 - 05/06/2025 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 06/14/2025 - 06/21/2025 AT FOR DF Kovach, Christopher Mark AT FOR DF Mongillo, Scott Michael (843) 573-9900 AT FOR DF Olive, Graydon V. (843) 720-5488 AT FOR DF Richter, Ronald L. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 573-9900 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1142 CASE ID:2024CP1001279 DATE FILED:03/08/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kyle Exelby , plaintiff, et al VS Diament Building Corp , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Daigle, Jason Alan (843) 823-6504 AT FOR PL Lachenman, Eli Emet (843) 414-5080 AT FOR DF Koon, Kerry W. (843) 795-7000 AT FOR DF Lyles, Robert T. 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 (843) 577-7730 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Rudiak, Alexander James 06/26/2025 - 06/27/2025 (315) 335-6791 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/14/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Winterstein, Joseph Daniel (843) 570-7730 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1143 CASE ID:2024CP1001296 DATE FILED:03/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jennifer Weiler VS James Hamilton Martin Jr CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Biggart, James Garrett (843) 973-5186 AT FOR PL Saalmann, Kelsey Elizabeth (854) 222-6506 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1144 CASE ID:2024CP1001298 DATE FILED:03/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Susan Delury VS Karen Kadlec CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL McCoy, Timothy David (843) 569-8666 AT FOR DF Wlodarczyk, Damon Christian (803) 758-6000 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1145 CASE ID:2024CP1001303 DATE FILED:03/11/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Patricia Proeber VS Trident Medical Center Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Cartee, Gary Lane (843) 767-1800 AT FOR DF Batten, David H. (919) 247-0345 AT FOR DF Foppiano, Charles Houston (919) 439-2221 AT FOR DF Smith, Jennie Marie 05/23/2025 - 06/03/2025 (843) 810-2675 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1146 CASE ID:2024CP1001312 DATE FILED:03/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Moises Lores , plaintiff, et al VS First Student Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Anastopoulo, Gus A. (843) 310-5555 AT FOR DF Pugh, Steven James (803) 771-4400 AT FOR DF Stallworth, Chandra Austin (803) 253-8707 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1147 CASE ID:2024CP1001314 DATE FILED:03/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Ettie L Byrdic , plaintiff, et al VS Jsk&K Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Linton, Mary Kathleen (843) 400-0550 AT FOR PL Windham, Hunter Lawrence (843) 720-2044 AT FOR PL Young, J. Rutledge AT FOR DF Thompson, Joseph DuRant (843) 720-3469 AT FOR DF Velasquez, Samuel Robert (843) 720-3474 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1148 CASE ID:2024CP1001315 DATE FILED:03/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jessica Poston , plaintiff, et al VS Hospitality Building Services Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Davis, James R. (843) 642-8333 AT FOR PL Wilson, Kindrea Nichole AT FOR DF Barrow, Mark Steven (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Bearden, Riley Anne (803) 995-8011 AT FOR DF Belger, C. Brandon (843) 974-3962 AT FOR DF Janik, Steven George (440) 838-7600 AT FOR DF Lang, Dana Woodrum (843) 722-3400 AT FOR DF Maluchnik, Crystal Lynn (440) 740-3047 AT FOR DF Mlynarczyk, Adam 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 974-3962 AT FOR DF Mlynarczyk, Adam 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 AT FOR DF Oates, Jesse Ryan (803) 256-2233 AT FOR DF Slagsvol, Edwin Whitner (843) 804-8502 AT FOR DF Smith, James David 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 (843) 576-2904 AT FOR DF Stevens, Benjamin Scott (843) 576-2922 AT FOR DF Trask, Michael McCrea (803) 227-4910 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1149 CASE ID:2024CP1001322 DATE FILED:03/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Anthony K Kolgaklis , plaintiff, et al VS Crescent Homes Sc Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Byzet, Matthew S. 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 937-8000 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR PL Ivey, Jennifer Sue 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 727-2216 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR PL Linton, John Phillips 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 727-2252 AT FOR DF Ambrosius, Taylor Barbara 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 (843) 266-8120 AT FOR DF Carlsten, Kathy A. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 266-8209 AT FOR DF Chase, Catherine Holland 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 720-5488 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Cristaldi, Philip Paul (843) 329-4040 AT FOR DF D'Andrea, Jordyn Nicole (843) 720-4623 AT FOR DF Dennis, William Albert (843) 724-6625 AT FOR DF Elliott, Edward Glenn (843) 669-8787 AT FOR DF Hendricks, Sonaly Kirkley (843) 722-7733 AT FOR DF Honeycutt, Jenny Costa 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (854) 800-6375 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 AT FOR DF Lynch, Daniel Francis 04/25/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 725-7704 05/28/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/02/2025 - 06/10/2025 06/20/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR DF Miller, Jessica Jean (842) 725-7750 AT FOR DF Pritchard, Thomas Bacot (843) 242-7805 AT FOR DF Smith, Hannah E. (843) 266-8233 AT FOR DF Winograd, Scott Harris 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 329-4040 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1150 CASE ID:2024CP1001325 DATE FILED:03/12/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Laura V Jones , plaintiff, et al VS Bayard Scott Pickett Jr CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Laquiere, Eric B. (843) 556-2958 AT FOR PL Palmer, Elizabeth Janelle 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 (843) 277-8034 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 AT FOR PL Pro Se Jones, Laura V AT FOR DF Ferrara, Paul B. (843) 569-5511 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1151 CASE ID:2024CP1001337 DATE FILED:03/13/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Desmond George Johnson VS Transportation Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ling, Gary A. 03/25/2025 - 03/31/2025 (843) 884-0000 04/25/2025 - 04/28/2025 AT FOR DF Farr, Chance Michael 03/24/2025 - 04/02/2025 (864) 594-5300 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1152 CASE ID:2024CP1001347 DATE FILED:03/13/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Marianella Namlick VS Ron Christopher Gaddist Jr CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, William Baker (803) 429-7788 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1153 CASE ID:2024CP1001358 DATE FILED:03/13/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sesame Alford , plaintiff, et al VS Victoria Michole Russell CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Buncher, Jeffrey Wayne (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1154 CASE ID:2024CP1001378 DATE FILED:03/13/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Cynthia Marie Chambers VS Oren Alston Jamison CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Julian A. (803) 427-5250 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1155 CASE ID:2024CP1001379 DATE FILED:03/13/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Christy Burkhart VS Alfredo Cinto CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1156 CASE ID:2024CP1001380 DATE FILED:03/13/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Stephanie Homrich VS Alfredo Cinto CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1157 CASE ID:2024CP1001393 DATE FILED:03/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joshua Fleming VS Daniel Salas , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ginsburg, Alexandra Jordan (843) 284-7600 AT FOR PL Ward, Jeffrey Wayne 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 284-7699 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1158 CASE ID:2024CP1001398 DATE FILED:03/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Scott Powell , plaintiff, et al VS Christopher Behrens , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Breen, Matthew Mitchell (843) 283-2495 AT FOR DF Redd, Travis Wade (803) 563-7780 AT FOR DF Roquemore, Jonathan Gamble (803) 727-1205 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1159 CASE ID:2024CP1001403 DATE FILED:03/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Masina Tuala VS Department Of Probation Parole And Pardon Services South Car , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 936-6674 AT FOR DF Hoover, Payton Dwight (843) 805-6550 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1160 CASE ID:2024CP1001411 DATE FILED:03/14/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Davon Edwards VS Hyatt Corporation , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Ferguson, Emmanuel Joseph 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 491-4890 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Stern, Frank Sanders (864) 672-8040 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1161 CASE ID:2024CP1001427 DATE FILED:03/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael Feldman , plaintiff, et al VS Daniel Ravenel Real Estate Company , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Rannik, Jaan Gunnar 04/11/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 377-1871 AT FOR DF Robinson, John Edward (843) 723-5152 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1162 CASE ID:2024CP1001428 DATE FILED:03/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: John Green VS Connor Baird CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Asche, William Craig (843) 725-4259 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1163 CASE ID:2024CP1001430 DATE FILED:03/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jason Walton , plaintiff, et al VS Archipelago Pools Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, James Taylor (843) 277-1176 AT FOR DF Barrow, William Spencer (864) 751-9980 AT FOR DF McLean, Joseph P. (843) 669-8787 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1164 CASE ID:2024CP1001435 DATE FILED:03/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jessica Taylor VS Maria Ulloa CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Howe, Gedney M. 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (843) 722-8048 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 AT FOR PL Monastra, Michael Andrew AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1165 CASE ID:2024CP1001440 DATE FILED:03/15/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Brooke Bailey VS Thi Of South Carolina At Charleston Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Anderson, Kevin Joseph (276) 698-9327 AT FOR PL Arndt, Jonathan S. (843) 469-8777 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Gandy, James D. (843) 720-5452 AT FOR DF Phillips, Ted Ashton (843) 577-9288 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1166 CASE ID:2024CP1001450 DATE FILED:03/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Carlos M Zeigler Jr VS Kimberly Susan Zydzik CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ball, Mark David (803) 903-1781 AT FOR PL Ball, Virginia Caitlin NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1167 CASE ID:2024CP1001454 DATE FILED:03/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Charon D Harris VS Rapheal M Stevens , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Stohr, Zachary F 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (843) 790-8999 AT FOR DF Benefield, Harrison Delaney (912) 230-6867 AT FOR DF Davis, Logan Steele (843) 860-8969 AT FOR DF Kuykendall, Jeffrey William (843) 790-5182 AT FOR DF Pro Se 2 Kingz Llc, AT FOR DF Pro Se Mos Liquor Llc, AT FOR DF Pro Se Stevens, Rapheal M (843) 343-3289 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1168 CASE ID:2024CP1001464 DATE FILED:03/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Fred Malone VS Charleston Ent Associates Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Medical Malpract 220 PROT: AT FOR PL Slocum, Lauren Knight (843) 546-0650 AT FOR DF Hood, James Bernard (843) 577-4435 AT FOR DF Kern, Brian James (843) 577-1204 AT FOR DF Tanner, Kathryn Nicole (843) 577-1210 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1169 CASE ID:2024CP1001465 DATE FILED:03/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Silvia Tirado VS Christopher P Boatwright , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Ricker, Brice Eugene 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 900-2020 AT FOR DF Corrie, Megan Elyse (484) 886-6762 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1170 CASE ID:2024CP1001467 DATE FILED:03/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jacqueline Pollay VS Daniel B Littmann , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Miller, Ryan Kevin 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 (843) 284-7688 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR PL Yanoti, Patrick Thomas (843) 625-6100 AT FOR DF Ralephata, Nosizi 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 478-4597 AT FOR DF Rowh, Chandler David (843) 714-2510 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1171 CASE ID:2024CP1001469 DATE FILED:03/18/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chris Bates VS Vermenia Aiken CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Jordan, Michael J. (843) 572-0700 AT FOR DF Redd, Travis Wade (803) 563-7780 AT FOR DF Roquemore, Jonathan Gamble (803) 727-1205 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1172 CASE ID:2024CP1001484 DATE FILED:03/19/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Adelaida Hernandez VS Dawson James Dyer CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Early-Soppa, Megan M. (864) 616-3366 AT FOR PL Jennings, Douglas Edmund (843) 972-0150 AT FOR DF Domin, Timothy Alan (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Hoover, Payton Dwight (843) 805-6550 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1173 CASE ID:2024CP1001487 DATE FILED:03/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Laurie Bailey VS Port City Roofing Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Floyd, James L. 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (803) 361-4812 AT FOR PL Fuller, Collin Heath 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025 (843) 277-0013 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 AT FOR DF Conner, Ryan W. (843) 725-0001 AT FOR DF Mims, Kevin W. 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 410-4713 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Moe, Daniel Foster (843) 224-1707 AT FOR DF Olson, Christopher Clay 03/27/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 714-2509 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/08/2025 AT FOR DF Saxton, James W. (843) 714-2512 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1174 CASE ID:2024CP1001488 DATE FILED:03/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Troy Alois VS Steven Michael Williams CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Tong, Emily Hanewicz (843) 588-5558 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Smith, William Zachary 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (706) 296-9686 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1175 CASE ID:2024CP1001489 DATE FILED:03/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Michael D Royal VS Ashley House Council of Home Owners , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Royal, Michael D (843) 202-0604 AT FOR DF O'Kelley, George Hamlin (843) 856-4488 AT FOR DF Wilson, Skyler Cole (843) 266-8221 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1176 CASE ID:2024CP1001500 DATE FILED:03/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: J P , plaintiff, et al VS Paula Burgin CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Apostolou, Alex Nicholas (843) 853-3637 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1177 CASE ID:2024CP1001502 DATE FILED:03/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dorothy Riley VS North Charleston City Of The , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 AT FOR DF Rheney, T. David (864) 271-9580 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1178 CASE ID:2024CP1001503 DATE FILED:03/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Northwoods Mall Cmbs Llc VS Dragonlight C Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Zayicek, Douglas Michael (843) 448-2400 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1179 CASE ID:2024CP1001505 DATE FILED:03/20/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Kay Middleton , plaintiff, et al VS Bethany Leamon CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Belcher, Alan Ross (843) 973-5975 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1180 CASE ID:2024CP1001507 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph K Estivale VS Duvet Homes Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Premises Liab 330 PROT: AT FOR PL Mambo, Marc Yobo (214) 235-2547 AT FOR DF Murphy, Christopher L. (843) 926-0146 AT FOR DF Whelan, Robert William (843) 998-7082 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1181 CASE ID:2024CP1001511 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Lisa Souza VS Lexus , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Fail Del/Warr 160 PROT: AT FOR PL Moskos, C. Steven 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 (843) 763-5297 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 05/26/2025 - 05/30/2025 AT FOR DF Gregg, Michael John (518) 869-9200 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1182 CASE ID:2024CP1001520 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Corliss Waites , plaintiff, et al VS Ronnie Hill CAUSE OF ACTION:Partition 440 PROT: AT FOR PL Haskins, Bryan Scott (864) 908-8082 AT FOR DF Bradley, Daniel Merritt 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 (843) 834-0178 06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1183 CASE ID:2024CP1001523 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Beachcruiser Llc VS Vita V Shoemaker , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Real Prop/Other 499 PROT: AT FOR PL O'Kelley, George Hamlin (843) 856-4488 AT FOR DF Koutrakos, Demetri K. (803) 404-6900 AT FOR DF Rodgers, Stanley Clarence (843) 958-9881 AT FOR DF Smith, Geoffrey M. (843) 853-5577 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1184 CASE ID:2024CP1001524 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mohammad Aboamshe , plaintiff, et al VS Michael Barnhill CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Drescher, D. Scott 04/11/2025 - 04/22/2025 (843) 571-2525 07/07/2025 - 07/18/2025 AT FOR DF Kozick, Stephen Michael (843) 576-2910 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1185 CASE ID:2024CP1001527 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Peoplease Llc VS Vilano Employment Services Inc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Blackburn, Cherie W. (843) 720-1728 AT FOR PL Mazurek, Max John (843) 720-1755 AT FOR PL Ricard, Rhett Douglas (843) 720-1707 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1186 CASE ID:2024CP1001528 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Richard Todd Avant VS Michai J Murph , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Hofler, John Gatling (843) 799-0680 AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1187 CASE ID:2024CP1001533 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Dale Schoon VS Tru Blues House Of Wings CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Gressette, Thomas P. 05/20/2025 - 05/28/2025 (843) 727-2249 06/19/2025 - 06/24/2025 07/01/2025 - 07/08/2025 AT FOR PL Ivey, Jennifer Sue 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 727-2216 04/14/2025 - 04/18/2025 AT FOR PL Linton, John Phillips 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 727-2252 AT FOR DF Cleveland, David Cooper (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF Walker, George Trenholm (843) 727-2208 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1188 CASE ID:2024CP1001537 DATE FILED:03/21/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Satoria Grant , plaintiff, et al VS Carlos Morales CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Graham, Jonathan David (843) 947-6063 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1189 CASE ID:2024CP1001541 DATE FILED:03/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Benton Hardwood Floors Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Johnny D Daniels , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Foreclosure 420 PROT: AT FOR PL Cloud, Tyler Ethan 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025 (843) 577-2026 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 AT FOR DF Hansbarger, Emily Nicole (843) 760-0220 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1190 CASE ID:2024CP1001542 DATE FILED:03/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Joseph Clinton Browning VS Garrison Property & Casualty Insurance Co , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Breach of Cont 140 PROT: AT FOR PL Reitz, Matthew Thomas 04/11/2025 - 04/21/2025 (843) 723-7491 AT FOR PL Stockton, John DeVeaux 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Whelan, Robert William (843) 998-7082 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1191 CASE ID:2024CP1001556 DATE FILED:03/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Chandler Horney VS James Getz , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Cannon, Rhame Berley (843) 790-0816 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF Butler, Drew Hamilton (843) 805-6550 AT FOR DF Carnwath, Samuel Wallace (843) 303-9549 AT FOR DF Davis, Donald Jay 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 (843) 720-5406 AT FOR DF Haarsgaard, James Edward (843) 803-6550 AT FOR DF Horton, Brandt R. (843) 720-5459 AT FOR DF Mandel, Paul Thomas (860) 240-8700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1192 CASE ID:2024CP1001558 DATE FILED:03/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Heath Stabler , plaintiff, et al VS Robert Ladue , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Person Inj/Other 399 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Christy Ford (843) 727-1144 AT FOR PL Felder, John G. (803) 874-1430 AT FOR DF Goris, Clayton D. (315) 350-0061 AT FOR DF O'Kelley, George Hamlin (843) 856-4488 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1193 CASE ID:2024CP1001560 DATE FILED:03/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Amber Jackson Berg , plaintiff, et al VS Indigo Hall Operating Co Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Wrongful Death 360 PROT: AT FOR PL Feidler, Stefan Bjorn (843) 790-9015 AT FOR PL Goldberg, Steven Eric 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (843) 871-6522 AT FOR PL Jackson, William Shafter 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025 AT FOR DF Buchanan, Caroline Kaye (843) 720-3481 AT FOR DF Heslop, Ashley Sumner (843) 720-3473 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1194 CASE ID:2024CP1001561 DATE FILED:03/22/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Heath Stabler , plaintiff, et al VS Bessemer Rouse Development Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Constructions 100 PROT: AT FOR PL Allen, Christy Ford (843) 727-1144 AT FOR PL Felder, John G. (803) 874-1430 AT FOR DF Bihun, Brittany Tanya 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 (843) 408-2816 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 AT FOR DF Giblin, Scott William 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025 (803) 782-4100 03/31/2025 - 04/04/2025 AT FOR DF Kendall, Everett Augustus 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025 AT FOR DF Land, James Ceth (843) 329-9500 AT FOR DF Virgin, Benjamin Michael 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (724) 833-1694 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025 AT FOR DF Watkins, William Wharton 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (843) 329-9500 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1195 CASE ID:2024CP1001756 DATE FILED:02/20/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Mbd Transportation, Llc VS Robert Lynn Hall , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Debt Collection 110 PROT: AT FOR PL Dixon, Malik (704) 728-0001 AT FOR PL Humphrey-Williams, Tyler Samantha AT FOR DF Cain, Martin Emerson (864) 254-7611 AT FOR DF Fober, Christian Edwin Wayne (864) 872-8561 AT FOR DF Moseley, Robert Daniel (864) 248-6026 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1196 CASE ID:2024CP1001828 DATE FILED:02/01/2024 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Foster Freeman , plaintiff, et al VS John Elais Gregg , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Brady, Kyle Lee (864) 712-9624 AT FOR PL Pracht, John Christopher (864) 226-7222 AT FOR DF Crudup, Jeffrey Michael (843) 936-5039 AT FOR DF Hunter, Julie Coleman (270) 401-2217 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1197 CASE ID:2024CP1002009 DATE FILED:06/25/2021 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Valarie Vermelle Singleton VS Kristen Elaine Yeager CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Pro Se Singleton, Valarie Vermelle AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 (919) 920-2096 AT FOR DF Ammons, Jeffrey 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 AT FOR DF McDaniel, Seth Thomas 06/02/2025 - 06/06/2025 (828) 443-4611 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1198 CASE ID:2024CP1003272 DATE FILED:04/17/2017 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Sunset Cay L L C VS S C Department of Health and Environmental Control , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Special-Comp/Oth 699 PROT: AT FOR PL Goldstein, Thomas R. (843) 554-4291 AT FOR PL O'Shea, Brooklyn Ansley (843) 805-4943 AT FOR PL Romanosky, John E. (843) 724-1054 AT FOR DF Stoney, Randell Croft (843) 577-7700 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1199 CASE ID:2024CP1003728 DATE FILED:06/15/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Jean Holt VS Blair Macdowell , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Maxey, William Alton 06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025 (864) 226-7222 AT FOR PL Pracht, John Christopher AT FOR DF Hollowell, Thomas Richard (843) 577-2026 AT FOR DF McDonald, John L. 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1200 CASE ID:2024CP1006202 DATE FILED:06/03/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Fuller Pile Manufacturing Inc , plaintiff, et al VS Cnt Foundations Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Slander/Libel 380 PROT: AT FOR PL Smith, Steven L. (843) 760-0220 AT FOR DF Krawczyk, Charles A. (803) 765-2935 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1201 CASE ID:2025CP1000001 DATE FILED:08/30/2019 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Latoya Rogers VS Michael Hamilton , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Personal Injury 350 PROT: AT FOR PL Andrews, Ryan Christopher (843) 278-0068 AT FOR DF Holmes, Allan R. (843) 722-0033 AT FOR DF Ledbetter, Cheryl Harris AT FOR DF Lewis, Timothy O'Neill 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1202 CASE ID:2025CP1000524 DATE FILED:08/24/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Bernie Audet VS Ernest Washington , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Krell, Jonathan F (843) 723-7491 AT FOR DF Floyd, James Donald (803) 400-8214 AT FOR DF Plexico, L. Darby (803) 771-6600 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1203 CASE ID:2025CP1000628 DATE FILED:09/15/2020 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Shameka Gadsden VS Mahle Behr Charleston Inc CAUSE OF ACTION:Employment 180 PROT: AT FOR PL Merck, W Trey (864) 883-6060 AT FOR PL Nauheim, David Alan (843) 534-5084 AT FOR DF Green, Dwayne Marvin (843) 647-7774 NOTES: BACK TO TOP
POSITION = 1204 CASE ID:2025CP1000732 DATE FILED:06/13/2023 TRIAL NOT BEFORE: Demetral Gwenette Sanders VS Agl Heating And Air Llc , defendant, et al CAUSE OF ACTION:Motor Veh Accid 320 PROT: AT FOR PL Treacy, Robert Emmet (843) 569-1700 AT FOR DF Gamble, Jonathan Alan (843) 981-0815 AT FOR DF Walker, Katherine Ann 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025 (843) 614-1703 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025 NOTES: BACK TO TOP